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Lucky Pucker

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Everything posted by Lucky Pucker

  1. Only if they split the deposit with me. But then they didn’t pay for the fence, so fuck ‘em
  2. Appreciate you looking out for me, brother. Already placed my order yesterday. That said, storing the empties is becoming a challenge... good thing we’ve got a double garage
  3. Oh, and sorry to other Dads, but I’m the best - and even have a t-shirt to prove it:
  4. Taste Buds - a collaboration between Orleans’ Stray Dog and Ottawa’s Flora. Pretty good drinking for a “Fuck it Friday”
  5. Well, that coach on the far right is kneeling so... oh, wait; he’s not. AND he’s on skates...? Wow.
  6. Fair - so what have we learned here? To be able to win a championship, it doesn’t matter if your goalie has toe buckles or toe ties; the important thing is that your goalie isn’t me! LOL!
  7. The “old man” wearing them is also holding a trophy, so there’s that.
  8. I think we’re missing the headline here - Dude is wearing a t-shirt with Roy’s Ferland 33 blocker on it! That is hella cool. I stopped paying attention after that.
  9. And into the 90s - yup, I sure do! Carbo - and Stephan Lebeau both wore them
  10. Yes, I’ve had that one - can’t remember if I bought it at the liquor commission or a friend imported for me - but we do get a few US breweries’ beers up here like Lagunitas, Founders, and Anchor. ...but we have amazing stuff made closer to home, too!
  11. I spy a Deschutes Brewery FRwsh Squeeze IPA plaque! Pretty sweet, bruh. WRT sitting-too-high goalie mask, might it not be to show how the Covid mask fits...? Other products ads - chocolate bars, burgers, whatever - never have people holding the product naturally; it’s always to show off the product
  12. Not some rando beer-league bum on a goalie site at least - lol!
  13. Aye - that’s guid, but ye’re still nae Steve Yzerman
  14. That last one - with the hybrid prototype Dave was working with Greg Harrison (if memory serves...?) - I have never seen that! Thanks for sharing!
  15. How about goalies coming back from the dead? Dustin Tokarski put in to share in the Sabres super slide - his first NHL start in HOW long...??
  16. On a scale of John Bobbitt-to-Boogie Nights, I’m Mark Wahlberg’s stunt double, so not sure I’ll have that same result. But good for you, having room to grow!
  17. Really? I never imagined there would be more than one Richter fanboy... hence my lack of specificity in addressing
  18. it’s because you’re beering wrong; you’re supposed to be in the mood on days that end in “y”, and all the waking hours. BTW, I sent you some the other week: “To Mike Richter fanboy one of the states ’Merica” didn’t you get them...?
  19. Roman Candle by Bellwood’s - which I actually got from a co-worker who won a contest, felt bad that I had been disqualified by the boss (long story, all in good fun though) and let me have first pick from the selection.
  20. Ah - but for me, I’m a Habs fan first, and was a huge Roy fan at that point. An even bigger Yzerman fan... but as this is a goalie thing, I digress... That passionate “fanship”waned when he went to Colorado, and I was strangely tickled to see him have his ass handed to him in goalie fighting though! LOL! But damn, Yzerman... my all time favourite player. And while I’m a happily married straight man, my wife knows there’s a chance I would leave her for him. EDIT: of course “too soon” was meant sarcastically, and I recognize how much his ego and self interest got in his own way. It’s much easier and convenient to hate on Tremblay, but if we’re being honest, Roy mostly did that to himself. All good stuff @Puckstopper!
  21. More than a year now; last game was 13 March 2020. Not that I haven’t been asked since then, but just not acceptable in the household risk calculus with school aged kids and me going into work. I’m def getting the itch... even said to my wife I’ll be willing to consider playing with a mask come fall.
  22. I actually was watching that fateful game live on the small 13” upstairs set at my folks. Also a Wings fan, it was win-win for me at first, but then It got ugly. I’ve been at both the Forum and the Bell Center when the fans are hating on a player, and it can make you shake, and want to crawl under the building - and that’s as a fan who is NOT the target of the vitriol! So yeah, I’ll never forgive Tremblay for that. Insider reports indicate that he doesn’t give a shit if I forgive him or not, but I feel better! LOL!
  23. Just too fantastic to swipe past when I saw it, so I’ll post here. ...but while we’re here, interesting trapper cuff modification, which according to Dave Stubbs “Ken had trainer Eddy Palchak fit a Velcro sleeve on his trapper to keep water out”
  24. Noticed something in the Habs-Jets game Wednesday. I think Price was wearing True skates (which of course goes with the gloves and pads, so plausible). For reference, his usual (CCM?) Graf cowling skates in Monday’s game: And then in Wednesday’s game: Or the best pics, but good enough to notice white/cowling to black/cowlingless EDIT: Just found GGN posted about this (though did not at that point know he’d wear them in the game). Apparently he was wearing a True boot inside the cowling:
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