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Everything posted by RichMan

  1. RichMan

    Mckenney Gear

    Did you go with the Pro Spec or the Elite?
  2. RichMan

    Mckenney Gear

    Side note about inner pants belt: how does the belt not interfere with the upper cup padding? Does it not push it downwards and out of the way? I can't seem to visualise it.
  3. Anyone pick up a pair yet? Feedback?
  4. RichMan

    Mckenney Gear

    GoaliePro out of Finland were a big user of their gear. They came up with their own brand but I'm sure Mckenney is ghosting it. Maybe Jukka (Ropponen) can confirm. He's one of the lead coaches for their pro mentorship. https://goaliepro.com/ I own their older model Pro series, before the internal belt and they are top notch. I've been playing in them for 10+ years and they are just recently showing some wear. Of course it depends how much you play, what level and how well you take care of your gear. Protection is perfect. The Elite GXP2 model has to be on par with actual NHL gear.
  5. Really? I missed that. I remember some kind of 3 point star T from them that Battram also adopted in his beginnings.
  6. The pic I posted is a triple T. Look at it again. You mean like these...
  7. RichMan

    Mckenney Gear

    Well Mckenney has been big with some pros in Europe. The North American territory is very well protected (under siege) by the big boys we all know. The bigger the box, the bigger the budget.
  8. Warrior has always been pushing the envelope
  9. https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/sherwood-cerberus-10-pelican-trap-pro-127968981
  10. RichMan

    Mckenney Gear

    I thought the same, c/a and pants but who knows. I just hope this won't ramp up their prices any higher than they already have the past 3 years. I still want to be able to afford some of their stuff
  11. RichMan

    Mckenney Gear

    That is CRAZY cool! Wonder if they'll be ghosting or actually paying the license fees to show?
  12. Didn't the Sher-Wood Pelican come out before the Blockades or was it the other way?
  13. It's official gang, as per our RDS (French version of TSN), Carey Price will not play next season and is now on the long term injury list. I saw it coming. It's unfortunate for him and the team but now all hope is on Allen. I hope he's ready.
  14. I've noticed recently (past couple years) that some new designs/tech is pretty much a "Part 2" from previous designs that never really took off in the first place. Here are a few that stood out for me. I'm sure you'll come up with more as we go.
  15. The graphic kept bringing some flashes to mind and this is what I remember...
  16. My opinion, the graphics look terrible. Aside from that, they look like nice squishy pillows
  17. They look like the user flexed them too hard and the foam gave in some. The boots and inside wall could from playing on bad ice outside? Happy you got an opportunity to get them fixed. Now really, where IS our friend @Kirk3190 at these days?
  18. Div. 3, that's cool. I hope he finds a good level, but politics are everywhere in competitive leagues. Looks like he'll be outdoing his old man soon. Next thing you know you'll be holding his autographed playing card Kickboxing and bodybuilding, nice. Maybe the next Dolf Lungren?
  19. I'm down with that, once i'm clear to play again. As a coach myself, I know what I'm supposed to do, and not, but another coach's eye can certainly help iron out the kinks. I'll let you locals know when my time is here. Thanks
  20. @Ken35 I've never had any of the issues you brought up with my method but it's good to hear other methods. I was wondering if it would have that "dry scratchy towel" effect that we've all experienced at one time or another.
  21. On the topic of drying, I use a fan unit with connecting shelves (pictured below) that blows room temperature air been happy with it over the years other than it being built for the odd piece of clothing, not oversized bulky sports gear. Some units on the market, like the Rocket Dryer blows warm air. Have you found that your gear is crusty or stiffer after drying in warm air?
  22. Looks similar to your True set-up of the past two season (ie. Price)
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