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Everything posted by ilyazhito

  1. I agree. While the enforcers as a class are gone (with a few exceptions, such as Zach Kassian), because there is no need for such one-dimensional players in modern hockey, the guys who do fight today are lower-line forwards and defencemen. The league won't care about them unless it starts getting lawsuits about concussions. Then it will ban fighting and institute serious punishments for it, at least as a PR move.
  2. Agreed. The neck guard is there mostly to protect against skate cuts. The neck guard has some protective value, but ultimately it's the dangler that stops shots from reaching the neck in the first place. I've watched Trav, and he explains why he doesn't wear a neck guard. He overheated when he wore one, so he wears the dangler instead. So it is possible to wear one or the other, but both is the safest solution.
  3. Wear a dangler, man! He's asking to get hit in the throat right there. I don't want him to be the next Malcolm Subban. Anyhow, his team-themed pads are cool.
  4. What does this mean? Custom Axis 2 graphics? Cool! I'll have to see how other people's Axis play, and then make the decision when my new 35" Bauer 2S Pros wear out whether to go with a newer Axis version or to stay with the Bauer line in whatever iteration of the Supreme they'll be running.
  5. Interesting. I never knew that. But then, my hands are on the smaller end of normal for adult male hands. Every manufacturer has their variances. For Vaughn, it's bigger stock sizing for gloves. For Bauer, it's smaller pads for the same nominal size (I wear a 35 in Bauer when I am a 34 in CCM).
  6. Why don't you like the Warrior catchers?
  7. Wow. I knew about chain link fences around the boards. However, the gong is new to me. Maybe the gong was a precursor to the goal horn. It is stupid that players can't wear facial protection unless they get injured. As long as there is a clearly defined difference between player and goalie cages, and specific head protectors are goalie-only, then there is no potential for confusion between players and goalies, which is what the no face cage rule might have addressed.
  8. It doesn't make sense, because player and goalie cages look very different.
  9. I've got a 35 set of Bauer 2S Pro heading my way. Sideline Swap is great.
  10. I agree. I enjoy Warrior's removable palms on my full right blocker. It makes it very easy to wash the palm and to move the glove to a position where I get the best grip possible.
  11. Fleury seems to be doing very well with the Wild. He's won the last 2 games he played with the Wild.
  12. You should sell these. One day, you might become the next DaveArt and have NHLers wearing masks with your paint jobs.
  13. That makes more sense. Reinforce the center bar so that it's less likely to get broken. I'd probably still use a certified cage in the show, because it got me to that point. It's not worth taking a puck or stick to the eyes because some doofus decided to stick his butt end or blade through the bars.
  14. What is the tri cage? I get the flat bar, to distribute force.across the cage more evenly, but what is the tri cage supposed to improve?
  15. Wow, I've last been measured at 5'11, and I have the same ATK as you. Conventional wisdom would say that I'm a 34 (33).in CCM, but it turns out that 33" CCM and M (34") Bauer pads are too small for me. I could go to a shop to try 34+1.5 Warrior pads, but I'd be willing to bet that 35s will be a better fit in Warrior.
  16. I also have a spare dangler and strings at home. It's saved my bacon many times in ball and ice hockey. I also had it break on me once while playing ball hockey off a hard shot to the throat. I'm surprised that some NHL goalies will wear subpar facial protection, considering how dangerous it is to be hit in the head. The head is in the line of fire more when playing a modern style. Ben Bishop had to have his mask replaced mid-game because the straps broke. If I were in the show, I'd make sure my masks were as protective as possible, even if that meant I'd replace my pads less often than my colleagues. I'd have team-coloured pads, but I wouldn't go ham on the paint job.
  17. That's why enjoy watching goalies like Fleury and Vaneček who do wear proper throat protection. It doesn't prevent them from playing well and keeps them safe. They set a good example to younger goalies about the importance of wearing proper protective gear. Whenever I see goalies not wearing a dangler, I think of Malcolm Subban fracturing his larynx in warmups.
  18. Update: I measured myself, and it looks as if I should be wearing 35" pads. My ATK is 17.5, and my FTK is 20.375. I should still be a 34 in CCM.
  19. Yes, Coveted masks look to be really good, even the Senior-level A5 mask that I have.
  20. I'm looking for something in the $200 to $500 range, 2016 (Od1ns, CCM Premier Pro, Brian's Sub Zero 3 Pro, etc.) or newer.
  21. I'll see if I can make it to a store in the next few days. It's good to know that Warrior is slightly smaller than CCM. It will help me know what to look for.
  22. On a similar note, I'm 5'11, but a 33+1 Premier II (the recommended size) is too small. I would therefore need a 34+1 Premier (or Premier II) Does that mean I would need a 35" Brian's Subzero (or Optik)?
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