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Kudos to Bauer

Abraham Simpson

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I specified that BLACK lacing be used through the welting of our custom 2X Pros, but Bauer unfortunately used white lacing — hardly a deal-breaker, but I still notified Bauer of this snafu. Everything else on the pads was perfect, and we’ve been using these white-laced pads since October.

I would have been ecstatic getting a $50 gift card as compensation for the error, but instead they redeemed themselves and sent us a new set of pads with the correct BLACK lacing.

Nice to see a company stand behind their work to ensure 100% satisfaction.


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1 hour ago, coopaloop1234 said:

So you're saying that everyone should hope that Bauer messes up their custom order so that they can receive a second set for free?

Based on a sample size of one, they seem very willing to make things right. I’m sure they’re learning from this, and will be correcting their manufacturing and ordering process to ensure this doesn’t happen again, since they won’t stay in business long if they keep producing two sets of pads for the price of one.

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