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Everything posted by WillyGrips13

  1. Watching Islanders on ESPN+. Butch Goring is a terrible color commentator. Look, we as Islander fans all love our dynasty players. But that doesn't mean they are good at other things. Retire him already. Let AJ Mleczko, be the sole color commentator along side Brendan Burke. These old guys, everything is back in my day. Bullshit, your day was at quarter speed to what happens now. Enough. Also, the Islanders stink. How are they not in last place? I'm guessing goaltending is saving them, because Sorokin is amazing. The other players, not so much. The rest look like healthy scratches for the rest of the league.
  2. Well I’m bringing this thread back to ask for help on issues I’m having removing a toe bridge. Now I can’t even get the toe bridge off the pad. I bought new toe bridges and bungee attachments I want to use, but I can’t get one bolt from each pad to budge. I’ve bathed in WD40 and it isn’t budging at all. I decided to drill it out tonight, but even that isn't working. These things are always difficult, but I’ve never had this much trouble before. It doesn’t help that the design of these aren’t very good. A flat disc of metal on one side with no teeth to grab the pad material and no edges to grip with a tool. Ridiculous. I’m at my wits end. edit: incidentally there is no loctite in the screws I’m now trying to get loose, unlike the other ones I started the thread about.
  3. At what point are we going to stop saying Edmonton needs a better goalie, and instead say Edmonton is a team that makes their own goalies look bad? I’m not saying any of their recent goalies have been elite, but they seem to play better elsewhere, either before or after playing in Edmonton.
  4. Personally, I’m holding out for a bag that does this…
  5. Yeah, typical Canadian goalie… jk
  6. So basically Mario Tremblay was a gigantic egotistical douchebag. Can’t believe they chose him over Roy. The best part is Roy immediately winning the Stanley Cup with Colorado as a giant F U to Tremblay. I think for most people, Tremblay will be remembered as the worst coach in the history of the world rather then a cup-winning player. That’s the cost of being a massive prick. F ‘em
  7. Has anyone noticed EVERY color commentator says the goalie was, “Square to the puck,” when they make a strong positional save? They never say the goalie was centered in the net or they had appropriate depth. Always square to the puck. I think most of these morons (almost always former forwards who know nothing about goaltending) think square means being in position. They don’t understand the distinction between square and centered. They’re both important, but they mean different things. Just a thought.
  8. But if you fully intend to sin again…
  9. I had a dream I was trying on a pair of new Bauer pads in a bedroom of a house I haven’t lived in since 2013 (Three houses since.) They were white based with orange highlights. Velcro strapping only. I liked them and commented that they were softer than I expected. They were 34” I don’t know if this means something.
  10. Our cat Sultan passed away this afternoon. She was 13 years old. It was a total shock. She had been into the vet several times over the last month. She recently had surgery to remove a mass. We brought her in today because her surgical area was not healing well. We were expecting the vet would look at the surgery site and tell us how it was progressing. They took her in the back and administered anesthesia to look her over. After a long delay the vet came out and said her heart stopped and she wasn’t breathing. They said they’d continue to administer CPR. But, when the vet came back she said Sultan had passed. This was an absolute shock that bowled us over. We’ve had many cats over the years and we’ve dealt with loss. It’s always hard, the worst part of pet ownership. But this was the most unexpected of all of them. We had no inkling that we wouldn’t be bringing her home with us today. We’re totally devastated. She was our beautiful girl. She was a willful child, always doing things her way. We have a younger male, Jethro who is now alone and likely confused as to where his sister is. We also feel guilty that we brought her in and apparently she passed because of the anesthesia. Had we waited a day, two days, a week, would she have been fine? Or was she destined to pass soon. Either way, we wanted more time with her and are devastated. I wish life had an undo button. I would hit it to have her here with us tonight.
  11. So this is new. A guy in our league is a True rep. He gave it to me, his goalie didn’t want it or it was too short for him. I’ve never used True before. I haven’t gotten a new stick in almost two years. I think this is pretty expensive. I usually get bargain sticks and use them for as long as possible. Anyway I’m thinking about getting a Buttendz or Tacki Mac to add to it. Everyone on this site seems to like those. What do you guys think?
