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Posts posted by Mroy31

  1. 1 hour ago, TheGoalNet said:

    I was actually thinking about a pair of these myself. I don't need pants, haha. I heard these are crazy light and the 2S is new NHL spec. 

    I loved the protection but light weight of my 1S when I had them. I just found Bauer pants tend to sit lower on your hips and I preferred the higher waisted Vaughns. Feel and performance were never a concern. 

  2. Apparently they were getting some negative feedback on the durability of the shower bag and haven't been able to improve it, so aren't sending them out anymore.  Makes sense, and the only reason I really knew about it was from other users, it's not listed on the bag description at all.  They will send one of the ones they have left though, so I'll probably still give it a go.

  3. 16 minutes ago, cwarnar said:

    Yes... Its a small blue bag that attaches via velcro


    Definitely didn't get that, emailed Passau. 

    Last night went well, still just adjusting to how to get it on my back from the floor.  Anybody else feel like the mask and the skates should be at the other end of the bag though?  (Like the top and not the bottom when you're carrying it)

  4. 2 hours ago, Punisher Goalie said:

    Ditto this comparison pic posted by Trav (1S left, 2S Pro right)AC09D690-D40E-4C81-9C53-F22A89934D24.thumb.jpeg.ed279cc53aa0aa05617cd0fbfd05aae0.jpeg:

    From GGN twitter, looks like it does, although most angles make it look not quite as pronounced. Maybe it's just the transition from full thickness paddle at the grip to the ergo spine? 


  5. 4 minutes ago, thebigm said:

    They probably do.  Only thing is I think they are trying to streamline the launch so it doesn't cause too many back orders like the last time.  I'm sure they are gonna be able to handle the load I am just worried about the custom graphics if they are gonna be able to keep up.  I hope I can get the plus 2

    Talked with Rance at TGC about this a bit when I was getting fitted.  I might end up in the same boat, Large pad, Medium knee placement.  But we went with a standard Large pad and then if I still want the lower knee we'll just open up the pad and move it down.  Dennis at FactoryMad has done the same mod too.

    @1C5 Nice to see they are holding up for you.  My mid-cycle 1S set that I've been using for about a year is in the same condition, nothing actually wearing out, still perform great.  My only real regret is the Monster knee blocks I put on, the design is just a little too sloppy in terms of attaching them to the pad (unless you open it up and attach it internally).  That and the updated durability on the 2S is just enough to sway me into a new set that I intend on wearing until they start falling apart.

  6. 57 minutes ago, Hills said:

    8 Weeks? Wow I wish that was even close to what my 1X took...:facepalm:

    I'm approaching this with cautious optimism ?

  7. 2 hours ago, cwarnar said:

    Very nice... What's your wait time?

    Not sure yet. Rance will get back to me after talking with the rep. Last year my 1S set took about 8 weeks on the dot, so we'll see how their new factory is at churning out sets. 

  8. Just put my order in for these today with Rance at TGC.

    Custom specs: 1X knee block, 1X boot break, adjustable (aka removable) knee flap, double T glove with skate lace pocket.  

    Now we play, the waiting game...

    MRoy 2SPro Colours.PNG

    Oh, and saw some black Brians Optiks with this red graphic on them while I was in the store... Don't worry @TheGoalNet I didn't put them on

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  9. Here's a problem I run into quite often.  As a renter, I'm moving around every few years, and often I find myself in a situation where I have to bring my gear up and down some stairs.  With the Sumo Tower, that's a no-go with the bag, so the bag lives in the garage, and I have to make 2-3 trips up and down stairs to the basement with my gear.

    The garage is not an option, either because of critters in a house I don't trust, or because in Southern Canada we get both 40C and -20C days throughout the year.

    Have been looking at the Drysnake bag, but even that wouldn't be able to live in the garage.  

    Anybody have any creative solutions to getting your gear up and down stairs efficiently?  I've considered switching bags entirely, but I still like the general convenience of the Sumo.

