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Everything posted by ZeroGravitas

  1. And today they just officially announced the release date - May 21.
  2. If I'm not mistaken, HPG14 is the new NHL spec. Can you post pics of them side by side? I was certain that the new CCM pant is not NHL-spec.
  3. Speak of the devil - I got a text saying my gear has arrived. 52 days or 7 weeks, 3 days.
  4. Retail off-the-shelf version = TF9 Custom TF9 is a custom True skate, like you've got now.
  5. Very soon. Did you buy your first pair as brand new, custom skates? TF9 will be cheaper than that.
  6. I was quoted 8-10 weeks when I put in my order before the official launch. About one week left from today until I hit 8 weeks.
  7. Looks dope, would love to hear your thoughts after you get some ice times in it.
  8. Now's a good time to buy some CCM EF4 gear if you were holding out. A bunch of price reductions went into effect: GoalieMonkey - https://www.goaliemonkey.com/ccm-price-reductions PureHockey - https://goalie.purehockey.com/search.aspx?category_1=Goalie%2cGoalie+Sticks&featured=On+Sale&mfg_web_name=CCM&sort=newest_offer_dt_desc&pg=1 For example: EF4 Pro pads for $989, EF4 Pro catchers for $317, and EF4 Pro blockers for $252. Great deals, IMO. SR, INT, JR gear marked down as well.
  9. GGN posted a pic of a college guy playing with a pad with an Axis skin that was not an Axis. I used an AI upscaler to resize the picture. Click to embiggen. The most apparent thing right off the bat is the knee. Looks to be one piece like the Bauer Ultrasonic. The calf wedge looks pretty similar to the Ultarsonic as well. What's most interesting to me is that there are no seam lines at the knee like the Ultrasonic. See pic below. Now for pure speculation: if you zoom in on the knee/inside landing area, it doesn't look like jenpro or Speedskin at all. The knee/landing area material seems to blend in really well with the pad face, so I'm guessing it's all the same material. Granted this is an upscale of a somewhat low-res pic so we've lost a lot of detail...
  10. With the Hyperlite launch, stiff options seems to be as follows: 1 - Hyperlite (X-Soft or double break? Both? We'll find out?) 2 - Soft - 2X Pro 3 - Mid - Ultrasonic 4 - Stiff - 2S Pro 5 - X-Stiff
  11. Monkey has another Brick Wall Special https://www.goaliemonkey.com/brick-wall-specials Quick overview: They have Bauer 1X Pro skates at $329 in a variety of SR sizes. They seem to have a handful of Vaughn V8 Pro Carbon leg pads in a variety of sizes at $939. They seem to have a bunch of Warrior RGT Pro leg pads in a variety of sizes at $639. Plus a bunch of intermediate Warrior GT catcher/blockers.
  12. I also didn't have any US at my store when I went in to get sized. They had a 3S Medium and a 2X Pro Small. The 3S was too big and I knew that the instant I tried them on. 2X Pro Small fit perfectly, which was great because I knew I wanted the flatter 2X boot on my US set. I probably could have used a US with a Vapor boot in a Medium, but I like a smaller, more mobile pad.
  13. I'm the same height and same FTK and I'm wearing Ultrasonics in a size Small. Wish it were every so slightly taller in the thigh, but the knee fits perfect. Used to wear CCMs in a size 33.
  14. I just filled up yesterday in SoCal. Gas hit $4.259 for premium.
  15. Version 1.0.0


    No new product for 2021. Check out the little known option of custom SR-level, non-pro price point gear on page 17.
  16. I think you're right about True/Lefevre, but there's a lot to say about True/VH and how they changed the skate business. Prior to True/VH, custom skates were not something most people thought about purchasing. Only the biggest gear nerds or people with truly troublesome feet were looking at custom as an option. And back in the day, custom skate order forms were essentially an Excel file with a couple drop down boxes and maybe a tracing of your feet. It was sort of an arcane process at the retail level. In comes True with the iPad scanner. Scans can be done quickly and accurately. Customers can see what their foot looks like, highlight problem areas, and have pictures taken to show the factory what needs to be done. True has really leveraged technology and opened the market for custom skates. Nowadays, custom skates are something almost everyone knows about. A lot of people consider it an option over stock skates, even if their feet are not particularly troublesome, especially in goalie, where we don't have many skate models to choose from. Bauer and CCM have followed True with their foot scanners. Bauer has specifically collected data on all the feet ever scanned on their 3D skate lab scanners to formulate the new Fit 1, 2 and 3 for their higher-end player skates. CCM is also transitioning to a three fit system for their higher-end player skates beginning in 2021. Would all of this have happened without True? Probably. But maybe True's disruption of the skate world has accelerated and/or inspired some of these moves that the Big Two are making.
  17. Haha, I've been wanting to go back to all white or a white based setup, but I'm still on the first three of my all red eflex4 sticks. Going white just won't do.... Yet.
  18. What's in the box!?!?!? Gear arrived today, 11/24. 53 days, or 7 weeks and 4 days.
  19. Swapped from the stock True/Step holder to XSG and I'm very happy with the way it feels. Was not comfortable at all with the stock holder.
  20. Paid for the skates on 9/28 - so that's probably when the order went through. Skates shipped 11/2 and arrived on 11/3. 36 days, or 5 weeks and 1 day.
  21. Version 1.0.0


    Brian's 2020 catalog.
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