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Damaged Cage


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My kids in tryouts right now.  During goalie evals his cage has suffer a "dent" from a point shot.  Slapshot right to the grill ?  Fortunately it didn't bother him at all  Whats the thinking here, his this cage still okay or should I be getting it replaced?  My dad brains says replace and that likely what I'll do.  Just curious what everyone's take is...

ps No catseye CSA cheapshots... he likes it. ?



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I've seen people play in worse, and I don't think it's an imminent safety threat (ie: he can probably get hit in the face again and be OK). But still, I would replace it as soon as possible, you don't want to be messing around or taking any chances with your face/head. We spend a few grand on our gear, $100 or so for a new grill ain't much ;)

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3 hours ago, estogoalie said:

I've seen people play in worse, and I don't think it's an imminent safety threat (ie: he can probably get hit in the face again and be OK). But still, I would replace it as soon as possible, you don't want to be messing around or taking any chances with your face/head. We spend a few grand on our gear, $100 or so for a new grill ain't much ;)

totally agree.  Just ordered a new one on my lunch hour.  Whats another $180 on the pile.  Last time CCM got it to us less than week.  Hopefully we get that service again.

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