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Everything posted by Madmedic6

  1. I have a hl2 set with a vapor 90non the way as well. Should be coming in in the next few weeks for so.
  2. Ccm could step up their custom game by adding more options to customize the gloves they already manufacture. If I can choose what knee wrap I want on my pads, why can I choose what kinda wrist strapping my glove has? Or if I want the glove to have finger stalls or loops? If I want the bulge padding or flat padding on the wrist? I feel that the cross x strap was a great improvement. And I feel that if I could get a regular 580 with a cross x strap it would be even better and be more competitive than trues offerings.
  3. Hyperlite 2 chesty in size medium. Used 4 times and going back to my axis. I dont like the lack of adjustability in the arms and the wrist setup. I did cut the inner elastic on the outside of the elbow cups as it dug into my forearms. $500 Will not ship outside of us. PayPal is fine +3%.
  4. Total custom pro 581 Pro palm Single t It had the index and pinky looks but that wrist pad really bugs me as it's puffy instead of flat like a 580. And I'll stand by what I said about the palm closure. It feels like you're holding onto a pole instead of just closing your hand.
  5. From my first skate in the ccm I can say it's is a much much different feeling glove than the true. The true is smooth and the break feels natural. The sure grip on the inside is nice and tacky when playing. The 581 just feels like I had a bump on my inner wrist. Inside didn't really have a grip besides the gigantic pinky loop. When closing it it felt like I was holding a hotdog bun in my palm, yes I'm fat and make food references. . Also I feel like the 581 closed more like a warrior g6.1 than a true/ccm 580.
  6. I have received my ccm custom set today and I figured I'd do a photo comparison of a 581 vs a 580. The lack of finger stalls is definitely noticable but we will see how it plays out. I feel like the pinky loop in the custom is bigger than the retail version as well. Range of motion in the new hand lock is very nice.
  7. My set showed up today. Overall I am very pleased with the quality of the total custom pro vs the retail stuff. 581 pro palm will take some getting use to, but I have a regular 580 pro palm on the way just in case. Vegas gold speed skin is
  8. I received the same email. It's unfortunate
  9. Another difference is the actual pitch of the skate. Ccm skates are more of a neutral pitch while Bauer and true 2 piece are more forward pitch. Didn't notice much difference between my true one piece and two piece with a ccm holder besides the 3mm steel on the 2 piece. I haven't tried a profile yet but I am also hanging a terrible time adjusting to toe pushes in the 3mm like others have mentioned. Otherwise movement around the crease is much easier in a 1/2" on 3mm vs 5/8 on 4mm. But the pushes and stops are softer.
  10. That is brand dependent. True has a 30 day satisfaction period regardless. I have baked trues for customers to try on them on and some went with them some went with a different skate.
  11. We didn't get the goalie elipse template yet but once we do I'm going to give it a go.
  12. I recently purchased a pair of tf9's in 9 wide and I will say they are pretty tight and cramped in the toes at first. I personally hate my toes touching anything in the front. I don't feel that their wide is necessarily wide enough or the heel has enough volume/depth as the eyelets are on the side of my ankle instead of in front of it. Compared to a true custom the tf9 is softer and has more flex in the boot. Also when you're trying on skates in store, BAKE THEM. Our true rep recommended baking them for people to try on to get the full feel as the heel will open up a bit when baked. I also suggested tapping the heel again the board or floor to get your heel fully seated when trying them on after the bake.
  13. https://www.goaliemonkey.com/ccm-goalie-accessories-stepsteel-black-4mm-pair.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwnf-kBhCnARIsAFlg492gvt06KaChVUWbHOyY8HNWfXPvKCq7GjdlhSkG054uewZHNxgVzLwaArsDEALw_wcB
  14. I would definitely be contacting who you ordered through. I had gear show up out of ordered spec and they got it corrected.
  15. That been my gripe about Bauer graphics the last few years. I don't understand why the palm has to be the same color as a small middle section. But if you order the glove in a different color pattern it throws it all out of wack even more.
  16. That's a pretty sweetod for a mid level pad.
  17. Incorrect. Eflex6 is a single internal and single external stock. Double internal is custom only.
  18. Brian's optik2, ccm eflex, and warrior all have a significant pre-curve from factory. Bauer hyperlite, Vaughn velocities, and true px3/9x3 have a mild pre-curve. Ccm axis, true 20.2, and Vaughn slr, and Bauer mach have a slight curve but are mostly straight. That said, it really depends on what you're looking for in a pad. Stiff, soft, tight, loose, dead rebounds, or rocket rebounds. If you go custom you can pick different breaks internally. Here is a picture of the ef6 compared to hl2.
  19. Lacking is an understatement. I added d3o to the back of my axis 2 arms and still get some stingers but no more bruising. They should had put d3o in the arms to begin with for as much as they charge for them.
  20. These look and feel like the same construction of the ccm 550/560 tack skates.
  21. Ef6 are stiffer in the thigh compared to the ef5. Not as stiff as the px3/12.2 update but still noticably stiffer. As for qmss, there's plenty of Velcro to get your play style dialed in. The one thing that really appealed to me about ccm is that I was still able to order real (qk5) straps on the leg and wasn't restricted to an elastic only system.
  22. Well I caved in this morning.. Ordered a pair of px3 pads to match my 12.2 gloves.. Hope I can get use to the fsr system this time. It's going to be fun comparing them to the eflex6 when they come in.
  23. In 5'8 and use a warrior v2 pro and Bauer mach both in 26" with rounded shoulders from the factory. The Bauer rounded shoulder is subtle, while the warrior is more like a bob shaved paddle and makes it sit way lower than the Bauer.
  24. We received two unites yesterday. These things are built like a tank!! Only downside is the arm attachment to the chest unit is sewn in with elastic making it so you really only have two settings adjustment. I normally wear a medium and I tried their medium and the arms are long for a medium.... Rom was limited towards the belly/chest due to the dropped shoulder area. Perhaps it would be different once broken in. But I will say that it's the best built chest I've seen released this year.
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