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Everything posted by coopaloop1234

  1. People use pages other than "Latest" and "Unread"?
  2. You jest, but that was my issue that led to the owie. Wasn't square and took it on a weird angle while the C/A shifted from being untucked. I've had a few games since without any issues, hell even liking the C/A again. And yea, I've found out my ribs do an excellent job at dampening rebounds.
  3. Glad you're enjoying it, it's been ok for me. Took a slapshot Wednesday night that managed to get me in between the belly blocks. (see image) and it's bruised my ribs pretty decently. That with the arm protection that has just been OK makes me want to go back to my LT90.
  4. https://www.reddit.com/r/lewronggeneration/
  5. You probably could. I'd just by a replacement standard vaughn toe bridge and install them from there.
  6. That's a serious post. MTH never jokes around.
  7. Unless your sliding toe bridge is absolutely mandatory on your pads, I don't see why you'd bother.
  8. @Kayen I know it's just your head placement, but you look like you have a wicked Krusty the clown hairdo going on under the bucket.
  9. Don't take the wheeled vs non wheeled discussion seriously at all kiddo.
  10. We shouldn't need to protect any entity from doing business with anyone. That's up to them. The end consumer is a different story though.
  11. coopaloop1234

    CCM Gear

    C'mon, ya gotta do it right.
  12. Nah, you're were gonna steal 'em. I know it. Why not? I've got an LT90 sitting here unused, ripe for pillaging. Though I have thought about putting those arms on my RGT.
  13. Nice pics. Ottawa boy is in the top division?
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