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Goalies in commercials

Lucky Pucker

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Not sure if there will be enough for a thread, but I was flipping through an old Hockey News Top 100 Goalies of all time, and saw the page for Tony Esposito. Every time I see him, I think of this commercial, that I used to have on the BASF VHS cassette that had all the Alf episodes on it. Anyone remember this one? Just great stuff!

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I was at a goalie shop a couple years ago trying on pads and the Vaughn rep happened to walk in. It was just before the VE8’s were released and he said he had a demo pair in his trunk and asked if I wanted to try them on. Once I had them on he said they were the pair Martin Brodeur wore in the McDonalds commercial. I felt like such a kid and couldn’t believe I was wearing pads that Brodeur wore. It was pretty cool!

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