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Everything posted by coopaloop1234

  1. They haven't told the "influencers" to release that information yet.
  2. https://www.thegoalnet.com/forums/forum/31-user-videos/ Search function is a useful tool
  3. You'd like to wouldn't ya?
  4. I guess we are still part of the commonwealth.
  5. I mean, I'm the best country. Not really much of a contest.
  6. In Canada you can drink those at 16 illegally. You can also abuse a lot of products at 16. Not that I know first hand or anything.
  7. Good call, reduces the sheer amount of sugar those are coupled with. I remember being unaffected by those the next morning. Now I have three and I feel like death. Perhaps it's my pancreas telling me to fuck off with the koolaid.
  8. I don't know man, every once in a while I'll indulge the highschool girl in me and have a few coolers.
  9. Just to argue with you for shits and giggles. Remember that Krug clip from the playoffs where he skated across the entirety of the ice to lay a big hit without his helmet? NHL just imposed a rule where that type of play would force Krug to put his helmet back on or get off the ice. This is despite that clip being shared everywhere. They're kind of all over the place with how they implement rules.
  10. To be fair, there's a lot more "hockey" moves in general in a players wheel house. Goaltending is a very niche position.
  11. Eh, this is the first time this goal as been accomplished at the NHL level. I'm fine with it. It's when it becomes common place is when we should start reevaluating whether or not it should be allowed. Just put it in the same category as the Spin-o-Rama goals in the shootout. Gimmicky as all hell and pretty unfair to the goalie, but overall not a big enough to deal to make a stink of it.
  12. Even worse. It's like a man's Smirnoff Ice. I don't think I've ever had a 10% beer. I've had plenty of the 7.5% and 8%, but 10% has been outside my wheelhouse. I'm cautiously intrigued. Knowing my inability to just have one, those are a hand grenade in the wait.
  13. Scorekeeper just had a stroke while hitting the shots on goal button.
  14. What's with the weird curve in the blocker face?
  15. Probably because you didn't tie your skates up all the way.
  16. Not just you, I can't see 'em either.
  17. Overall shape looks like a premier pad I mean. Especially the gloves.
  18. Sure looks like a standard Premier pad.
  19. Hard to patent anything when you don't official exist. It's interesting to see all the large players all of a sudden start releasing these images at the same time right after the "leak". I'm going to assume CCM gave the go ahead for some pictures to be sent out. So far doesn't look like anything revolutionary or special. I'll wait to see more, but consider me whelmed.
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