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Lucky Pucker

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Everything posted by Lucky Pucker

  1. I know the picture you’re talking about! I have it in my mask book (and have seen it elsewhere). Man, I love hockey history- but you, sir, are on another level! Amazing!
  2. Another nice, clean design for Allen; very classic! Bottom white lines remind me of a bit of Sevingy’s mask. Also love the subtle inclusion of the ship from the provincial flag of New Brunswick, where Allen hails from. Very well done indeed!
  3. 94 controls are even a bit much; I’m still more on the “30 lives cheat code is up-up, down-down, left-right, left-right, A-B, A-B” kind of controller.
  4. I wonder how many of them say something other than “regular”… I’d think that with modern pads/3mm cowlingless skates etc, the tendency would be to go sharper than the dull skates and shallow hollows on the fat 4mm of yesteryear, but I wonder if it’s to the point that many/most kids at this level know the hollow they want.
  5. BAHAHAHAHA! Oh wait; I’m older than SBR. punk ass kids! And GET OFF MY LAWN!!
  6. Here’s the “before” and the “after”. As I said, working with small, pre-cut shapes - but still pleased with the extra black/less white
  7. Shit! Has there been unworkable bad weather (rain/extreme heat?) My buddy has been going even on days of 100 degrees F … the issue for him he said is that now there are stones that are unavailable, so clients are having to choose replacements and such. Can’t understand the delay in your case if the stones are sitting in the job site. Have they told you anything…? In my case, I booked the job last fall, so my buddy made us the first job of the year. Another buddy of mine that also went with him did end up being delayed a bit, which is normal- but only a few weeks. Your delay has been longer I think…?
  8. Just the deck at our house; finished it Tuesday
  9. I promise not to give you any more reactions, @coopaloop1234 - I’ll only devalue your rep points by giving everybody else as many as I can!
  10. Now THAT was a hockey video game! Montreal in gold (?), penalties for losing a fight, and penalty shots were slap shots from the blue line. Way better than the NES branded “Ice Hockey”. Fuck, we had it rough growing up when we did, @MTH (I think you’re ‘77-78…? I’m January ‘79… so many of your references are right on the fucking money, as if you grew up down the street from me!) Oh, and I’m out of reactions - so I owe you a “like”
  11. Meh. Nice try, but not doing it for me. Colour me underwhelmed
  12. Ewww. I mean, those colours… only so much you can do I guess (short of going all white )
  13. Once word got out that I went full Brian’s, those in The Show clearly followed me. I mean, it was delayed by the pandemic of course… but they’re coming around.
  14. Gongshow socks that the wife and kids bought for me. Technically not gear, I suppose, but pretty cool that they have goalies on them
  15. Woah - did you see the board advertisements? Brian’s, Warrior, CCM, Bauer… and a few made-up ones, like “Vaughn” too. So is there a cheat code in there for the Leafs to continue to perform after game 82…?
  16. Yeah, that’s what I’m hoping- but as it would be a birthday gift for the kid, it should probably be new - even if old. I think it will be fun for him to have another way to be better than his old man: he’s already smarter, better looking, a better athlete… All I have left over him is height, weight, and income - and the clock is ticking on those things.
  17. This might work. I need to have options for my daughter as well, but at a glance there might be some in EAs catalog. So XBoxOne… I’ll have to have a look-see
  18. Funny you should say that… I actually picked up a Netzero kit (on liquidation for $1.97) to try it out. There are no huge pieces, since it’s all pre-cut for the model’s specific colour zones, but I got a few pieces on before Tuesday - and they didn’t come off yet, so that’s a plus. Yeah, some of the ass-clowns in the Tuesday pick up I joined don’t seem to get what I’m trying to do here… on the other hand, maybe I can just “puck mark” a few zones to black…
  19. I can still smell the Irish spring on me from the shower I took after mowing the lawn in “feels like 39 with humidity” weather, and I have literally never lived in ANY mother’s basement, so I think I’ll just show myself out.
  20. True fact - and if I’m being honest, I’d want to do it all again - but full custom Pro set. Because I bought Sr off-the-shelf blocker trapper, I was sorta limited in colour schemes for my custom pads. I’d love to go more black. But we got hit with a bit of a financial bomb this morning, so I don’t think a new set - which I absolutely do NOT need - is in the cards anytime soon. Picture for reference, and because I love gear porn
  21. Thanks for taking the time to write this out and post it - and thanks to others for the replies. Trust me when I tell you, @seagoal that although one person asked, many others benefit!
  22. What I’m basically saying is I’m a shit goaltender with sweet gear. Pinnacle of goaltending might be overstating a tad, but I can learn to live with it
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