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Everything posted by jerd31

  1. I liked Voice Over Goalie- seemed like a genuine dude, but I think he stopped a while back.
  2. Not gonna speak to Trav or his reviews but it’s tough watching hockeyreviews game footage, he just slides back and forth unnecessarily
  3. I'm really digging them, too. @ThatCarGuy does the dye soak into the plastic, so that if you take shots off the holders and they chip, it'll be black underneath?
  4. As Cass mentioned, the strap curls into the buckle but the bucks seems to lock in just fine. It does look like the strap can be trimmed and shortened a bit, I’ll just do that if I find the buckle is prone to popping. IMG_8358.mov
  5. Just finished a game, the extra hole definitely made a difference. Ankle felt much more secure, wish I added a hole sooner!
  6. I have three powder coated from them for my NME VTX. None have bent yet and powder coat is holding up great on all of them. They (OTNY) make OEM cages for the bulk of masks out there.
  7. A leather hole punch then a drill bit to open it up a bit more
  8. I was able to punch another hole, gives you another 1/2” to tighten the top buckle.
  9. Bauer on that Battram shit and straight up copying Brian's logo I'm assuming Gnetik is going away since the Optik 3 are pretty new? Wonder what's changing on the pads...
  10. I did similar with a piece of foam on mine and it's been holding up fine for nearly a year now. While I don't have skinny ankles, I would like the ability to tighten down on the top buckle a bit more. I'm probably going to end up punching a couple extra holes on the top strap so the buckle can be tightened more.
  11. jerd31

    Mckenney Gear

    I’m really intrigued by their XPG2 Pro gear. A full set runs ~$2k, about the same price as a set of pro level pads from the big names. https://www.instagram.com/p/ClY1FiHOnXj/?igshid=Y2IzZGU1MTFhOQ==
  12. In the last 39 days I've played 20 beer league games. My knee is holding up, otherwise I'm dying
  13. Heh, better than mine snapping during warmups of an A league game. Was stretching and blade went flying across the ice. Other team knew what happened and were just firing shots from everywhere at me knowing the only thing holding my blade in place was my own weight on the skate lol. I only let in 5 that game which I count as a win, considering the circumstances.
  14. Unrelated but make sure yours has the steel blade retention screw and not the plastic one. Yours most likely have the steel ones, but on the cheaper CCM's they switched them over to the plastic screws. One of mine on my old pair of CCM's snapped mid game and my blade kept popping out. https://www.goaliemonkey.com/ccm-hockey-accessories-speeblade-holder-parts.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwqZSlBhBwEiwAfoZUIM0HigmnN5109ZIbaTsPZXaKz16ka4Ld0IK1tYhGONHTK_rczLkWqxoCfo8QAvD_BwE
  15. I lucked out in the wife department, not only is she significantly better looking than I am, but if I told her today I wanted to get another set she'd tell me to go for it . If I were to get another set, it'd probably be another Brian's set (probably another Gnetik V set with either custom graphics or Optik 3 graphics). The more I see True PX3's though, the more I want a set.
  16. I was talking to my wife last night after my game and she asked how long a typical set of gear lasts, which was a good opportunity for me to start planting the seeds of picking up another set. Right now I only have my Gnetik V set (which is less than a year old), but told her it'd be a good idea to add another set so I can rotate gear and get more life out of my equipment. So how many sets do y'all have in your rotation and how often are you switching it up?
  17. Played 5 games in the last 8 days, knee is sore and swollen but otherwise is holding up well. Have three games this week, was asked to play last night and tonight but opted to rest it for a couple days. Hopefully my leg doesn’t fall off
  18. Skated last week for the first time since re-injuring the knee, played the last 10 minutes of my team's game and had no issues. Then played a full game this past Sunday night and had no issues- felt a little pain on one save but it didn't linger. A little sore the past couple days but nothing serious. Have another game tonight, then one on Friday night...hopefully all goes well this week.
  19. They called me yesterday and said they don't necessarily agree with the MRI tech's diagnosis. They had two ortho surgeons look at it and they'd classify it as a grade 2 sprain. No damage to ACL or meniscus, everything else seems fine. They said cartilage damage in patella is early signs of arthritis and pretty typical for my age, nothing that's a result of the injury. Told me to take another 3-4 weeks off from playing and wear a brace when I get back on the ice. I've been in the gym and have no limitations so that's good. It's feeling a lot better, still a little pain in the morning and if I twist/manipulate my knee enough, but not to the level it was even a couple weeks ago. I'm hoping to be back on the ice first week of June but I'll see how it goes between now and then.
  20. Had my MRI last Friday, waiting to hear from orthopedic surgeon but the results from the imaging folks: •High grade complete/near complete tear of the MCL •Articular surface fraying in addition to partial and full-thickness fissuring of the patellar cartilage
  21. That's shitty news. I went through a divorce about 5 years ago, although I initiated it, my life was hell for just about a year or so leading up to the divorce. I was with my ex since HS and we were together for ~15 years. You're in PA, right? I didn't hire a lawyer, rather I came up with a settlement between the two of us that I felt was quite fair. I earned significantly more than her and had the mortgage in my name, with the deed being in both names. We split savings down the middle and I gave her a chunk of my 401k to buy her out of the house, with her agreeing to sign the title over to me. All in, I paid something like $250 for processing all the paperwork and court fees, and another $300 for a lawyer to handle the quit claim deed to get the house in my name. It was certainly easier with no kids- the paperwork was pretty straightforward. But PA makes it pretty easy to do on your own (at least in my situation).
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