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Goalie and Pilates?


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I recently started taking a 1 credit Pilates course at my school, mainly to fill the 1 credit spot, but also because I figured Pilates would maybe help my game. And did it ever! Since the semester started Ive had about 4 classes and Ive started doing it at home as well. Pilates is a bit different that yoga, as it focuses more on balance, core strength, and your breathing. Its also quite relaxing but difficult! I found a link on The Goalie Guild about Pilates and Goaltending and wanted to know if any of you have tried it and what techniques you use! I feel that it has helped me to stay more ready in the net like more on balance and prepared for the shot, I think and breath clearer, and feel that it has increased my flexibility. 


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10 hours ago, AG37 said:

I recently started taking a 1 credit Pilates course at my school, mainly to fill the 1 credit spot, but also because I figured Pilates would maybe help my game. And did it ever! Since the semester started Ive had about 4 classes and Ive started doing it at home as well. Pilates is a bit different that yoga, as it focuses more on balance, core strength, and your breathing. Its also quite relaxing but difficult! I found a link on The Goalie Guild about Pilates and Goaltending and wanted to know if any of you have tried it and what techniques you use! I feel that it has helped me to stay more ready in the net like more on balance and prepared for the shot, I think and breath clearer, and feel that it has increased my flexibility. 


Totally agree!! Once I get the 'ole hip repaired I plan on getting into it. I've done bikram yoga in the past and while it helps maintain flexibility etc, I think you're spot on about pilates helping to build more core strength and balance. The older I get the more I realize lifting weights isn't what my body needs anymore... it's cardio... flexibility... and core strength.

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Yoga and pilates are great... I do them both fairly frequently (err, a few times a month), and I'm completely bought in. They're great workouts for goalies, and I can really feel the difference when I skate after a few good yoga/pilates sessions earlier in the week. I just feel really strong and limber, and comfortable in my own body (physically, not in some self-esteem way... though they're good for that, too!)

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