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Everything posted by Chenner29

  1. @Rogie and @johncho have picked some up off me.
  2. Not really, I still wrap middle finger around where paddle meets the shaft
  3. Per convo with @TheGoalNet this AM: There is a security question as part of the new user registration process now. Hopefully this helps with the spam posts. Please continue reporting if they come up. We also have a new janitor, @ZeroGravitas has deletion and cleanup privs.
  4. My factory custom Warriors with steep shoulders starts where a traditional 25" would start.
  5. I think I’ve cleared everything out. Please report any new ones popping up
  6. I believe there is an option in this BB software to restrict a user's first post to have a moderator approval, that may be the way to go
  7. I flagged 6 or 7 usernames today to restrict them from further posting. looked up their IP addresses, 4 of them came from the same IP. PMed @TheGoalNet to see if we can just ban that one to start
  8. Fun stat I scrolled to today
  9. Only real adults can do it
  10. Go see a doc, get imaging done. Not sure how easy it is to get an MRI in Canada, but I had to push to get my knee done. Doc thought it was just an MCL sprain and sent me straight to PT. PT sent me back saying they want to see if there's a meniscus tear before they treat. Had to go back to the primary care doc and oversell my injury a little bit ('hurts to walk', 'it wobbles when i put weight on it', etc) for them to clear an MRI Turns out there was a meniscus tear and it changed how we approached the rehab process. US healthcare system is a joke
  11. It's ok to use bad words on here
  12. Apparently Ullmark was hurt
  13. I never said they recenter perfectly: "The CRS puts some rear tension on the pad, so the toes seem to center slightly better than if I were running them with just skate lace. While there is some of a disconnected feeling with the toe, visually the pads seem to re-center better than without CRS." If you read the original post, part of the problem I was having with stock laces is that my skate boot would slide back behind the toe box of the pad I'm not following, what casual move ProLaces "PUSH" https://www.instagram.com/p/CpFgaXduhfC/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  14. These guys are all imitating the innovator
  15. So I'm 4 skates in with this mod, really enjoying it. The CRS puts some rear tension on the pad, so the toes seem to center slightly better than if I were running them with just skate lace. While there is some of a disconnected feeling with the toe, visually the pads seem to re-center better than without CRS. No issues popping in and out of butterfly either, rotations are smooth and easy. Here's some vid clips of a stuck and puck I went to so you can see how they're rotating
  16. Kenneth Branagh doing Hamlet
  17. Hurray team-that's-not-Tampa-Bay
  18. It’s actually called the overlap (as in “post overlap”.) It is a great option on bad angle plays as A) it doesn’t lock the goalie to the post; B) it completely seals the short side
  19. Decent head trajectory, ok spine angle, poor stick and glove discipline for a shot at that angle 2/10
  20. Hey it's Eflex 6 Eflex 5 guy where ya been
  21. Gonna have to make some Akira Schmid T shirts soon
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