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Everything posted by southpawtendy48

  1. maybe i used the word stickerbomb the wrong way then i’ll add more in the future but his concept just isn’t what i’m going for.. but it’s good work.
  2. it is complete... i know there’s been some discussion about certain adhesives on masks, but i couldn’t help myself with this one and decided to stickerbomb my mask with various stickers of my favorite band, whitechapel. it isn’t flawless but i’m still proud of it... additionally i got a jersey from puck hcky a week or so ago that was supposed to be a christmas present originally but oh well
  3. Awful. As a rival fan i'm so sad for him. if this is the end of his career, he deserved way more as if 2020 couldn't get any worse.
  4. just retelling what a lot of other people have said, but whatever works i guess
  5. I wouldnt recommend putting on a different companies cage on a different mask unless the company makes it for the mask. Just what I've heard
  6. spotted on Lefevre’s insta story. I believe it could be for Roman Durny.
  7. Found this stripe on sidelineswap as my team has orange in our colors. Put it facing the right way... take notes vaughn. Doesn’t fit perfectly but it fits well enough. Will touch it up with some extra padwrap
  8. I experienced the same when i had an otny. maybe not as bad as this, but still got a good chunk shot off near the top of the head.
  9. Good thing i shave the shoulders on all of my sticks already lol
  10. Haven’t gotten the chance to try it yet. Eventually I’ll go full custom and asked for beefed up arms on either a brian’s or vaughn but for now it’s for experimentation
  11. valid question. i like the body on the ve8 just fine and as far as i'm aware there's no optik2 in stock that's xs. i'll probably get a custom optik2 eventually.
  12. Frankenchesty alert!! As you maybe might’ve expected, I was pretty disappointed with the arm protection on my v8 pro carbon, so I had an idea to pick up an optik2 chesty as they had velcro adjustable arms and also noticed added protection on the arms compared to the optik, so I took off the arms in the optik2 and sent it out to a local guy to get velcro attached to the v8, was $20 total plus buying the optik2 chest ofc. It isn’t absolutely perfect but he got the job done and I’m very happy with it!
  13. southpawtendy48

    Vaughn V9

    single break pad, stock stiffness on the top and soft stiffness at the boot
  14. wow lol can't believe i just saw this. i think i played against him in a tournament. what a name
  15. southpawtendy48

    Vaughn V9

    If it helps I ordered custom ones that should be here in december, I'll probably do a review of it
  16. first full refurbish in about a year and a half. nothing new but expect new warwick masks to replace the green unequal foam with the d3O
  17. that's nasty, and not in a good way
  18. Where did I say I knew what their quality of gear was? Reread my post again, I quite literally said who knows if the quality of their gear is quality and even if it was I'm not gonna wear it if they're gonna keep using other companies graphics, but go ahead and cut that part off.
  19. They may be able to do whatever you want, but how do we know what their quality actually is? It can have whatever specs I wanted and it could be bad quality, and even if it was good quality I'm not gonna bring myself to wear a company who uses other brands logos just cause their customer asked them to, and if wearing their pads gives them even one more ounce of attention I'm still not wearing that shit. Whether it's technically not allowed to use other brands logos, I don't care. It doesn't really set you apart in a good way when that's what you're known for.
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