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Everything posted by chile57

  1. Keep powering through brother - we're all here for you when/if you need a sanity check.
  2. I feel for you man. Hire the lawyer and save yourself some of the mindfuck (and potentially other assorted fucking). I'm not necessarily advocating you get angry (but hey - if it helps - go for it). I'm just suggesting don't let the past cloud the future and prepare as though you may be in a dogfight. Beats the alternative of getting caught with your pants down and getting fleeced. Sounds like you got a good buddy to bounce things off of so that will be a big help. And then of course us assorted a-holes on the internet too.
  3. Sounds shitty to say the least - I'll be hoping/praying for a quick resolution for you brother. Some days will be tougher than others for sure. I remember getting emotional over the dog on a trip to pick up some things and my ex-wife just started in throwing daggers. Unfortunately the negativity can come to be a bit of solace at some point once you don't have to be exposed to it and you can appreciate the serenity once the stress of it all subsides. We're all pulling for you and will even give you a reprieve on any ball busting. Must have been difficult and yet cathartic to post here. Unfortunately - all this speaks to another reason to lawyer up as you aren't really in your right mind to be dealing with the details this stuff entails. Might be better to just pay the money for a little bit of peace of mind. Good luck - keep all us posted on how you are doing.
  4. @MTH first things first - sorry dude. Even if you see it coming - doesn't necessarily make it any easier. Speaking as a divorcee - if you were getting along a bit better you could both use the same lawyer. Doesn't sound like that was offered though. You know the lay of the land better than anyone if its worth trying to go that route. Sucks to flush money - but I'd tend to agree - best to hire a lawyer. Make sure you do your homework though as there are plenty that will nickel and dime you and drag things out to charge you more. Eight years ago I hired mine for $2000 out the door. Should disclaimer that don't have kids and I mostly just left with whatever was clearly mine (hockey equipment, tools, etc.) and left everything else (including the house and dog). It started out with a lawyer buddy of mine basically filing for free (and he likely would have helped had we just agreed on everything... which should have been a no brainer as I was entitled to MUCH more legally than I was "asking" for (I even caved on letting her keep my zero turn mower which was about the only "ask")) before she underhandedly served me with papers from HER lawyer. So - needless to say - cover your six. If I didn't have ins with people I'd have been scrambling last minute before the court date and probably would have been in trouble. I would assume you know folks that have gotten divorced. I'd start by asking them about their lawyers and hopefully that'll help compile a list of maybes and some nos. We all got your back on here.
  5. I thought the whole point of this board was to allow for up to five minutes of happiness before the ball busting commences? Pretty sure its in the forum rules...
  6. C'mon Coop - cheap or not - with your amount of postings you ought to know we are all judged on here by how good we look first and foremost. For shame.
  7. Whole setup is spot on @coopaloop1234. Well done. Just need to lose that blue Warrior that sticks out like a sore thumb.
  8. You're not wrong on any of the above @Chenner29. Credit where credit is due - I have had zero issues with some other smaller manufacturers (including Brown, PAW, Pro's Choice and Macmasks to name a few) but those few times you're left twisting in the wind kind of sour the whole lot unfortunately/unfairly. If its a small operation with one point of contact and you are getting stonewalled - you're mostly screwed. If I order some Vaughns or Warriors or whatever - I can get ahold of the shop where they were purchased (and bounce around on contacts if one is awful), the manufacturer, etc. I 100% get that life gets in the way - I 100% do NOT get ordering something completely custom and then having it show up with none of those requests incorporated - not only unapologetically but combatively as you noted above. There was no attempt even to offer to "make it right". Crazy. Also - yes - its always strangely comforting to know that others share your pain (though your story seems to add a little salt to the wound). Misery loves company - right? Although I'm not wishing anything terrible on any of my fellow keepers.
  9. Mistakes were made @MTH - I've been there (on countless occasions).
  10. I will just say - opinions are like a-holes… … and the dudes own coach thinks him a clown. But don’t take my word for it - this reputable article sums it up nicely… https://thehockeynews.com/news/screen-shots-binnington-suspended-qmjhl-fights-and-canucks
  11. Surprised nobody jumped on this yet - Binnington = turd... https://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/35869892/blues-jordan-binnington-ejected-punch-loss-wild Didn't bother looking for the video. Would have been nice if Flower got a chance to mangle his giant honker. ... curiosity got the best of me - here's the video (weak "punch" if you ask me but glad they tossed him)... https://www.espn.com/video/clip/_/id/35869068
  12. Ssshhhiiittt - that's some bad luck eh @MTH? I know had that happened when I was a kid I'd probably STILL be running from my pops rather than risk the forthcoming vemon/punishment.
