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Everything posted by bunnyman666

  1. She is. I was not around when she made her TV appearances, but my brother had her records. "Downtown" is a classic.
  2. Don't forget about the "normal" Munster family niece! Even Barbara Billingsley had her charm for me!
  3. That would almost convince me to get a paint job! Being a HUGE Looney Tunes fan, especially Bugs (he's been my guide in how to deal with bullies). But I'd never wear it 'cos I did not want to risk chipping the paint! Great execution! Bravo!!!!
  4. And look up Mrs Miller. That was some, er, um interesting stuff!!!
  5. A fewTV specials, as well!!! The beginning of celebrity inhabited game shows! Saturday Night Special, anyone? I was in North America for a good portion of the '70s before spending most of the '80s in ol' Blighty! Of course the '70s also spawned trading cards for EVERYTHING! I still remember where I was when Elvis died, and remember my Dad saying "this stuff is going to be worth something some day". "Magimucil" not so much. I am unfortunately having a real problem that has kept me off of the ice for two weeks
  6. One of the tests of being in the club is comfort in talking doctors, medications, and whether or not you're having smooth BM's.
  7. You wasted a perfectly good depends; that is unless you recycled
  8. I even bought from a banner ad; but I had issues with them. They are on their way to resolving the issues. Pro tip: sometimes you can occasionally get a really good coupon code for places you already shop from the banner ads.
  9. That's why I went for vinyl- cheaper and faster lead times!
  10. I am flush with spare helmets, but if I really like this masque, it would be a shame to not be able to use it because of a bent cage.
  11. bunnyman666

    Bauer Gear

    I know you could not tell Poron you were using their foam for hockey as they would not sell it to you.
  12. bunnyman666

    Bauer Gear

    Me thinks there was a departure from the Poron name. They aren't paying to license that name, it sounds.
  13. A few new, updated tags added.
  14. I resemble that remark!!!! Damned fiber is really not working!!!! Ugh!
  15. Great topic! I second that to be the topic discussed. Also- extra points for how to get a Depends pad to work with goalie gear!!!!
  16. Trying to get a bit of activity here! Besides- he may out grumpy the grumpiest of grumps! After all- he exhibited the very first trait of old manliness: not understanding why Dave Art is so wonderful and wanting to go back to the simplicity of '90s masque paint schemes! The young whipper snappers think DaveArt is da bomb!!!! This fiber stuff is not working!!!!
  17. bunnyman666

    CCM Gear

    Of course I miss the days of the ones you had mentioned as independent brands! But it's just a sign of the times.
  18. bunnyman666

    CCM Gear

    I am peeved about the loss of Koho, Jofa, Canadien, D&R, and the like. The product landscape is ubiquitous and boring.
  19. bunnyman666

    CCM Gear

    I corrected it for you...
  20. I have not heard how hard it is to get replacement cages, but I think I will order at least one when my production gets in the queue. But just think- for winter, you will have your masque!
  21. I guess because I am a lifetime member of the Combo Wearing Dork Club, I never really paid attention. I decided either Roy or Brodeur. I liked them the best. I had to see them with no paint schemes to figure out what I wanted. Thanks!
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