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Everything posted by coopaloop1234

  1. I have the same pads as Cwarnar and didn't have too much of an issue. Pretty sure the "toe bridge" of the G3's are the same as the RGT's.
  2. Because we're not important enough. The pros are a marketing tool, they'll make pads however they want just to get air time in the show. Plus, the economies of scale to constantly do custom orders for Joe Schmo doesn't make sense for them on a production level. So they limit the amount of custom options in order to effectively and quickly pump out pads.
  3. Thanks boss. I've been doing it this style since the second time I've used em.
  4. Because he doesn't own a black light.
  5. Were you keenly looking for such a planet?
  6. Oh funny guy eh? It's Coquitlam Planet Ice.
  7. I keep going through the motion of trying to put on the heel strap. It's a hard habit to shake.
  8. It's a tongue in cheek joke about how CCM catcher graphics never line up with the legpads and blocker. It's always reversed.
  9. See, this is the true #GloveGate @TheGoalNet
  10. I won't say that I'm reveling in the no bootstrap as much as this kid is loving his koolaid, but it is kind of nice. Still have to get used to the looser feeling.
  11. I'm from Vancouver. I'm both. Or I wish I was, just solely for that sweet, sweet laundering money.
  12. Tried no boot strap finally. After using the ARS for 1.5 years, just having prolaces on with no boot strap made the pad feel real loose. I'm going from a fairly tight set up to a very relaxed set up. There's going to be an adjustment period. I've got three games this week with one being in a faster paced division. We'll see if I stick with or not. Can't say that I'm not interested in keeping it, I really am. Just need more time to see if it's for me or not.
  13. I mean, either or really. I'll try that method tonight.
  14. I see now. That can definitely help. I'll try that tonight, as well as no boot strap. If I end up sticking with this set up, I'll buy you guys a beer* *Only redeemable in Vancouver, BC.
  15. It's more about the potential for the toe of the skate to become dislodged and have the laces come underneath the skate. I guess I do it for extra peace of mind knowing that I won't have any gear issues while on the ice. Granted I've used these things once. lol
  16. So you put the cross over before the cowling and then one through the cowling? Why?
  17. Yea ok. The classic toe tie technique. That's what I did as well, that single crossover they suggest just looks like it's asking for it to become dislodged.
  18. Yea, I don't think I'll be going back to the ARS. Just wasn't an immediate difference. Do you guys double loop your prolaces? Or just do the recommended fashion of one crossover?
  19. Played last night. Haven't ditched the boot strap, wanted to get a feel of the prolaces first before going full on crazy. Definitely felt different. I felt less connected to my pad. There was a bit less strain on my legs, but I didn't notice any advantage over the ARS. I'll try tonight without a boot strap. Hopefully this revelation will makes sense to me.
  20. Yea, the boot strap is easy enough to do on the fly. Toe strap is a pain to get set up. I may give this a shot.
  21. I do have the bootstrap on it's loosest setting (which still has some tension). I've got two mean nothing games tomorrow and Friday. I'll experiment with that idea then. I'm still hesitant about it lol.
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