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Lucky Pucker

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Everything posted by Lucky Pucker

  1. Me: tries to read this, does not get very far. Reaches for a well-thumbed Nerd-to-English dictionary, but just gives up
  2. I’m not a gamer. Never really have been, though I did buy a PS3 about 8-10 years ago to play NHL 13 - which itself was because of the nostalgia of having played the very first NHL 93 as a kid. My son played NHL 17 or something at a friend’s house recently, and caught the bug though. So what would be a good option for a console that you could play any of the recent NHL games on? I don’t want the very latest or anything, but I’m really out of my depth here. Cheers!
  3. I think those have been cleaned; MY gear doesn’t meet rubber at all. It’s harder than it sounds though.
  4. A few recent acquisitions
  5. Well, I’ll be signing off now. Supper, beer, and sports time.
  6. That is some freaky shit, my man… let me break it down: my spouse is also out of town I also have tumbleweeds of dog hair to vacuum (but that’s “tomorrow Pucker’s” problem) I also was working with deck/lumber type stuff (cutting out the skirting to make an access door for storage) Tomorrow I have to sand it, then stain it while the weather stays dry Also had beer and tunes - but mine was mostly shoegaze again Crazy… nice hat, BTW! My buddy’s kid - who is also one of my kid’s best buds - also has that hat. I think people who are not necessarily Seattle fans are excited.
  7. So basically, if I sell my soul to Facebook, I could get a free custom set from Brian’s…? No deal; a man has to have SOME limits. And I have been Facebook free forever. Don’t want to throw that away at this point.
  8. Thought you’d just slip that in there unnoticed…? I read Bower’s biography, and while I am an affirmed Leaf-hater, I always liked Bower (caveat: never got to see him play, of course). Liked him even more after reading the biography! I would love to hear more about this; spill some ink in a post, or DM me if you prefer!
  9. Blown away by your artistry with words AND imagery. What medium did you employ for these fantastic renderings of Tony? Hard to tell in a phone
  10. It crossed my mind to try and squeeze into these… I mean after all, who has the receipt, Junior? These are MY skates, you little free loader!
  11. Great skate, on sale, got them baked and everything! …the sharp eyed among you will maybe notice the size; my son is thrilled with his new skates, and I’m thrilled for him!
  12. Damn it! It’s “The Dress” all over again!! Just waiting for someone to say “you’re both wrong; it’s gold”
  13. What colour am I looking at on the right? Is that like a sage green…? That would be fucking cool!
  14. Geez… go to a bunch of randos on the internet to encourage needless splurge spending and they can’t even do that right! LOL! Seriously, thank you all for the thoughts and insights. Started off leaning towards purchase/upgrade, but I’ll likely keep the CCM Pro Tacks given the excellent input. Cheers, all.
  15. Not sure what your tastes are like, but I can’t get over this genre of music - even though it ended, strictly speaking, around 93-94. First time I heard a Slowdive as a precocious and music savvy teen, it blew my mind!
  16. Yeah, he has said in interviews over the years that as far as he was concerned, he thought it was obvious that he was openly gay since the early 80s. The press - including music press - serves at the pleasure of a lot of considerations- but objectivity and truth are seldom among them.
  17. And there’s your REM connection: Nathalie Merchant and Michael Stipe are long time friends (maybe sang together too at some point…?)
  18. Ah, no worries! Slowdive is a shoegaze band - one of my favourites. I actually met them the night I bought this shirt! In a music thread a while back, we discovered we had a lot of overlapping music tastes (kings of convenience and REM, among others, if memory serves)
  19. So is that a vote to hang on to my CCMs then?
  20. So you’re saying I still have a chance to make the NHL…? My thought in this is that if players/teams/shooters are already abandoning attempts to straight up beat goalies with direct shots, and are resorting to back door/slap pass/traffic etc, shorter goalies “playing angles” adds no benefit over larger goalies who are implicitly “playing angles” as well - and are more effective at it with a bigger frame.
  21. Ok, if you have THIS shirt - or similar- I’d REALLY freak out!
  22. We’ve been through this before; I play a re-sale value focused style - even outside of the crease! Lol! There were a few years between 2005 and 2021 where they got zero use, but I’ve tried to take care of them.
  23. Fair point… will reconsider! Lol! I’m a bit hesitant to wear the goalie skates out; truth be told, I’m more used to - and more comfortable in the player skates.
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