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Everything posted by coopaloop1234

  1. So I'm not sure if you know this, but your stick is supposed to be in your hand, not the net...
  2. Nothing screams bender more than a certified cat eye. It's one of the few pieces of goalie gear the I absolutely can't stand. Safety be dammed, you look like a goof. Straight bar is heaps better for sight lines and aesthetics.
  3. Orcas > Sharks. And we know how well that's turned out.
  4. https://twitter.com/itstaiki/status/1070391336375738368?lang=en It was one of the top voted for names for Seattle's new team. Some reddit users went all out and designed a logo for it and even allowed people to buy T-Shirts with it on. https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/3981152-rain-city-bitch-pigeons
  5. I'm ok with the colours. I think I would've preferred the Yellow/Green/White but this is still a pretty unique colour scheme. I'm happy that they didn't use the Seahawks colours and that they're going with something new. Vegas did well to stand out, looks like Seattle is doing the same. I like the Sockeye's as a name. It's no Rain City Bitch Pigeons, but it's good enough for my books.
  6. Hey man, I had a Grade 4 girl that liked me back then. I was cute AF. Then puberty hit.
  7. Man, '96 was a good year. Grade 3 was a marvelous time.
  8. You're definitely right about not being a snob.
  9. Luckily for me it was more of a high school event, so I never had to truly live with my embarrassment in my adult years. Pour some out for the homies in the sky too?
  10. Now I'm curious as to why you would even take pictures of you opening the package like that...
  11. All I'm reading is excuses for being a bad goalie gear picture taker.
  12. Ah, I see you come from the same school as "good looking pads > making saves"
  13. Good thing the camera guy has some serious zoom on his camera.
  14. I think he's poking fun at how unmarked your set is.
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