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Everything posted by bunnyman666

  1. Hasek wore a small shell, and as you could see, his ears were likely getting dinged, necessitating the longer wings. Most people I know who bought the Warwick shell found it very difficult to fit. I would be a CWD again if I played Hasek’s style, as you need full head protection to play like that.
  2. @Fullright Thank you for the kind words. You have a pretty good routine there. I am trying to get general fitness back. Unfortunately, I have never found a “happy weight”. When I was a hill climbing specialist racing in USCF racing, my body loved being 117-125lbs. Of course I could ride with 16 spoked wheels with 22mm carbon rims at that weight. I can balloon well into the 200s.
  3. Playing in these pads with these mods is a revelation, plain and simple. I may stuff the knee rolls, next.
  4. But seriously, for these pads to be NHL legal, one would need to remove that half-moon bit of foam, as it essentially makes the pad a tabletop boot. The boot actually has a boot channel with the half-moon gone. Never fear, the 1/2” thigh rise “loss”could be made up with a hard boot strap through the Lundy loop on the skate.
  5. I lost interest when you couldn’t create 7’9” tall 130 pound or 3’9” tall 400 pound players any longer. I would always put those players on teams and watch them fight. I would also demote Gretzky and Hull to the minors. I would flood the league with these misfits and it was great fun. When there were height/weight proportionate players only and Gretzky and Hull would automatically be claimed off waivers, I totally lost interest. If they bring that ability back, I am all in.
  6. Weight is staying right between 171 and 174. It seems I have hit a plateau. Never to fear, I just need to change things up at this point.
  7. The cage was recalled, so there is that.
  8. Actually, TT used a certified player cage at one point with his Mage.
  9. Sacred cows make the TASTIEST hamburgers!!!! And yes-I have several Hindu relatives Bwahahahaha!!!!!
  10. Look how I improved these pads! Marlon Brando is very proud from above!
  11. Do you want a flexier/softer boot? Do what I did. You may lose thigh rise a bit, but that hump of firm foam very well stiffens the boot significantly.
  12. I keep thinking of the cartoons where the steam roller flattens Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner is making fun of him.
  13. I am purposely making the mods and repairs visible to invoke the GREAT Arturs Irbe. Soft shin outer rolls:
  14. It VERY much is, which was why you were tagged.
  15. Stuffed outer roll on thigh rise:
  16. Per @coopaloop1234: calf wrap mod:
  17. @Fullright It wasn’t that hard. And I am one of those weirdly determined fellows that simply won’t be told that I can’t do something. My goal in life is to make certain that people know they aren’t limited.
  18. Bauer Vapor 1X Pro with floaters and heartguard covered in softer material to control rebounds. Works as advertised!
  19. I refuse to watch the Nasty Foot Lickers.
  20. Did not play in the HM-2 look alike and HM30 as the cage was bent. It was the fog game last night. The fog made it impossible to see the timing of the shots. I still played well considering the conditions. Adding the softer foams onto the floaters and heart guard made play a lot more predictable as I was not getting burnt on rebounds from the chesty. I just want less hot rebounds from my pads. I am not going to run over them with a truck. In the end, I am playing pretty well, especially after getting into better physical condition.
  21. I was going to guess it was a Hoffman. Nice whip.
  22. I stopped doing rebadging kits in HTV quite awhile back. The HTV eventually fails in spectacular ways. I now sell stencils that I cut and recommend Angelus paint: one coat of the colour of the pad/glove and two coats of the desired logo colour and take up the stencil relatively quick. The paint will still wear but wears more like an inked logo. The only product I can recommend to permanently change or restore the colour of pads is this one: https://smile.amazon.com/ColorBond-105-Leather-Plastic-Refinisher/dp/B00G6II7NM?pd_rd_w=DmTJh&pf_rd_p=fe838164-8963-4b55-8b4d-8eb514ffa8b5&pf_rd_r=30A6705YK0GS3EPM3APQ&pd_rd_r=d6da1554-7644-45f8-93d7-f260948f36bb&pd_rd_wg=0Vydi&pd_rd_i=B00G6II7NM&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_m_rp_12_sc I’ve used my pads for ten ice times and not even a hint of wear on the paint.
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