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Everything posted by Wonder35

  1. The procedures are constantly evolving. When I underwent total hip replacement in 2007 the only options were the type of material used in the making of the hardware. I now hear from some friends that they had an assortment of options - incision from the front rather than side being less invasive, newer, stronger, lighter materials, no need for an overnight stay in hospital, many more I am sure. I put off knee replacement for over 20 years, opting for physiotherapy, injections and a few arthroscopic procedures before taking the calculated plunge. I am 71 and only COVID-19 restrictions are keeping me on the sidelines. It worked for me, your mileage may vary.
  2. I recall Greg Harrison telling me that fans at least 20 rows up (his actual words were “those sitting in the Reds”, the second section of seats in MLG, above the Golds) should be able to identify his mask designs. At the time he was attaching a trout fishing fly to the backplate strap of Glen Hanlon’s newest mask. Hanlon was an avid angler so this hook was an in joke that the public wouldn’t be able to notice.
  3. Our most recent restrictions pertained to "All Adult Indoor Activities." The age cutoff was 19 and over and have been extended to January 8, 2021.
  4. Word around here is that they were a Revelstoke based team, unconfirmed, but would explain the sudden and massive breakout there.
  5. "All Adult Indoor Sports Activities have been cancelled until further notice due to COVID-19." This is our newest edict as of today in British Columbia. This wiped out both my hockey and Aqua Fit Classes for now(?). Well, at least I got to play 2 games already this week............
  6. Good to hear Coop. I'm playing this morning under all of the usual restrictions. One of our guys took his mask off in our dressing room post game and immediately got jumped on by the group.
  7. We're still playing in Kelowna, but if our numbers in the Southern/Central Interior spike ...........
  8. Do you have a personal experience to back up these claims or just the usual internet jargon? I have had crap pads made by Brians yet they seemed to have survived alright. For a few years I wore a mighty fine C/A from a small time operator in Pickering, Ontario. It just seems too easy to vilify a small time manufacturer online because someone else said that they got shitty gear. Just curious ......
  9. I have loads of respect for the lesser high profile manufacturers. It's often easy to dump on someone who isn't brand name or focuses on alternative markets. But sometimes we need to acknowledge people who've been crafting good, solid and affordable gear for over 20 years. Scott Battram is definitely in this category. His graphics (like them or not) have been exceptional and exactly what the customer wanted. When I was looking for someone to make me a set of leather gear 10 years ago he stepped up with some great hides and filled the bill. Sure, they're not to everyone's tastes but I don't give a damn because I got exactly what I wanted - still using them too.
  10. He will use it for some wicked ball hockey games with his sister, Dad and hockey buddies, but at age nearly nine is still a tad small for my giant 31's.
  11. I've had this set since new, mid to late 90's. They are destined for my grandson who is way too smart to be a goalie, MVP Centreman.
  12. At this stage I have forced myself to play angles and be aggressive in doing so. My defence know that they have to guard the free man and be prepared for a rebound due to my attacking nature. Many years ago I was filling in for a team and recognized one of the defensemen as a former Junior A goaltender, Ian Young of the Oshawa Generals (google him). He was a successful businessman and did some goalie coaching at the time for the NY Islanders, I think. Naturally I had to ask for one tidbit of advice. He said to be sure to skate out to meet the shooter but also remember to keep your feet moving and skate backwards if the shooter was attempting a deke. DON'T GET CAUGHT FLATFOOTED! Keep your feet light on the ice and moving with the play. It seems so basic now (35 years later) but having always been a stand up style player I quickly adapted. At my full height of 5'7" I probably wouldn't have been allowed to progress as a goaltender in today's butterfly world. That may have been a mixed blessing when I hear of young players requiring hip surgeries of various types. No way I would have been this competitive had my still developing body been channelled to that style of play. DISCLAIMER This is free advice from a non professional with little coaching along the way............... who is still playing on a regular basis* and having as much fun as a 70 year old is entitled to. *COVID-19 interruption acknowledged.
  13. Geez, you guys are making me feel guilty. Yeah, I have old man arthritic aches and pains, pee twice a night and really, I mean really hate the word "like". Like, you like know what I mean?
  14. Fifty Six, your healing has begun. I played in 24 games this past winter. I maintain that daily yoga and 3 times a week aqua fit class allowed me to play relatively pain free, still have osteoarthritis in my joints but the knee and hip are good. With most exercise facilities closed I tuned up my bicycle, pedalling my butt all over town. Our team is presenting a plan to the local Rec Dept with the hope we can resume playing come September. I will be ready. All the best in your rehab.
