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Why we "need" new gear


What is your reason for wanting new gear?  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. Why do we "need" new gear?

    • New Materials
    • Innovative Features
    • Trying a new brand
    • Just like new gear
    • Team Colors
    • Other (list below)

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As I sit at work today, I've been spending an abnormally longer amount of time on the customizers and thinking about a new set of gear... Back in the day I rarely felt the need for new gear.  I was in the same Smith set for 8 years.  Some guys still do so... But being on this site plus the various FB groups it seems like guys/gals are turning over gear at an alarming rate...

So it begs the question... Why?

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Peer pressure is a big one.  Both on here and in real life.

Emulation of what's on TV, as well.  I've joked that I would never buy gear not in the NHL, which is partly a joke but mostly true.  I'm willing to admit that I'm impressionable when it comes to some things and hockey gear is definitely one of those things.

Financial ability + it's super fun = why the heck not?  is another one .

P.S. Why is it alarming to you?  Just curious, genuinely.

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I put 'Other'.

I'm on the verge of my 4th set of pads since picking up the position 8-9 years ago. My needs for acquiring new gear have always fluctuated. Sometimes it's due to needing a new set as my old one has been used and abused, or it's because I want something shiny.

With my currently pending R/GT2 set, it was a combination of my current set needing to be replaced (my blocker is absolutely toast), matching a teams colours, and making the jump into my first Pro set.

I do think some people swap sets a bit too quickly. I know it's just gear, but being intimately familiar with it and making it a part of my goalie persona (Being recognized is fun) is kind of a big thing for me. 

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The innovative features option is particularly valid nowadays because there's been a good wave of changes lately that have finally rendered a new generation of gear.  We are now clearly saying "modern" vs "old school" as big picture example, with gear becoming more stiff, lighter weight, and now made of entirely velcro, magnets, and space ship materials.

These trends are going to inspire new purchases as more and more goalies feel left behind and wanting to catch up. 

There was mostly nothing wrong with my V6 set, I wasn't inspired by the degree of change in V7, but the VE8 stuff was different and modern enough to inspire me as I wanted lighter, stiffer pads with minimal strapping. 

On the peer pressure front, 100% for me I switched to bungee toes solely because I hang out on here.  I had never even thought about the functionality or possibility of changing toe ties before.  I made the jump and bought new bungee ties and thankfully the benefit was instantly evident and I was so glad I did.  But the catalyst was a form of peer pressure on here.

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9 minutes ago, seagoal said:

On the peer pressure front, 100% for me I switched to bungee toes solely because I hang out on here.  I had never even thought about the functionality or possibility of changing toe ties before.  I made the jump and bought new bungee ties and thankfully the benefit was instantly evident and I was so glad I did.  But the catalyst was a form of peer pressure on here.

Good point. Sometimes gear isn't the big stuff but the little things that add up.

I was completely happy with my ARS straps on my R/GT's. This site made me take the plunge into pro laces and to ditch the boot strap and I've been happy about both ever since.

You guys are expensive to please.

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Other for me:

I started back up after 4 years off and either replaced my, at that point 10 year old equipment, for better features or protection.

In some cases, buying a piece, trying it out, deciding it wasnt for me and reselling it. 

But I also bought some equipment, for well, retail therapy.

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2 hours ago, seagoal said:

P.S. Why is it alarming to you?  Just curious, genuinely.

We all know gear isn't cheap... especially with the coming influx of printed graphics.  Guys seem to turn over sets, or being the owners of multiple sets (Scott McDonough and his 6 new custom G4 sets come to mind) and you just wonder the science or rationale of the gear bug.

Image result for goaliemonkey g4 ggsu

I'm completely satisfied with my current GT Pro set... But as a gear head I can't help but be intrigued by the current new offerings such as the 2X, GT2 and Passau.  I really do believe there is no longer a "forever" set of gear

1 hour ago, coopaloop1234 said:

Good point. Sometimes gear isn't the big stuff but the little things that add up.

