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Everything posted by coopaloop1234

  1. Just a couple championship pics.
  2. Very clean look there @Punisher Goalie
  3. The whole Russian squad there have let themselves go. A few guys on their team had no business playing in our div.
  4. Thanks @SaveByRichter35 I've got a few more here. I just wanted to post my favourites first.
  5. coopaloop1234

    CCM Gear

    Fair enough. Everyone is copying it.
  6. coopaloop1234

    CCM Gear

    I mean yea, you're right, they are quite different in regards to scope. But the initial reduction in cowlings led us to the cowlingless designs we see now which True/VH copies and adheres to. That first real step, regardless of how you want to look at it, was a major stepping stone to the current modern skate. Even if it was just a small cut out.
  7. coopaloop1234

    CCM Gear

    Like their recent iteration of skates? Or like at all? The vertexx cutout was a big step forward towards what we consider standard for cowlings now.
  8. I mean, I wouldn't have included it if I didn't want to be chirped at at least a little bit. ?
  9. Got some pics from my game last night. Man I look good. Had to include the last one since it caught me with my eyes close.
  10. The "Latest" page refreshes every ten minutes or so. Posts aren't initially moderated and can be found in each thread a few seconds after posting.
  11. coopaloop1234

    CCM Gear

    lol. Just calling a spade a spade. No point coming into a thread just to disagree then stick your fingers in your ears and run away once people disagree with your viewpoints.
  12. coopaloop1234

    CCM Gear

    They were a major catalyst for how cowlings have changed. With the vertexx cutout being a major proponent to the idea of reducing the cowling to just be a toe cap to them popularizing the cowlingless skate.
  13. There's small differences between the LT90, 98 and SLR gloves. Though we are always welcome for more reviews!
  14. coopaloop1234

    CCM Gear

    I thought you didn't care to bother?
  15. coopaloop1234

    CCM Gear

    You care enough to respond to multiple posters. lol
  16. Christian is good shit. I've talked to him many of times and played against him as well.
  17. Looks like they ran out of ideas and went: "Fuck it, lets toss on some hockey sticks and call it a day"
  18. Demko has done this before.
  19. I know @bunnyman666 loves it.
  20. Well done paint job. The subject matter could use a revision though.
  21. @Kayen That's the reason I hear people doing it as well, I did it to get a less restrictive feeling. When the landing area is attached, it felt a lot stiffer that what I would've liked. I may try it again as I've broken in the pads (did this after about 10 skates back when they were released). Mnw0ng on YouTube mentioned a bit from fraying, but nothing really to worry too much about. I had some spare velcro loops that I placed over top to make sure there wasn't any fraying. Lowering your strap down to your calf opens up the knee cradle to allow for less interference in your rotation/comfort reasons. While you can strap it tight this way, behind the knee will allow it to be even tighter. Honestly, you can strap em down to the calf and you shouldn't experience any negative ability to bring your knees and stacks together.
  22. I wear my GT's pretty loose. Boot strap at the second longest setting, calf wrap removed from the calf landing pad and only on the second stitch line, knee strap down to calf and only tight enough for all the velcro to touch. I have decent hip flexibility. Really, you're going to want to keep the knee wing attachment as that will help keep you legs closer and strap em tight. They'll still rotate.
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