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Everything posted by Chenner29

  1. you fucking traitor, I hope you pull a G5 Jarry gaffe every game
  2. Send me something so I can give you my number too
  3. Two words: Period skates
  4. No, mostly he bitches about how old gear was better and he never wants to change Then he'll get some new old-stock gear and bitch about how crappy it is
  5. Mrazek/Wedge/P34 is life. Mrazek/Wedge/P34 is love.
  6. On the other hand you responded to that thread faster than you responded to my text, so you may be an addict
  7. You're not an enthusiast until you: Treat every thread as your own personal blog and reply to every thread all the time Create and post under multiple usernames Share and overshare your personal life on a public forum
  8. Get outta my brain There's only memes in there
  9. GoalieMonkey is now doing BOGO 50% off on clearance sticks. Coupon code BOGOSTK50 Stock is mostly iterations of the Warrior V1 right now. Guessing the Bauer price protection still applies to clearance items
  10. Not sure... and I'm not good at physics, but I'm guessing the liquid in it could exacerbate any dip or curve if the ball was spun just right?
  11. YES but he also says it in a tone that suggests it's the most obvious thing in the world and you're an idiot for not reaching that conclusion yourself
  12. Not in the demographic specified, but here is my take on the subject: What's crazy to me is how many people substitute their ice times for dedicated work in the gym. "Hockey is my workout" etc. Talk to any physical therapist or sports injury doc and they will tell you we play one of the most physically demanding positions in sport. Couple that with advancing age, the fact that our bodies don't recover and repair as well as they did in our late teens and early twenties (on top of whatever injuries/bumps/bruises you've accrued and ignored along the way) and you have a recipe for disaster...unless you are taking proper safeguards and actively working on your mobility and strength. I dedicated last year to get stronger and in better shape to set myself up as I progress in age, and I think I have achieved that. My thinking was I'd rather start at 36 than not at all, and if I postponed my plan it would be that much harder after 37, 38, 39, or even 40. I dropped 20 lbs, skated 3x/week with some high level guys and got to pick their brains. If a guy looking to get to the next competitive level is spending at minimum 2 hours a day between ice and gym, IMO us normal beer leaguers can invest 15-30 mins a day to work on basic things to stay healthy. Adjusting your diet requires less time investment but is probably the most difficult because for many, it's a lifestyle change - but it can have tremendous, cascading effects on your overall health with the overall goal of lowering body fat % and increasing muscle composition. There's tons of resources on this online so I'll leave this to experts, but counting calories really does work. You can lose weight on a diet of nothing but fast food if you are diligent in understanding your daily caloric requirements. For the physical stuff, it is important to distinguish between flexibility and mobility. Maria Mountain and tons of other strength coaches will probably explain it better than I do, but in essence, flexibility is your ability to stretch to a certain point. Mobility is the ability to do so with control and power. Obviously we want mobility for our position and there are purposeful, specific exercises to achieve that. To get there, I recently started doing some things within the discipline of Functional Range Conditioning (link to the principles behind it here), with particular focus on my gummed up hips, and have been able to progress from a Giguere-width butterfly (with the knee pads exposed to the shot!) to consistently and easily getting the tops of my pads to touch - this has taken me about 8 weeks of time working on specific exercises for 15 mins at least every other day (recommended is twice a day). I've also noticed a little bit more pop loading off an edge when my legs are in various extended positions. tldr; if you want to be an athlete but aren't training like one, you're gonna have a bad time
  13. The way he ends sentences with that downward inflection is what gets me.
  14. Same! Two coaches I grew up working with played net in that league. Can confirm the ball is 100% harder to stop than a puck due to its chaotic flight path. They also hated that they had to wear Franklin pads and those V-form skates
  15. **cues up some old video of late 90s Pro Beach Hockey**
  16. Crosby to Seattle confirmed
  17. IIRC the R9000 is a stiffer pad than the R6000 Try to curve the pad around the knee and work in the boot a little more. You might be able to get the pad to drop Also do you wear the inside elastic calf wrap velcro tight? Loosen that. And add more slack at the toe bridge so your skate has room to come back further
  18. tldr; Most non-Brown units are around 6 lb.
  19. Chenner29

    2021 Playoffs

    Let's worry less on the meaning of the phrase and focus more on the positive We've got our "Tommy Salo Retired?" moment on the TGN board, boys Also do not Google image search "dead closet" - lots of depressing news there
  20. Here's a vid snip of me in an Adidas 58G. I'm 5'11 with an NHL spec CCM chest unit. These are my favorite fitting jerseys by far. There's plenty of stretch in it if you've got an old spec chest.
  21. I had a strong hatred of the old CCM goalie cuts with the wizard sleeves. The sleeves were too wide and short. Wrist opening was like a foot wide, armpits were more like two feet Also notice Ozzie had some additional padding outside the hip...
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