I was completely happy with my ARS straps on my R/GT's. This site made me take the plunge into pro laces and to ditch the boot strap and I've been happy about both ever since.

You guys are expensive to please.

Being a gear head and lurking on the sites/forums/FB definitely enables the gear buying bug.   

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Wow...that photo is a thing of beauty.  Now I want more gear.  See how this works??  YOU are helping create this!!!!

I think " I want it and I can get it" is as about as far as the rationale goes in most cases...especially as displayed in that lovely photo.

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Well, depends what gear exactly are we talking about. The one thing I have the need to replace most often are gloves, as after 2-3 seasons they get broken down and lose the form and structure (ie: I hate "floppy" trappers). On the flip side, the gear I can use the longest without feeling a need to replace is helmet and skates. With the helmet I just change the foam lining every 4 years or so, and I'm good to go. Same with skates, just replace the blades and/or cowling from time to time when they get worn down. CA can easily last many years, but after a while the newer CA's just have more protection and I'll have to buy one. Same with leg pads, PRO pads can probably last 5-10 years, but technology updates have been making me buy new ones in 3-4 year cycles instead. Or even sometimes I'll just buy a full set (leg pads and gloves) every 3-4 years, which is actually what I've been doing lately.

...as for peer pressure, I'm too old for that shit, LOL. Wait, actually, when I was younger I didn't give a f--k either, so I retract my previous statement ;) 

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7 hours ago, cwarnar said:

We all know gear isn't cheap... especially with the coming influx of printed graphics.  Guys seem to turn over sets, or being the owners of multiple sets (Scott McDonough and his 6 new custom G4 sets come to mind) and you just wonder the science or rationale of the gear bug.

Image result for goaliemonkey g4 ggsu

I'm completely satisfied with my current GT Pro set... But as a gear head I can't help but be intrigued by the current new offerings such as the 2X, GT2 and Passau.  I really do believe there is no longer a "forever" set of gear

Being a gear head and lurking on the sites/forums/FB definitely enables the gear buying bug.   

WTF is that? He's a beer league guy?

...as to the question "why" so many beer leaguers buy several sets or a new set every year...I would say the simple answer is "because they can". If I had too much time and money, I'd also get bored and probably waste my time playing with custom color editors and wind up with too many sets of pads that I don't need and that will be quickly outdated/unused like Scott McDounough (don't see many puck marks on any of those pads, LOL, but they sure do look nice sitting in that custom wood cabinet ;) )

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For me, new gear is a reward. It doesn't have to be the latest tech or even brand new in some cases. I usually set a personal goal for myself, and then reward hitting that goal with a purchase.

Peer pressure is a subconscious factor too, as stated above. The more I frequent goalie-related content, the more I want to try some piece of gear that's being talked about. I'm 1-2 items away from being set for a long time, though (at least that's what I keep telling myself.....).

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I'll pick up minor pieces of equipment on a decently regular basis... try stuff that is new etc. But when it comes to a set (leg pads, glove, blocker) I really don't buy that often. My current set is EF1 Retroflex and has just gotten to a point where I want some thing new... so 4 years after I bought them... I've ordered a new set. 

No where that train sorta went off the tracks recently... is when I went to a LHS when traveling for work to get a good feel for specs I want on my  new set... and I made the mistake of trying on the latest skates. Of course I ended up buying a pair... so now having bought new equipment that I wanted I start tinkering on what I have and repadded my mask only to find a hairline crack in the shell... so now I actually need something. 

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6 hours ago, estogoalie said:

WTF is that? He's a beer league guy?

...as to the question "why" so many beer leaguers buy several sets or a new set every year...I would say the simple answer is "because they can". If I had too much time and money, I'd also get bored and probably waste my time playing with custom color editors and wind up with too many sets of pads that I don't need and that will be quickly outdated/unused like Scott McDounough (don't see many puck marks on any of those pads, LOL, but they sure do look nice sitting in that custom wood cabinet ;) )

 That was from when they were brand new and GoalieMonkey put them all on display. Definitely a thing of beauty! I bought a set from Scott and they were gently used.

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