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Everything posted by RichMan

  1. RichMan

    Vaughn Gear

    Vaughn V6 2200...did they produce a pro and sr version or just one of either?
  2. I have the Weasel sling. Was just wondering of the quality and comfort. I'm looking into trying some other brands/makes. You can't say that with a straight face, nah lolll
  3. RichMan

    Bauer Gear

    Alright, so tonight I had another 2 hour game. I tied my X700 skates tighter and it helped. There was a little soreness at the ankles but nothing serious. Maybe someone can answer me these questions: - Other than material and blade upgrade, is there much comfort difference between the X700 and X900 skate? - Has anyone worn the Supreme 9000 and went on to the Vapour X skates and tell me their account on feel, fit and performance (aside from the no-cowling and 3mm blade)?
  4. What's the word on the X8 model? According to PureHockey Youtube, it's pretty light? True?
  5. Here's a photoshop over I did a ways back, similar drama I've got a bunch more I can post in another thread. Watch for it
  6. I too just received some regular Pro Laces last week. I`m hoping to save them for new pads for this season. Looking at the Warrior GT SR like my GT glove. It`s hard to get new stuff and hold off from trying it with your old stuff right now. I`m talking accessories of course. The elastics will feel different from my sliding toes but should be much easier to tie up before the game
  7. RichMan

    Bauer Gear

    Nah, I'm already wasting some on my knee pads, don't wanna break the budget lolll
  8. RichMan

    Bauer Gear

    I need a little survey (even though I know it comes down to personal preference, but different makes equals different takes) to see if you wear your 1X skates: A) Tight B) Loose C) A little snug After 2 hours of hockey last night with wobbly skates, poor mobility control and really sore chewing at the ankle bones - in 30 years of playing nets I've never (aside from my beginnings) had a wonky feeling standing in my skates. Sucks!!!
  9. @cuprajake You just got de-throaned man! ? lollll
  10. Thanks! It's actually from my early 30s up to now. Here a short video of my coaching assisted by Patrick Lalime. Yup, I'm that big lollll https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o91QZ7z8gW4
  11. Some older stuff, '90s up... 2nd pic. I'm the goof wearing the combo with my tongue sticking out. Sure it's not ice action but it was a fun pool game...wearing masks kinda makes it goalie related, right? ?
  12. RichMan


    Finding a good NA beer that doesn`t taste like soap, especially from a craft beer company...very hard, very hard. NA Stouts are even harder to spot.
  13. My we've come a long way. Would you dare? ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OihGCmy-32c
  14. I actually did. They gave me the spot for a bit, as well with the Midget level girls. It was fun, teaching a bit of the old and new school. Not sure if they continued with the program after I left.
  15. Forgot the new one out East. Been there once. Yes it's far. I did live in Carp for a year, off Richardson side rd. which made getting to Sensplex off Paladium easy. But when I moved back to Gatineau, I tried to stick it out for a year but it got stupid bussing there and bussing back at 10pm in the dead of winter, so I told them I'm out and focused on my own coaching business from then on. I'd go back if I had a vehicle to my name. I miss the atmosphere.
  16. Never been. I coached at the Sensplex in Kanata and the one in Carleton Place, and one time at Canadian Tire. Amazing facilities!!
  17. Which rink was this? Look at how high he wears his pads on his skates!! And that's one BEEFED UP Vaughn c/a he's sporting.
  18. Alright, here I go... First one, a shot to the neck. This one is what made me buy a Maltese from a fellow tender on GSBB a many moons ago. Second one is one that found the sweet spot on an old c/a and believe you me, I felt it. Another regular spot I used to get nailed in often was my inner thigh, and occasionally above my knee.
  19. RichMan

    Bauer Gear

    So it seems that I have been calling the plastic that holds the blades a "runner" which is wrong. Watching youtube reviews by shops informed me that the "runner" is in fact the blade itself. So with cowling-less skates now, what should I be calling the plastic part? Also, I just realised that, maybe my issue with my X700s is the 3mm blade vs the 4mm blade which I was used to for so long. Could it be possible?
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