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Posts posted by Mroy31

  1. On 1/4/2019 at 12:43 PM, MTH said:

    That's a D&R catch glove.

    I think you're mistaken, that looks like 2 D&R catch gloves opened up and sewn together :P

  2. 54 minutes ago, cwarnar said:

    Topi replied to me today:

    Custom suspenders cost 60USD and tracked shipping is 15USD. If you want to order them, just tell me what color do you want the leather parts, and what embroidery you would like

    Thanks, I will have to hold off until some time in the new year though, custom skates just came in :)

  3. I also tried contacting Kova to see if they're shipping their suspenders internationally yet, but no word back.  I like how their design has the adjustable section at the single strap on the back, and they keep the plastic clips for adjusting the length on the back of the shoulders too, keeps them out of harms way from pucks.

  4. 1 minute ago, wox33 said:

    It'd be nice if a company that actually delivered products paid for started making suspenders like this. I'm going through the cheapo ones that are available in stores alarmingly fast.

    Is it the quick release part or just the better quality you're looking for? Fixmygear.com has some heavy duty ones I've been looking at. Or at the very least you can source some Jenpro and shock cord and make your own. I have the older monster model and they're functional but nothing to write home about in terms of build quality

  5. 59 minutes ago, mr_shifty1982 said:

    I've had the nxg and that thing is built better than the 1s or 2s plus more protective I'd say. Loved the unit, 4 years and not a sting!

    The only complaint I had with my NXG was that the arms were either too long or just couldn't strap it right to keep from sliding down and hitting my gloves.  That was well before I was into modding or anything like that.  I'm pretty happy so far with the 2S.

  6. Oh that part. Got the buckles from a Play it Again Sports store nearby here. Basically any Vaughn retailer can order them new for like $11 each.  Haven't tried contacting Fidlock directly, not sure if you have to be a retailer or bulk buyer. 

    The strap was made by Sara at PAW, the nylon web I pulled off my old TotalONE set, the blue connector tabs I just cut out of some spare Jenpro that I have from other projects. 

    • Like 1
  7. Couple of mods debuted last night. 

    Professor strap works and feels great. No more pad sliding up and down my leg as I go in and out of my stance. That combined with @SaveByRichter35 and others Pro Laces hack of crossing the laces before threading them through the first hole makes for a very free feeling for my feet. 

    Second one is a leather boot strap added to my 2S catcher. With some help from @ha74equipmentmanager on instagram, got it properly threaded through the entire cuff.

    And we won, so I guess they worked ;)



    • Like 1
  8. 36 minutes ago, stackem30 said:


    Principles of detection lead me to hypothesize that these photos depict the sport ice hockey.

    No individuals can be identified at this juncture.

    Further details pending a crime lab analysis and report


    • Like 2
    • Haha 4
  9. 35 minutes ago, goalie381 said:

    Mine does not appear to have adjustable arms, at least not in length (like where it would connect to the shoulders). Trying it out tonight, so I'll see how it is.

    I think the adjustable arms was one of the stock Pro features, so depending on the shop that ordered their Ultra's, it might not have been included.  It was basically a strip of velcro on the bicep that went up through a plastic clip on the shoulder.

  10. 1 hour ago, RichMan said:

    Never seen or heard of it.

    There was a time between One100 and TotalOne NXG (I think?) where there was no Supreme, it was just Pro, Elite and something else, for C/A, Pants, Skates.  I had one of the Pro ultra's from The Goalie Crease, it was a tank but the adjustable arms were a bit annoying.

    Basically "TotatlOne" era of Pads, Gloves, Sticks, was the "Pro" era of C/A, Pants, Skates

  11. @JRobles71 Yeah, @Lucky Pucker called out what I was looking at.  Although from 2 pictures, us making recommendations is a bit like searching your symptoms on WebMD.  Maybe the straps are super loose, chin cup is too tight, etc. etc.

    Check out the Mask Thread for some other options.  My face fits a S/M Bauer Profile mask, but gave me that gap at the back plate, and the M/L size would rattle around on my face.  I ended up going with a Masked Marvel and could get a custom shell that was essentially a Medium mask with an extra 1/2" extended shell at the back.

    • Like 1
  12. @Max27 Curv is in both lines, but you're right, the Vapor's are the ones with the logo beside the knee cradle.  Supremes have the triangle at the top of the thigh rise.

    There are a few goalies in what look like much more than just 2S pads with Vapor strapping.  I think Ward had Vapors skinned as Supremes last season too.  I wonder why they wouldn't just have them in 1/2X.  Player likes the graphic better?  Bauer wants more even representation of the lines in the public eye?

  13. 1 hour ago, RichMan said:

    Oops, might of misunderstood which is which...

    Plenty of @oneirichockey protective leggings available in both Origin & goalie models for Sr & Jr sizes, both models come with the added Kevlar sleeve at the bottom with the origins featuring a sleeve for your shin pad to keep in in place during the game 
    #justhockeytoronto #weknowourstuff #oneiric

    You are correct about the models.

    I've been using the Genesis for a few months now.  I really like them.  I don't really feel like the padding on the back (back of calf and thigh) is a huge sell, but it's there.  The kevlar sleeve let me go back to a lighter more structured sock, rather than the steel, cut resistant socks that get prickly after about a year and need to be replaced.  

    It is a little weirdly proportioned.  I don't have overly big legs, but I do have the combination goalie/former fat kid legs that make buying jeans a little difficult.  I'm also not slim by any means either, but the ratio of waist size to leg size is kind of crazy.  I forget if I got XL or L, but basically the legs fit perfectly, and then I can hike the waist half way up my torso.  It's still actually pretty comfortable, and there is a rubber strip along the inside of the waistband to keep them from slipping.  

    The order process may get a little weird depending on their stock.  They're a smaller company that does orders based on overall stock, so I bought mine last February as a "Pre-sale" discount.  They came in July, but that was the expectation and they kept in communication to let me know updates.

    Overall a great buy in the end.

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