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Everything posted by RichMan

  1. My golf game would make a good ad for Slice'em, Dice'em lolll
  2. I know, I know, it's just beer league hockey, right? Ah but here comes this thing called "eeeego" I could blame it on lack of conditioning. Bad sleep. Previous night's game. Physical fatigue. Mental fatigue. Pandemic time off. Too many carbs at supper. Pick and choose... You feel good, you make the first save, "AWESOME!", and it's game on. Rob a few close ones, make a dive or two, and then first goal goes in. No problem. Reset. Game goes on, a couple more big saves, one TSN Highlight Moment followed by a weak goal. And now it starts. It's been 20some minutes in the game and for some damn reason, everything is starting to fall apart. Sure, defensive back check is becoming a thing of the past. You're often left alone on some 2 on 1s or 0s. You try hard but now, what the brain wants you to do, the body dismisses and somehow becomes a simple spectator to your own demise. Should I play deep? Do I take Hasek chances? Must I cheat on the pass only to get faked out of my skates on a simple slide-in goal? AHHHHH, the frustration! Most often this compounded by being a replacement goalie for which you wanna show your full experience and capabilities. Nada. You keep recalling the comment 15 minutes in "Holly shit man, what a steal!", guys on the bench banging their sticks on the boards in approval. You feel like Cloutier in Vancouver during the 2002 playoffs against the Red Wings. "It's a damn good thing I'm not paid" you tell yourself. Depending on the group you're playing with, either they just shrug it off and thank you for coming out, or the dreaded silence in the change room. The pain and embarrassment. Somehow, deep inside, far far within the reaches of our soul, we manage to suck it up, find a way to move passed it (at our own rate) and chuck it in the gear bag with the rest of humbling scars. Lick your wounds and come back another day to fight for your intrepid honour.
  3. Let me add to the brain warp. How many of you hold your breath while lacing up your skates? I noticed I do that. Not sure why. Don't have a big gut. Focus related maybe? Lolll don't know
  4. I do like the idea behind the design, but in the end I feel more comfortable with the traditional bag...at least until I discover something else that might peak my interest. Old dog syndrome
  5. Used a handful of times. In near new condition (usual light dirt and such). Paid 170$ CAD plus shipping and taxes for a total of 205$. I'm asking 150$ CAD plus shipping. You can find the details at the following link: https://brownhockey.com/products/ac/b/2200
  6. Cause they wouldn't look so vigilante or super heroin'esque, whichever suits you
  7. Bought new, used once, too short. Listed as a 25 but measures more like a 24. Great shape. Paid 100$, asking 75$ CAD plus shipping from Gatineau Quebec .
  8. 1 pair used once. Washed and air dried. Size large. Asking 30$ CAD plus shipping from Gatineau Quebec. Pictures below are of the new ones for sale in the new gear forum for sizing/material reference.
  9. Bought as backup. Approximately 28". Asking 15$ plus shipping from Gatineau Quebec.
  10. New, size large. Asking 40$ CAD plus shipping from Gatineau Quebec.
  11. Is Dave Art the only approved or used mask painter in the league? You rarely see or hear of any other.
  12. I dropped 120$ in there, spread over 5 different ones and it's been up and down a couple bucks for 2 weeks now. I'm trying to grasp how it all works, when to buy, when to sell, what to buy. I'm aware that Bitcoin/Ether/Dodgecoin are the major ones but to even dip into the real action, you'd have to drop at least a grand in each and I'm not ready to go there yet. I'll be happy if I can double or tripple my money in 3-6 months. Then we'll see what I can do better.
  13. I thought the AB Pro was a next generation of the P1. My Reebok TGC P1 looks pretty much the same.
  14. Don't fall asleep near a chicken fence on a sunny day
  15. Remember when you had the Itechs and you could tell the difference just with the side walls? Ah Bauer you , tisk tisk.
  16. Don't stress about it. I still hope the mask is in great condition for you. In retrospect, I've yet to see a used 961 sold for less than 400$ US and that was with chin or sidewall chips. Like @SaveByRichter35 said, you gotta drill the seller. It's good to do the homework before you engage in the transaction. Masks are a really touchy market with lots of misleading info and many outside company reproductions.
  17. So you didn't exactly get a 960. For the price you paid, either model, if no cracks or such, you got a great deal. I'm guessing a 950 is good enough, unless you're going for EBUG in the NHL/AHL/ECHL
  18. Milk creates phlegm and inflammation in the gut. Parsley and sesame seeds have more calcium than milk and won't create calcium deposits between the joints that can feel like crystals creating painful friction and eventually damage. The plant based calcium is better assimilated by the body. "Food is thy medicine, medicine is thy food"
  19. I'm left to right on all the gear. Always been. Found out a while back that Huet had the same habit
  20. Wrong thread but no biggie. Enjoy your new gear. I hope you're a HABS fan and that jersey you're standing on is a Leafs one
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