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Everything posted by coopaloop1234

  1. With his 9 beers? Must be lean time around your house eh?
  2. There we go. Coupled with the complimentary dirt bike in the back too. It's just too clean though.
  3. I'm thoroughly surprised that I'm the only truck owner so far.
  4. These trades have given me that mismatched gear satisfaction that left when Timmy Thomas retired.
  5. Look at Mr. Fancy Pants here with a league that supplies a table.
  6. Man, tell that to all the people putting racing stripes on their cars. They're in for a ride awakening. Content is completely relevant. Basic design elements like flat borders, basic lines or any plain usage of basic elements shouldn't really be an issue. Making an argument for iconic or personal designs I'll go along with, but saying that copying Allen's mask is the same as potvins? Thata a bit of a stretch.
  7. SBR never appreciates anything correctly. I'll volunteer to help educate the guy.
  8. C'mon, use the right one kiddo.
  9. lol, I like fruity drinks too when I was 14.
  10. Ha! You're probably not far off with that assessment.
  11. Nah, Chocolate stouts are ass, so are the jalapeno beers. It just feels like an unnecessary flavour mixture. What lucky said. They're excellent for day drinking, golf, the beach, etc. Anywhere outside and in the sun is where they're ideal.
  12. I like the beer that comes out of smaller breweries but I have never gotten caught up in the culture or really cared about brands/names. I like what tastes good, gets me drunk and adds to the waistline. Though, you guys ever tried those flavoured beers? Jalepeno, chocolate stouts, rattlers, etc. I like rattlers, great golf beers, but the rest are just weird.
  13. Did the ability to manipulate the size of added images disappear recently? I swear I was able to just drag the corner of the image and resize it, seems I now have to manually resize it by double clicking on the image and setting the parameters myself.
  14. Yea, this is pretty hokey. I'll argue on behalf of guys wanting to mimic their favourite goalie's helmet style or even their pad graphics but when you're just getting into the territory of copying currently in prodcution graphics, well that's when I wince and wonder what they're thinking. Shit, it's not even that nice of a graphic...
  15. Unread works as well if you've missed posts.
  16. Good SBR. You'd make a great Sub one day.
  17. Don't say that. Just say that we are your one and only.
  18. I think a better start is to find out how most people find content on this site and their general browsing habits. I rarely, if ever, use the general forum tabs. I pretty much use "unread" and "latest" and I'm able to find all new posts/threads and anything else I've missed.
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