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IPv6Freely's Never-Ending Season


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Hey man, I struggled with the butterfly slide on my non-dominant side too.

The two keys for me were 1. As others said, get your weight on the back leg and bend the knee/get low; and 2. I feel like I am drawing my leading knee in and down and flattening my leg somewhat so that I am presenting a flat pad to the ice as I push sideways.

Here’s a quick video I made of me trying to do it in slow mo to analyze my own technique. I’m not doing a really great job of loading my back leg, but I think it shows what I mean about #2:



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Thanks folks. I’m going to try to get on the ice for a stick time or something this week since I have no way of practicing this stuff other times. During a game or especially during a pickup (because it’s so long) I’m too concerned with getting tired and having my back act up ;)

Anyway, better result this weekend though not because of MY play. We won 10-0. We had a full lineup (10 skaters) and it was easily the most defensive play I’ve ever seen this team play. It was amazing. 

And from all that defence came offence! They made smart plays, good passes, and cycled the puck. That zero on the scoresheet is from THEIR play, not mine. 

That said, they still gave me game MVP, so I’ll take it ;)


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Short one because I couldn't get the second period (where I was actually busy) because the camera had to be outside the glass. We got the ONE ref who actually cares.

The goal at the end of the first period... I don't even know. I didn't see it at all, my D-man tipped it with his hand (he's a goalie, a much better one than me, so I guess the instinct is there), and the entire movement was beyond awkward. A simple butterfly would have stopped it, and I'm really not sure why I reacted the way I did. 

This team is now 11-2, with both losses coming from us. We're the last place team. So, we're looking at this like a playoff preview ;) 


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Maybe your reaction on tipped shot seems awkward, but it is just a reaction in situation, when you know, that you can´t make it fast enough, but your body instinctively try to do "something to stop it". Those goals just happens sometimes, in my opinion - no need to worry about them or reaction moves...

btw. I have one defenceman in my team, who do that tips regulary - sometimes he tips away,  sometimes he scores :D.

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22 hours ago, IPv6Freely said:

... I didn't see it at all, my D-man tipped it with his hand (he's a goalie, a much better one than me, so I guess the instinct is there)...

Well, if he's so much better, I think he should have had that one :).

I wouldn't sweat the reaction to that goal. It started as a rising shot, to which your reaction was to straighten up - to be expected. Then it gets tipped down, so you did the only thing you could which was to try to drop. We try to look like Nureyev on ice, but sometimes some plays make us (to quote Dryden when seeing a replay of one of his games against Boston early in his career) look like "an elephant on wheels". Regardless, keeping he puck out is always the ultimate goal (or actually non-goal).

That stuff happens: it's one of the more difficult goals to stop - if you only let in the difficult ones, you are the better part of the way there! Sad thing is, almost every time I see a D tip one in (either in my games or watching this forum), it's usually one the goalie could have easily stopped. But of course, go 50 feet out of the net to field a puck, catch an edge and turn over the puck  - then do you see anyone there to block the shot?

Tell your D if he's gonna tip, make a 5 in the pocket of the kit bag (ba-dum, tish)

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Sigh. Had probably one of the best pickups ever and my camera wasn’t rolling. It stopped after exactly 12 minutes for some reason. 

I let in one goal the entire pickup. I stopped everything. One of the best saves I’ve ever made near the end as well. Breakaway, hard push to my right, got my foot to the post and stopped it with the toe of my pad. 

So disappointing.

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7 hours ago, IPv6Freely said:

I was doing so well lately, I was due for a couple stinkers. Lost this past weekend 6-4 if I recall (no video) and was pretty bad in pickup tonight. Video will be posted tomorrow after I edit it.

I'd just chalk up the "couple stinkers" to the curling dots. They're clearly distracting. 

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IP, you're biggest problem right now is between your ears.  You gotta cut yourself some slack!  Having a sore back and being tired is not going to translate into an outstanding performance.....especially in a pickup situation where there is virtually no help from your defense.  So relax, and make sure you get a better angle with the camera next time.  ;)

The other thing - you NEED to start concentrating on getting up with your right leg.  You're going to get burned a lot if you don't start using both legs.

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Not terrible at all. Like HSD says, you had zero help and in a pickup like that, sometimes they will just go in. Some of the shots are probably the best ones ever shot by some of those guys. One dude had an Austin Matthews shot to your right just under the bar but he can barely skate. It just happens. I thought you made a lot of good saves when it was obvious you were contending with something physical...your back. You'll get a better result next time. Just a suggestion, after you freeze it or just have a min while the play is at the other end, just try getting up with your right leg first and left second. Slow slow slow...just stand up. You'll get it.

