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Everything posted by Colander

  1. Colander


    I'm sorry - I even tried "Google translate" but this is still indiscernible to me
  2. I don't think the whole reverse rolls things is a precedent here. I'm pretty sure there was a call out to stop people from showing their bare feet in pics, but I still keep seeing pics with appendages that look they would only be at home inside ET's shoes
  3. Nope - most of mine are embedded in x-bars or posts...
  4. May make sense, but doesn't make it right - doesn't that guy have a beanstalk to climb or something??
  5. Actually this is something I suggested but I can't recall if it was on a previous forum. Anyway it would be great to have a database of what cages fit what masks. If people have experience swapping cages and masks, please let us know. If you have different masks and the time, try swapping and let us know. BTW: knowing what doesn't work is as valuable as knowing what does. It would be nice to know if you see a cage on sale and could say "yeah that's a great deal and it fits my mask". I have a personal agenda as I have a Hackva, so would like to know what options I have are. I know Otny sells replacements, but would be nice to have a choice, new or used...
  6. Yeah, I thought they might be outmoded by now - they were fairly popular (and probably pretty useless and possibly even damaging to skating skills) when I was a kid, but then so were radios that had tubes in them.
  7. Oh man - first look at the last pic and I thought "why would you make bob-skates for goalies?" Penny has now dropped - nothing to see here, move along...
  8. Colander


    LOL - sooo many mixed messages in that pic. First I thought your daughter was giving a thumbs down to the bowl of veggies, and then I thought, who the hell drinks chipotle beer?
  9. Colander


    In his defense, while family is foremost, once you've had kids you realize the importance of beer
  10. Perhaps an update to the tagging. I look at @TheGoalNet and all I see is a red oval with fuzz in the middle. Black text would probably go a long way to solving this (I think that's the way it was before?) And no, I don't have any known colour-blindness issues: blue means go, purple means stop...
  11. Well it's one thing to be a crappy team, but if you add a stupid name to it, you'd be better off just heading to the local Harley bar and explaining to them how 'V'-twins suck...
  12. Further to @coopaloop1234’s comments: what we know as the “cougar” in the Pacific Northwest is known a mountain lion, puma or even panther in other parts of North America. Similarly, “Bigfoot” is also known as the “Sasquatch” to first nations people and “Yeti” in parts of Asia. The Humboldt (or giant) squid, which can be up to 50 feet long and weigh up to 1 ton lives in the waters of the Pacific Northwest with sightings going back to the 1800s. The Norse Kraken could easily be the Humboldt in these areas. Based on that, the name is very relevant. (Whether or not your buddy is stupid is probably a conversation those that know him should have). It is also not beneath me to suggest that the official merchandise gift shop(s) be named “Get Kraken” (It’s so nice to reside in the anonymity of the internet)
  13. If I remember correctly, I think it was @Hockey School Dropout who played ball hockey in gear when he was on the old GCN forum. It seems @havok does as well. Pivotal question: are you using regulation hockey nets or street hockey nets: · If the former, I would probably use full padding and get some roller-fly. I know you said you wouldn’t use a sliding aid, but the benefit the position is too great to not consider it in a full-size net, IMO · If it is the latter, I would go gloves, some cool retro mask (modified Cooper HM7 or even funkier) and some hard surface well-padded knee pads. In that case, low stance, quick small shuffles, depth and as you said, an active stick (especially to block the backdoor) are your friends. I played all hockey a few years back on an outdoor court this way and even with a regulation net and it worked out quite well BTW - there is a thread in the "Forums" section about Ball Hockey play...
  14. Yes!!! - Kraken. After years of having to endure "Canucks" finally, some sports regalia I would consider buying!
  15. With all the pro teams out there currently going through name changes due to the recently rise of anit-racialism (if that's a word), I would suspect that any new team considering a name would put a lot of forethought in. Unfortunately, I suspect the teams doing the renaming will profit from it - all the new-team-name swag to sell will surely bring in even more profit....
  16. Yeah, why do you think all of us on this forum are in net?
  17. They used to put me in goal in soccer because they thought I could do the least harm there. I remember running off the field at the end of one PE session where we won the game and one of the guys on my team chirping to his buddy on the other team "We beat you guys - and we didn't even have a goalie"
  18. You "win" the privilege of being an old man - it's at the same level of notoriety as when you were in school and they picked teams and you ended up on a team not because you were picked but because you were the last one left. (OK - I'm not the only one that happened to on a regular basis right?)
  19. Wait, we may have a winner - did you mean simply peeing in the middle of the night or getting up to pee in the middle of the night? One would tend to indicate the are range we are looking at - you figure out which.
  20. Actually, I believe that was his daughter, the cleverly-named "Moon Unit" Zappa (and you young'uns thought all the original names started in the new millennia!)
  21. I'll respond, being one of the grand-masters of this club (I think @Wonder35 is the only one that presently has me beat): First: I'll fix your last comments Second: I'll warn you of a dangerous mistake you made - your comment "Can’t stand today’s warmed over remakes of classic movies." Whoo - DO NOT use the term "remake" in front of people under 30 - I don't know why but you'd be safer insulting their mother, car, S/O anything but saying that. I once told a bunch of ~ 25 year-olds that "Star Trek" Into Darkness was a remake of "The Wrath of Khan" (I didn't even say "shitty remake", which it was) - barely got out of the place alive - and 75% of the people that were openly hostile about it were relatives... From your comments you seem to have what it takes, but as Jimmy asked "Are you experienced?" Do you have the age debilitating wounds that make you a true curmudgeon? Do you need to get up to pee at night? Do you have to eat fiber. Do you subconsciously know the shortest route to the closest restroom in any given store or mall? Do you remember the disappointment that came with breaking a yo-yo string? Do you still have burn marks on your fingers form that first Xmas wood-burning kit (what evil parent would give that to a kid and think it was OK to sen them off on their own and learn how to use it?) Show us what ya got!
  22. I see people posting how they have two water bottles on their net - never understood how that works. I usually have 50 - 75% of mine left at the end of the game as I don't get too many breaks that last long enough to take a sip. Can't count how many times I have been caught with my mask up and glove off trying to take a drink as the rush turns and comes back into my zone. More than once I've had to toss the water bottle behind me into the net as I struggle to get set up. I usually just chug the better part of my water bottle in the changeroom after the game
  23. That's why God invented flag football
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