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Everything posted by Chenner29

  1. I believe there is a goalie mask collector group on Facebook. IIRC these things were going for like $2k in good condition a few years ago.
  2. Watching teams draft goalies every year is kind of fun if you're into pattern recognition. You hear the term 'copycat' thrown around quite often and I think drafting history shows this to be true. Late 80s to mid 90s: GMs all over Quebec trying to find the next Patrick Roy Mid 90s to early 00s: GMs all over Czech to find the next Hasek (Roman Cechmanek and Roman Turek should pay royalties to Hasek for their careers) Early to mid 00s: GMs all over Finland to find the next Kipper Mid 00s to early 10s: Now it's off to Sweden so we can clone Lundqvist. What? He's got a twin? Can he play net? Early 10s: All right boys let's make another Bobrovsky out of Russia etc. Looking at Vezina candidates by decade, we can see the 80s and 90s were dominated by North American tendies. As we move into the 00s and 10s, there are two years punctuated by all-Euro goalie candidates: 12-13: Bob, Lundy, Niemi 21-22: Shesty, Marky, Saros Until then, the defacto 'best goalies in the world' were North American. So we're dealing with a smaller sample size. Similar to how people used to say "Easton sticks break all the time" - well, they had the biggest market share so you're going to see a lot more broken Easton sticks. IMO Euro goalies only really came into vogue in the NHL after Hasek, then Kipper, then Lundqvist had their runs. I don't know if you're intentionally oblivious or if it's an act you just put out on the internet. You're right, I should be nicer because I genuinely feel bad for you. Here you are expecting a REAL PERSON to be unbiased, and in the same thread you are making some clearly skewed* (and arguably xenophobic) remarks about North American tendies being better/more Cup-worthy than everyone else... *this is a synonym for 'biased'
  3. The Bauer product is good, and I think the levels of build they offer is good for most people. I may have just had bad luck with the stitching pulling. I got absolutely smoked a couple times in my Kenesky. Like, my entire right arm was black and blue for 2 weeks. I tried to give them an order in February for some small parts (leather and elastic straps). Haven't heard back since March. Not worth it
  4. I custom ordered a Hyperlite with Mach arms last year. Had the full beef up kit specced on there (upper + lower arms, shoulders) and still caught some pretty bad bruises through it against various levels of Euro pro, NA pro, NCAA and Junior guys. Also had some minor quality quibbles on the unit. I gave it 3-4 skates before going back to my CCM AB18 and stitches were already popping out of it by the end.
  5. Feel bad for Andersen, there were some really bad defensive breakdowns on the first 3 goals against Stoked to see Bob continue his run. Was nerding out with a goalie I work out with how Bob has toned his game down a lot and learned to play off patient edges and getting good reads
  6. Definitely get checked out by a doc, that is not normal.
  7. Looks to me like the elastic should start at the blue X?
  8. This is probably why. - tldr; "retail Authentic" jerseys are made in Indonesia. Adidas (or more specifically, their factory in Indonesia) doesn't make them in goalie cut. Would be willing to bet Fanatics will not either, there is no money in producing goalie cuts for the general public. True NHL game jerseys are made in Quebec (source). It sounds to me like this shop in Quebec ghosts for whoever has the NHL jersey deal at the time (Reebok/Adidas/now Fanatics). A quick Google search yields SP Apparel as a jersey manufacturing facility in St-Hyacinthe, and their blurb says they contract with Adidas and Fanatics. Their catalog claims all 32 NHL teams are in their product: So I guess order an SP Apparel jersey if you want the closest thing you can get to the real deal.
  9. Nice job, you've probably scared him back into his hole as he won't have a response to this. He'll come out in like 3 days and cherrypick on another person's post
  10. Shameless self quote, here's a very illegal Brown built w/wider shoulder floaters and puck ridges. You can also add lifts under the shoulder floaters https://www.instagram.com/p/CTBILAmHnC2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  11. Brown can do a full custom with a bunch of crazy addons
  12. Why don't you just... tie the leather loops together?
  13. You can put in a special request for them to change the back nylon. I forgot to do it on this set but they've done it for me in the past.
  14. Glove closure on a *real* Lefevre glove is butter eh?
  15. Nike-Bauer and Reebok have better chances of coming back than Maltese
  16. Only after you text me 30 pictures of you trying on gear
  17. Why you gotta blame me for this
  18. I don't think the thighs you have were an early version. @Teezle shared this pic of some Bobrovsky 12.2s back when the thread first started (around the time the name change was announced from 12.X to PX). If anything, these are likely the prototype of what became the PX line Note Bob is now in a 12.2 branded line with the same thigh rise notch as PX, that is probably what we are going to see at retail next year for HZRDUS (Hx3?)
  19. So either Lefevre put a running change in to the thigh rise, or they've made another pro-only option. On your set, the pads thin out noticeably closer to the knee block assembly than on mine
  20. Homeboy’s talkin a lotta trash for a guy whose texts come through as green chat bubbles
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