  15. Agree I have posted this link before and here it comes again. Learn CPR. It's simple. It saves lives. Yes, find the location of the closest AED (Automated External Defibrillator) in your arena. It's simple to operate. It saves lives. Here's how I know. Steve Berry
  16. I'm hoping that we can influence the authorities when it comes to Goaltenders and the need for a dressing/undressing area. We have 130 players on our club, represented by an executive of 5 people of which 3 of us are 'tenders. Yes, we have an agenda.
  17. We met with a Rep from the West Kelowna Rec Dept yesterday. As of now there is a maximum of 12 players allowed, DRILLS ONLY - NO COMPETITION, no spitting, no dressing rooms, and we must arrive at the arena 15 minutes in advance. Oh yeah, and no spectators. Our ice time (3 mornings a week from early September until mid May) for the past 15+ years is subsidized under the banner of Seniors' Program 55+ and 70+ so it's dirt cheap, $5.25 for skaters, goalies free, a total of 6 ice times of 75 minutes for the 2 age groups. We have been asked to forward "Return To Sports Plans" that "will need to align with Provincial and City Plans." The difficulty here is that we are not looking for ice time now so there will be some crystal ball gazing in order to project what will be allowed by the fall. As I left the arena yesterday I saw a bantam age goalie shedding his sweaty gear in the parking lot while wondering if that was my future.
  18. I was looking at your photo and the sleek lookin Brown but I can't stop thinking that those sleeves are short, damn short, tooo short! I've gotten so many pucks to my wrists which is why I look to have sufficient wrap around. Yes, the sleeves are shorter than usual, at my request. Even at full extension the cuffs of my BROWN trapper and blocker (JB2200) snugged up against the cuff of my C/A. I do have short arms, 32", I stand 5'7" and shrinking (70 years old - it happens). John wasn't keen on making my pants (JB2000) so smallish either. "Bulk is good" is his mantra. I had asked for less bulk to allow for quicker movement. Keep in mind here fellow 'tenders that I play in a no slapshot, non contact division, minimum age 55, so the type of shots I regularly face are not boomers from the point, more close in, two on ones, deflections, so quick response is essential. There was talk on the news last evening that some municipalities may not be able to afford the reopening of skating facilities. "Oh the horror" .... this is Canada. I have a substantial COVID-19 cache of recyclable cans and and bottles which I would gladly donate to the cause.
  19. Used one, briefly, didn't like it because it blocked the view of pucks at my feet. A good form fitting combo mask still allows for one to see close in pucks but I found that my head was forever bobbing because I would lose sight for a brief moment until my head was aimed straight down. The one I had also reflected a glare from some arena lighting back in the 80's. I have a short neck , head resting on shoulders sort of physique, so this piece of gear was unsuitable. Plus I thought that they looked awkward, not at all cool.
  20. Yup, painted the mask myself, still have it and the Kings jersey but sold the vintage BROWN gear in order to buy new BROWN gear about 5 years ago. Tried to sell the mask and jersey, with bonus autographed Rogie photo, but didn't get any reasonable offers so they hang on the wall. (shameless plug)
  21. The same Cooper gloves and pads (above) as in the Team Canada photo below, 3 years later. GP-95L pads, GM-12 Blocker and GM-21 Trapper Same Cooper GP 95L pads but new gloves with updated side trap on the GM-21 BROWN Pads and Gloves, early 80's with Lange Goal Skates.
  22. This is my late 70's gear, more photos somewhere in a couple of boxes I have to go through.
  23. Thank you for your kind words, from one Ottawa boy to another. Born and raised, met my wife in High School in Ottawa and left in 1971 due to a job transfer.
  24. There are times where I wonder if my photos and tales have any relevancy on this forum. My gear is not fashionable nor my goaltending style. As long as I don't become "that guy", an anachronism, out of time, out of place, then I shall continue to post the odd tidbit or question. I love this game, especially being a goalie, and have been blessed with good health (a few new parts along the way) and excellent team mates. Back in the early 80's a common dressing room conversation revolved around the then newly formed Oldtimers Hockey Association, age 35+. "Dang, aren't we lucky to be playing organized hockey at our age"? Yes girls and boys, we are. I have learned so much from so many fellow 'tenders on sites such as this, especially this one and the former GSBB. I thank you all. Steve Berry
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