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It is obvious, that your movements were not like on previous games. But don´t blame yourself that much! It is just a pickup game and you had good saves & some goals. This just happens when play is slow and defence not working at all. There was no pressure on players and if I´m correct, no one cares about final score :( .  I agree with Fullright - some guys will not even have a chance to shoot in normal game with defence. It is allways hard to play against those players, because they come realy slow and they are unpredictable (I mean: they don´t even know, where they shoot, reading play or their moves works for nothing). Take it as a training, you were on ice and had couple of good saves, that is fine ;) .

btw. 1:35 is classic :D !

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Thanks for the kind words and encouragement, folks. The wrong leg thing is definitely a problem, though TBH I have a hard time planting my wrong leg even without gear on. It's almost more an awkwardness thing than a strength thing. Like trying to throw with your wrong arm. 

I also hurt my ankle at one point. Skate went just a bit past parallel with the ice when trying to kick out and go down at the same time. It wasn't too bad this time, but I've done it before and it REALLY hurt that time. This is the first time I've been able to clearly see it happen on camera, though.


I know the D is going to be lacking at pickup, but there are still definitely some that I think I should have had. Theres a bunch in here that were shots from the side that I was too lazy (or my back hurt too much) to bother going down and sealing things up so they go in off a leg or off my foot or whatever. Again, it's pickup. I judge my pickup sessions not by how many goals I let in, but by how many went in that I misplayed or should have stopped. If I keep that to just 1-2 per session, I'm usually going to be happy. 

It should also be pretty apparent in these videos that the skill difference between the first and second lines are huge. I actually don't like when the second line is on the ice because they're so unpredictable and get fluke garbage goals. Same reason I don't play in rookie league anymore. But I'm sure you've noticed the annoying siren - that goes off every 1:30 once and 2:00 twice, signaling line change like you see for 7 year olds. That's just so you don't have the intermediate guys of line 1 on the ice at the same time as the novice guys of line 2. I don't believe the other pickups run by this company have the siren like we do. 


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It looks to me, that there is some small rotation that shouldn´t be there and your skate goes down and backwards first insteat to the side. Actually I can´t know if it is due to previous injury of just some weird move, I advice to try that move at home with only skates, pads and pants on - make some real slow moves on that side. Yes you will look weird at home, I have lot of experience with that :D But this can help a lot to find what is wrong, which is sometimes not easy on ice with full gear  ;) .  

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7 hours ago, mik said:

It looks to me, that there is some small rotation that shouldn´t be there and your skate goes down and backwards first insteat to the side. Actually I can´t know if it is due to previous injury of just some weird move, I advice to try that move at home with only skates, pads and pants on - make some real slow moves on that side. Yes you will look weird at home, I have lot of experience with that :D But this can help a lot to find what is wrong, which is sometimes not easy on ice with full gear  ;) .  

I think it's really just a fluke thing that ONLY happens if I have to kick out at the last second when I'm half way down into the butterfly (for example if the puck gets tipped). It's not an all-the-time thing at all. I think that's WHY it happens, but it's difficult to figure out how to stop it when it happens so rarely. Maybe once every couple months it happens. 

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Ok, then I don't see this as a big problem. When you react to tipped shots, moves are awkward often ;). If it happens once per months, it is not something to work at... As I said before, I think you blame youself to much ;). 

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36 minutes ago, Fullright said:

I hope you're ok, IP. Don't mess around with a previously damaged joint. If you're still hurting, see your Dr. Assuming nothing requiring the Dr., maybe drop Maria a note? Perhaps she can suggest some stretches to help avoid a repeat.

The break was on the outside. Actually it was the lower part of the fibula, not the ankle itself - which explains how I was walking on it the night I broke it! I actually went to the bar with teammates for beer and wings and walked the whole time. Anyway, this is just like anything else awkward you do... it hurts at the time and may be sore for a couple days, but it happens. I don't think stretches will help with this since its nothing to do with that - it's really nothing more than a toe-pick :) I appreciate the concern, though!

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Last night's game. Both teams were short, so both teams recruited guys from the division above to help out. Ended up winning 5-3 after a 5-goal second period and then shutting it down in the third. I'm still not happy about the second goal - even if it was loose under me, when he blew the whistle it was still on the line. My guess is he was in the middle of blowing the play dead when the guy poked the puck in and just rolled with it. Even their guys were confused! Not a single one of them actually celebrated. I'll give him some slack though, because he was way out of position due to him being the only ref on the ice. Tried to toss the puck to him after I'd catch it or send it down the ice on an icing so he didn't need to skate as much. 

They had one of their D not dressed to play and standing on their bench. Like, one foot on the bench and one foot on the boards, screaming nonsense the entire game. He was complaining about no call on some phantom penalty he thinks he caught us committing after every single whistle. He also tried to call our timeout for us near the end of the game after they had already used theirs. That was pretty funny! I'm pretty sure he was hammered or something. 

Anyway, enjoy.


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Good game, they got lot of chances in the 3rd, but you shut the door :) .

It is not easy for ref to handle it alone. Hard to tell if the second goal was scored after whistle or not, it is realy close. Maybe puck was still on the line, maybe not. But it look like ref is blowing the play dead at first...

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