  10. Actually, now that I think about it, the Vaughn rep who I got that demo set of SLR's from said that he preferred the SLR's to the VE8's when I noticed them in the back of his car.  Will be interesting to see how/if they catch on

  11. 6 hours ago, ULTIMA said:

    Are no goaltenders in the National Hockey League (or AHL) wearing the Velocity 8 gear? And if they are, is the graphic that bad where no one has even that?

    Chad Johnson was also spotted in the VE8 gloves recently, but not pads yet. (saw on IG, didn't bother screencapping)

  12. 20 minutes ago, SaveByRichter35 said:

    Not entirely true.  I have had many email conversations with both Mike Vaughn and Glenn Miller.  Not to mention Brent Woods was a very active member of the GSBB before that went to shit.  

    @Mikesch While I have had a sales rep answer my general inquiries to the Vaughn website, and got my demo SLRs through that process, their party line is that they won't do actual orders through average joe end users.  So mileage may vary on that one.

    • Like 1
  13. 10 hours ago, bfast said:

    I haven't tried to make a junior B team but they are definety going to take a midget AAA goalie over a third year house goalie. And unfortunately it is the only option besides beer league no jr c teams in my area. I have thought about training and trying to improve and then just trying out for a Jr B team to see what happens but idk. 

    Agree with @TheGoalNet, I didn't try out for Junior B until my last year of eligibility and got feedback from the coach and the Junior C coach he passed my info onto afterwards, that I'd have been on the team if they didn't already have one guy coming back and a young local kid coming up.  

    For a while I thought they might just be saying nice things, but Junior coaches have no reason to sugar coat feedback to a 19 year old, and it got me into a couple invite only camps :P

    • Like 1
  14. 7 minutes ago, coopaloop1234 said:

    I understand what you wrote. But for someone who has a major concern about matching and is willing to drop serious money to do so, padskins is an easy enough way to go about it.

    And that set looks fine, you just seem overly picky.

    @goalieThreeOne I get what you mean, I feel the same about the aesthetic with the Vapors.  The other tricky bit with them is that they aren't a full flat front face like the Supremes.  So if you try to cover over those faux knee rolls with padskins it could look pretty awful.

  15. 2 hours ago, TheGoalNet said:

    I am impressed you got that honest answer! Been sitting on the detail, I wonder if that is "public" now :eyeroll:

    To be fair, "confirmation" in this case means the words "you can order these in the fall" from whoever runs their IG account. So take that for what it's worth :P

  16. 1 hour ago, Hills said:

    I haven't noticed a difference between the 2 sizing regs so far.

    I didn't understand how the new sizing regs would make closing the 5hole harder.  I actually had trouble closing my 5hole in my old pair of 1S pants with the added thigh/groin pad, so I took that out.  

  17. Mocked this up with the 2S launch coming up. After talking with Rance at TGC, and getting a DM response from the Bauer IG confirming Fall for custom graphics, decided I'll go stock graphic since I want the updated sliding surface and 1X knee block. Not going to wait that long for functional upgrades. 

    If the reviews on custom printing come back positive, maybe I'll pull the trigger on some 3S or something :P

    (didn't feel like doing both pads, left Hanks original for reference) 


  18. 48 minutes ago, GoalieGuy101 said:

    Now that the blue padded Bauer top has been out for a while now, can anyone comment on the quality of it? ie machine washability, durability, and protection from shots when combined with a neck guard/bib combo? I'm thinking of using it in combination with a Vaughn neck guard that has a bib. I was originally thinking of going with verbero, but saw the comments on it overheating, so I figure the blue bauer shirt might be a good option

    I don't think the blue ones have actually gone to retail, or at least not until very recently.  Although there are some websites that list them.  Goaliemonkey has it listed as a new arrival.  Even the Bauer site doesn't list the blue ones.

    I was hoping to get the blue pants because of a couple sections on the yellow version that have worn off.  Or just get the "knee pad" version and have them sewn onto a better general base layer.

    Haven't used the yellow version of the shirt with a bib although I'm working on a maltese combo demo.

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