  13. @Naz - appreciate your change of heart and allowances for us "whippersnappers". If its any consolation - though my vessel might be only 42 years "young" (in your eyes) on the inside I feel a million years old. @Fullright - thanks for the tip on the Icy Hot. The Aspercreme I've been using is the roll on "Max Arthritis Strength" variety which I can't seem to find anymore (and am down to my last couple applicators) so your tip may very well come in handy. Have a feeling after a lengthy hiatus (still have a month and change to go of a three month layoff) - I'm going to be using these accoutrements like they're going out of style.
  14. @Lucky Pucker - sorry to hear about your dad's troubles. As a guy with a pops who's struggled with diabetes and renal failure for a number of years (he did just receive a transplant so fingers crossed) - I can relate a little bit. Also can relate to "I can’t get rid of them - even though I don’t know what I’m keeping them for" as I have a whole basement area with equipment that bears the same burden (though admittedly none of it has the level of sentimental value these gloves may have to you). Definitely seems apropos to have them hung to admire.
  15. At least it gives you something to aspire to... plus - it beats work.
  16. Tough crowd. At the start of the thread Bunny (RIP) let in a 37 year old. That's quite a feat if you're crankier than Bunny was at his crankiest back to the GSBB days. Besides - tell my hairline and Aspercremed knees that youngster line.
  17. HA - truth/checkmate. I'm pretty sure I'll never reach your level of fingers on the pulse because when I sit down to read - I fall asleep.
  18. 42 trips around the sun and +/-66" tall (without slouching and rounding up of course) - should I expect my membership card in the mail shortly?
  19. Good looking out @coopaloop1234. If I wasn't so busy manicuring my lawn and being electronically illiterate - I might have even sniffed it out myself.
  20. I'm one half of a platoon with a coworker on our company team... and he's damn near half my age so I'm in for Old Guy Hockey Club if we're starting one.
  21. What the hell - I'll throw my hat in this ring... I think I'd have to go with a set of custom Battrams I ordered back in February 2012. At the time - I was quoted five weeks. Without ever being appraised about any delays - they showed up some seventeen weeks later in June. Upon prompts from myself - I was told there were life and supply chain issues which I can totally understand. Admittedly I was a bit bummed that I was stuck tracking those answers down myself instead of being informed. What I couldn't understand was that none of the custom modifications we talked about (all agreed upon on the phone and followed up via email) were incorporated: no double break, no two piece trapper cuff, no no logos... and others I'm probably forgetting. Only after they were delivered and I asked was I given "reasons" for all these changes to what I'd asked for. Just completely left a bad taste in my mouth all around. I think I wore them maybe twice before I sold them off for well less than half what I had paid. Really just kind of turned me off not only to custom orders but smaller manufacturers for a bit. I guess since I'm talking about it over ten years later - maybe I'm still not over it.
  22. @ThatCarGuy - so I had it a little jumbled. That was kind of like a play in game and NOW you're in. Good luck. Hope the wrist is holding up.
  23. So if I'm mathing right - the tourney and playoff openers have come and gone @ThatCarGuy. If so - did you get a chance to suit up and how'd you do? Let us know.
  24. @MTH I guess that's one way not to get asked to coach again. Either way - you had a good run. Way to bring back old time hockey.
  25. @ThatCarGuy glad you dodged something more serious and can play on. Give them hell in the playoffs. Not me because I'm on the shelf for a couple months but last night the defenseman on my team broke his fibula and tore some ligaments on "a rare and nasty break" from a mostly harmless looking inadvertent ((?) hopefully) slew foot. Here's the video (#14 black in front of the net)... https://www.livebarn.com/en/videoshare?vid=_2BRP5Yob0sGcsllyho2CHu8o5LUVcey2oG0CoQkO3HQANSc2uJncahbD8Ejh7YAn5A7ccVwpLBf6wd0TSjeitqUhzMh0BmwAyS1dLQWEs05d9o_2FU3VKsZ9FgreurNiZY3cSuTSJUEemwXsbbagKPoHIV8NNilbojx&dt=2023-02-14T20:29&t=183293&d=30000&mode=5 It goes on longer and shows that the refs never blew the whistle despite it going all the way down to the other end and back while he's clearly laboring to get to the bench. WTF man.
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