  12. I saw the second half of this game. Binnington played really well. This goal bothers me, but not for the reason of possible illegality. It bothers me because of the state of modern defending. Breakaway happens, goalie makes a great save. Defenseman arrives. All that is normal throughout all of time. Unfortunately, in today’s game, the defender goes for the puck, misses and allows the attacker another swipe at the puck, ultimately allowing the goal. What SHOULD have happened was the defender hitting the attacker as he attempted to knock in the rebound. It was a massive defender against a average sized attacker. His hit would’ve totally negated that attacker’s further attempts at the puck. But today’s defenders all fish for pucks instead of using body contact in goalscoring areas. Rant over (Don’t even get me started in the absurdity of the own goal by Krug)
  13. Wait a minute. How can you go to both a Penguins camp and a Flyers camp? Are you a spy for one of them? Or are you a double agent? A man of intrigue.
  14. I feel like some of these coaches speak in word salads, just a bunch of fancy words in some sort of order that sounds important. Or is that just how Canadians talk? I'm not saying it's bad. I just think some coaches get a little too into character. Plus, say everything loud and forcefully! The biggest thing I noticed was how big Demko was compared to Clark. Time and time again I'm reminded of how the goalie used to be the shortest guy out there and is now often the tallest guy out there. Clark = lowercase goalie; DEMKO = UPPERCASE GOALIE!
  15. What is he saying to you? I might use that drill with the high school goalies I work with. They can handle RVH movements. ... An injured player from the other team brought his camera and took some pictures. Just in time for our dreadful season where we've yet to win a game. We lost 10 players due to one thing or another. Captain had to rebuild the team. Let's just say it's not going well. Anywell, Saucing' it! (Can you find the puck?) Waving "Hi" to a shot over the bar. Keeping an eye on a point player who isn't quite ready to shoot.
  16. Sure. Brown pants also have additional inner thigh bars that make getting the knees together harder. I took those out of my 2000 series pants and it alleviated the issue. There still is another inner thigh protector there so it’s safe. It’s something you might want to try.
  17. @FIFTY-SIX are those Brown pants the 2100 series? I tried those years ago and found they were so bulky they prevented my knees from getting together in the butterfly. At the time I had pads with standard thigh rise. So the five hole was wide open. I switched to the 2000 series and had better luck.
  18. Although, goalie equipment had gotten out of hand with how big it was pre 2004-05 lockout, the subsequent reductions of all gear, some pieces more than once, haven’t stopped people from complaining about goalie equipment size. The real difference now is the human under the gear is much bigger now than in yesteryear. 6’5” with long limbs will always look bigger than 5’8” with T-rex arms, regardless of how much gear you put on them. I have various pieces of gear that are likely pre-lockout (2004-05) spec. My John Brown 2100 CA being chief among them. At 5’10” and 190lbs., not a single person has commented on my CA being big, oversized or illegal. I think most of this stuff is just perception. They can keep reducing goalie gear for the rest of time, plenty of hockey people will continue to complain about it being too big. But it’s always going to be the giant wearing it making the net look small.
  19. You would think that teams would tell marginal cusp goalies, “Just get white equipment, you’ll likely not be here much longer.” Those pads with super-detailed graphics have been rendered obsolete already by his move.
  20. Rittich? It’s refreshing to see. But of course the starter’s rarely use the color from their team’s jersey. Usually the bench-riders and minor leaguers have colorful sets. The NCAA women also tend to have colorful sets.
  21. One of the problems with TV hockey coverage regarding goalies, the views of them are either from a 100 million miles away or right up in their face. Rarely do you get a good shot of full body from close up.
  22. When I lived in Toledo, I played here for a summer league. Oddly they didn't have a regular men’s league in the fall and spring. Instead they have 3 on 3 on a smaller surface rink. Weird. I played one week as a sub and said no thanks after that. I never got around to joining a league at the Tamoshanter in Sylvania, which is closer to Toledo.
  23. Why don’t you relax your arms when you stand up? it makes you look like t-rex goalie
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