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Everything posted by Wonder35

  1. The sharp eyed among you may notice that in the final photo I had upgraded my gloves to a new GM12 Blocker and the latest GM21 Trapper with the revolutionary thumb to wrist add-on webbing, courtesy of the Cooper Custom Pro Department, "ooh ...... ahh ........" circa 1980.
  2. Out of curiosity, why “the Big M” jersey? Phenomenal player - but didn’t he pull out of the series? And Pete, well... that goal he scored in game 2 is still one of my top goals of all time! Re: #27 - It was the only one I could find back then large enough to fit over my "massive" 2 piece Cooper C/A, Models SA95 and BP21 I think. Peter's goal, oh yeah ..........
  3. Vintage gear, yup. Vintage goalie, absolutely ............
  4. Me in action at a recent VGK game ..........
  5. My new set of Brians gear, early to mid 80's. Yeah, it's a hokey pose when compared to a hockey pose. Someone asked - Yes, this Orange/Black White is the original paint scheme on my mid 80's Harrison. In the early 90's Greg fashioned a new design and repainted it to its current look.
  6. The foam padding in yours is very similar to that in my 35 year old Harrison. Greg must have got it right back then. I have never had any sort of head injury in the thousands of games wearing mine. This image was taken prior to replacing the interior of my mask a few years ago. It's very comforting to see a new Harrison, enjoy .............
  7. UPDATE Eighteen months after knee replacement surgery my Harrison and I are back in the game. A year ago I incorporated daily yoga along with aqua fit classes in order to keep this arthritic 70 year old body somewhat flexible. Fortunately the club I have played for over the past 14 seasons has both a 55+ and 70+ age divisions. I get into a few games here and there, a handful over each of the past 2 months. My BROWN gear has been sold but not my Grafs or my Harrison, not even to the chap on this board who offered me $450. for it ("...after all it needs to be resprayed ...."). I am wearing a set of 10 year old Battram all leather pads/gloves, picked up a used Vaughn V6 C/A and brought an old pair of Vaughn pants back to life. It feels like the latest set-up weighs 10-12 pounds more than my previous stuff. But hey I'M BACK IN THE GAME and even stopping a few. But best of all, no knee pain ....
  8. I had total hip replacement in October 2007, age 58. I thought that I was done playing goal but thanks to an understanding physiotherapist and surgeon I got the OK to get back between the pipes the following September. His words to me were "Stop if it hurts'". It didn't and I played nearly a thousand games up until the time I needed knee replacement surgery in January 2018. Following 19 months of physio, aquafit and yoga, plus dropping 20 pounds, I start playing again next week but it won't be as a full-time goalie. I am starting off as a spare, probably getting into a handful of games per month, until I see if I'm damaging my body and/or playing shitty. An agonizing reappraisal of my 'tending career will come at that time. All the best to you FIFTY-SIX.
  9. Free Cooper GM21 GLOVE NO LONGER AVAILABLE (August 13) I have owned this trapper for quite a while and have decided to pass it along. The leather is in very good condition, has been treated to keep it supple. The right side pocket has become a little floppy but no nasty smell and the interior is intact. As you can see the cuff label is missing but the back one is intact. You pay the shipping from Kelowna, BC V1Z 3C5
  10. Here is a blog which I composed for John Brown whilst I was performing a restoration on some old gear. I hope it may be of some assistance to anyone here doing something similar. https://blog.brownhockey.com/post/103907737224/restoring-old-leather-equipment
  11. I sold my entire set of BROWN gear to one person following knee replacement surgery a year ago. Included were my Model 2000CA, 2100 Series Pads, JB2200 Gloves and JB2000 Pants. Back around 2010 Scott Battram built me a set of all leather pads and gloves. That's what I'm wearing now. Is it sacrilegious to display Battram gear on a BROWN thread?
  12. It wasn't many but I can't say for certain. My guess would be a single sheet.
  13. My fading memory recalls Greg saying that he added pieces of Kevlar to high contact areas, chin and forehead. Would this make sense for masks such as mine made in the mid 1980's?
  14. It brings back so many memories to see these latest Harrisons in their incubation period. Some of you may be delighted to hear that I returned to the nets late this past season, new knee performing well at age 69. Others of you, including the chap on this board who offered me $450 for my Harrison, (he wanted to repaint it into a more modern design) are SOL as I plan on keeping my mask forever. Or at least until it gets passed along to my grandson.
  15. I have worn their goalie jocks for years, a high quality product for under $100.
  16. The skate save, a lost art or dinosaur times?
  17. What else? Top down all the way baby .....................
  18. I haven't been to the Hockey Hall of Fame for at least 20 years. But at that time Greg Harrison had his own display of masks on display. Not a very good photo but you may recognize some of these. Sorry about my mask hogging the frame but its the only shot I have of Greg's HHOF showcase.
  19. A few years ago Scott Battram made me this set of gear, pads and gloves in leather. Yes, the real stuff not Jenpro. It is a tad heavier than man made fabric but the look, feel and smell, bring back so many memories. I have always felt that my rebound control was so much better with leather pads.
  20. Whatever the team wants to give me. I have no shame, just as long as its a proper Goalie Cut size. The one I'm wearing in this photo was a special Remembrance Day issue from our local Junior A team, the West Kelowna Warriors. Following the game each autographed jersey was auctioned for a local charity. Its a beautiful design and a great tribute to our fallen soldiers.
  21. Another of my mask sitting on Greg's work bench with a new one in progress.
  22. And the man himself hard at work .......... circa 1987.
  23. I found this shot of my mask in its original colours, sitting in Greg Harrison's shop bake oven.
  24. When I first saw Essensa's Jets mask I wondered which one Greg did first as there is a strong resemblance. Recently I came across this link. It appears that his Harrison was made a year or two after mine. When I sent my mask to Greg in 1990 for a refurbishment I didn't get it back for nearly a full year. But when I did retrieve it I noticed that he had signed and dated it 1991. So, which came first, the chicken or the egg?
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