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Top 50 Saves of ALL-TIME


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NHL Network released this today.  Really enjoying it at work right now, as if I wasn't excited enough about playing tonight.

Caron for Pittsburgh on Philly....gives me goosebumps.


P.s. The announcer for Buffalo is my all-time favorite, hands down.  That guy is amazing at his job.

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12 minutes ago, Mike24 said:

I think Nabby’s glove save was my favorite.  

Yeah, Nabby and Caron for me.

It's interesting about Nabby, too.  Considering his stance and his form on that amazing glove save, I don't think he was particularly flexible.  If you watch his legs on that save, he stays pretty rigid and in-tact while getting over to his left.  He was on the smaller side too for NHL goalies.

Such a treat to watch him play. 

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2 minutes ago, insertnamehere said:

I enjoyed watching that.

I was curious to see how many on the list were by Eastern Conference goalies vs the West, if anyone cares it was 35 for the East, 15 for the West if I counted correctly. 

Does that confirm or deny a theory you have?

I would have never thought to look at that. 

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Huh, that's fascinating. Thanks for posting that.

I wonder:

-how reasonable the claimed bias is? Better exposure, better marketing, where the majority of voters live....etc.

-maybe there is no bias, but maybe there's just been better hockey players in the east?  How justified were the results of so many winners in the East?

Very intriguing.

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Or at least thinking that you can ;)

For good balance, this is my all-time favorite botch.  It's so good.  A perfect example of when a goalie should stop being a goalie and just get in front of the damn puck.  I'm pretty convinced we'd stop so many more shots if we simply didn't move at all in many cases.

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1 hour ago, seagoal said:

Huh, that's fascinating. Thanks for posting that.

I wonder:

-how reasonable the claimed bias is? Better exposure, better marketing, where the majority of voters live....etc.

-maybe there is no bias, but maybe there's just been better hockey players in the east?  How justified were the results of so many winners in the East?

Very intriguing.

I would think most writers are east coast based, and most east coast GMs don’t stay up for games in the west (6pm start time in the Pacific is a 9pm start for them, ends a bit before midnight).

Hockey culture is a bigger thing in the east coast, too. I remember how surprised I was last year when I found out Arizona State University had a D1 hockey team. 

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In regards to vesa

Ha yeah that reminds me of a game I played about a half a dozen years ago... we are ahead in a close one. Up 2 with about maybe 5 minutes left.  One of their guys comes into our zone sends on in about 80% (not hard)  on the ice I’m on it like white on rice the whole way. I decide I’m gonna stop it with my stick. Like on one knee.  Welp I took my off it for a second.  And hit the heel of my stick. Squeaked in.  I felt so bad.   Only up one now and the game nearing its end.  The other team starts coming at us full bore. One of their better players gets a pass right circle cranks one glove side. I make a 10 bell glove save.  I’m like ok I redeemed my self.  Moments later same player and their other best player work the zone have a mini 2 on 1 in front of me. I take the shooter he pulls me hard blocker side then dishes it across to his streaking teammate. When he didn’t shoot. I’m like I’m f*cked.  I figured he”ll slam it in the basically empty net. I pushed off ( thought to myself meh just make it look good.) pad down glove on top of pad.  All happened so fast.  I did feel a slight touch on my glove.  (No idea I caught it) I thought awesome I got a piece of it.  Then I hear the ref from behind the net say holy F*ck he stopped it.  Looked in my glove. Damn if it wasn’t.  The shooter bent down and said how? I said dude I’m as shocked as you.  We ended up winning.( I wouldn’t tell this story if we didn’t ) I’m still pissed about the bad one I let in. In the locker room   I tell my team hey guys sorry about that shit one I gave up.  My best defenseman looks at me wild eyed and says are you F#cking kidding me ? I’m like no.  He said Mike I’ve played a ton of hockey he said you made two of the best saves I ever seen.  He said the second might be the best I ever saw.  Despite not having my best game those two saves got me going for the rest of the season.  

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1 minute ago, Chenner29 said:

I would think most writers are east coast based, and most east coast GMs don’t stay up for games in the west (6pm start time in the Pacific is a 9pm start for them, ends a bit before midnight).

Hockey culture is a bigger thing in the east coast, too. I remember how surprised I was last year when I found out Arizona State University had a D1 hockey team. 

Arizona State has the leading scorer in the country right now, too.

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9 minutes ago, Mike24 said:

In regards to vesa

Ha yeah that reminds me of a game I played about a half a dozen years ago... we are ahead in a close one. Up 2 with about maybe 5 minutes left.  One of their guys comes into our zone sends on in about 80% (not hard)  on the ice I’m on it like white on rice the whole way. I decide I’m gonna stop it with my stick. Like on one knee.  Welp I took my off it for a second.  And hit the heel of my stick. Squeaked in.  I felt so bad.   Only up one now and the game nearing its end.  The other team starts coming at us full bore. One of their better players gets a pass right circle cranks one glove side. I make a 10 bell glove save.  I’m like ok I redeemed my self.  Moments later same player and their other best player work the zone have a mini 2 on 1 in front of me. I take the shooter he pulls me hard blocker side then dishes it across to his streaking teammate. When he didn’t shoot. I’m like I’m f*cked.  I figured he”ll slam it in the basically empty net. I pushed off ( thought to myself meh just make it look good.) pad down glove on top of pad.  All happened so fast.  I did feel a slight touch on my glove.  (No idea I caught it) I thought awesome I got a piece of it.  Then I hear the ref from behind the net say holy F*ck he stopped it.  Looked in my glove. Damn if it wasn’t.  The shooter bent down and said how? I said dude I’m as shocked as you.  We ended up winning.( I wouldn’t tell this story if we didn’t ) I’m still pissed about the bad one I let in. In the locker room   I tell my team hey guys sorry about that shit one I gave up.  My best defenseman looks at me wild eyed and says are you F#cking kidding me ? I’m like no.  He said Mike I’ve played a ton of hockey he said you made two of the best saves I ever seen.  He said the second might be the best I ever saw.  Despite not having my best game those two saves got me going for the rest of the season.  

I totally got goosebumps reading this.  I"m such a dork.

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4 minutes ago, Chenner29 said:

Bauer’s gonna patent their straps and market them as save percentage boosters 


The league is gonna ban straps next year 

Ha, yeah I thought the latter, too.

How many boot straps are left though??

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