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Best Senior/Pro Leg Pads?

Sydney Butler

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I currently have 31+2 vaughn velocity v7 xf intermediate which I've been wearing four the past four years and got them as used pads. Next year I'll be playing college hockey for the University of Delaware women's team and am looking to upgrade to senior or pro 32+2 or 33+1 but I have no idea what I should get. I've been looking into the warrior G4s, CCM Axis, and Vaughn V9's a but was wondering if I could get some help one which ones to go for. I know I want a stiff single break with a stiff thigh rise so there's no cupping but other than that I'm not sure. Any help is very much appreciated.

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Not bad choices you have there, I'd add Warrior G5, Vaughn SLR2/3 maybe, Bauer with both Hyperlite and Ultrasonic, Brians is solid too. (True if available, wait time is long for custom models atleast)

And a lot more from smaller manufacturers. 

Really hard to give any more precise help as we all like just so much different things.

What is the most important in my opinion is get the exact right size for yourself. It may be different numbers from each manufacturer, but the actual size is what matters.

And also when you find something that suits your style, look for the 2nd hand, there's a lot of almost new sets available too so might get some discount that way.

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I love my Axis pads and feel like they offer a lot of what you're looking for.   I strongly recommend a weave sliding surface on any CCM pad, as Speedskin is hot garbage once the ice gets a little messy.  

Warrior G5 is also worth having a look at (I never used G4, so can't tell you much there).  I had those with weave and they were light, slid beautifully and I loved the consistent rebounds off the flatter blocker.   There are some changes coming to the glove with the G6 line that might actually convince me to give Warrior catch gloves another try.   I love how light they are, but they've never closed right for me.   Without giving away too much, it appears they're addressing that issue with the upcoming release.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

As for sizing don’t just get a size because you think they’ll cover more net or because pro versions are offered in those sizes. That’s great if they’re pro pads but they’ll be worthless to you if they don’t fit properly. And to consider for the different models: all of those play very differently. Get an idea of what style of pad you’re looking for before you buy. Don’t just get the latest and greatest. Get what will work best for you.

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Think about the style you play and get your pads to work around that. If you're more of a blocking goalie, go for a pad with a flatter and stiffer face. If you're a reacting (hybrid) goalie, look for a more flexible pad with a softer face to deaden rebounds. It helped me in choosing my set of ice pads. 

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