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The Old Man Thread


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I'm in - love the tags. And for the record, mile marker 59 is about 2 months away.  I'll put in an @Fullright to be sure he doesn't miss out on this great thread. I think he was the one who suggested we could have used one on the old GCN to allow swapping of seniors' discount coupons etc!

Thank you! The unfortunate part is that I really DO need fibre!!!!

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We're extending it to mid/upper 40's, under 70" tall. Just those of us who are younger have to provide metamucil and tennis balls (for the walkers) for the meetings and either have to be naturally, noticeably grey or balding or combination of both (I am noticeably grey, thank you very much!). Arthritic limbs are a bonus, and I have that in spades. 

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While it is the "Over 50 Under 70 Club", we make allowances as per the terms and conditions set out per bunnyman. Like horseshoes and hand-grenades (atomic weapons as well) being close counts.

Being old, we have enough to complain about without worrying about seeing your CARP or AARP card...

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Remember when AARP limited their membership to 65 and over? Then it was 60 and over, then 55 and over and now, you get membership applications once you hit your mid '40s to remind you of what's ahead...

I have a wife who is 100% in your club. We've been married a very long time; she calls me someone 12 years younger but 15 years older in the head! 

But hey- in North America, you're not called an "Old Age Pensioner".

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Naw, HSD gets an exemption for everything he's endured the past few years. Besides which, a public younger looking mug might help recruitment.

The fearless leaders of the beloved board are probably thinking why the hell they started this thing. Don't worry fellas; you'll get there. :)


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On 6/24/2017 at 11:48 AM, Fullright said:

Naw, HSD gets an exemption for everything he's endured the past few years. Besides which, a public younger looking mug might help recruitment.

The fearless leaders of the beloved board are probably thinking why the hell they started this thing. Don't worry fellas; you'll get there. :)

Actually- if you're LUCKY, you'll get there!

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I'm still early 40s but certainly under 70".  I'll be receiving my application in the mail shortly? ;)

Why yes! We need more members, just like AARP and CARP!!!!! Your application should be in the mail for the SOMG club, standing for Short Old Man Goalies. Meetings at 8:30 a.m the second Tuesday of every week!!!

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  • 1 month later...

Hold on there @bunnyman666 ! You know from the discussion at the last executive meeting it's a sliding scale: the farther you are below 50, the grumpier you have to be. Now I realize that not everyone can excel in both fields the way I have, but @Mike24, what are you bringing to the table here? I mean, can you provide us with an example of a good rant that will bump you up in the "Grumpy"column???? Bear in mind with your low age, you are going to have to rant at a level that would cause most people to spontaneously combust, so, yeah, bring your game face and bring it on....

Edited by Ghostender
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Hold on there @bunnyman666 ! You know from the discussion at the last executive meeting it's a sliding scale: the farther you are below 50, the grumpier you have to be. Now I realize that not everyone can excel in both fields the way I have, but @Mike24, what are you bringing to the table here? I mean, can you provide us with an example of a good rant that will bump you up in the "Grumpy"column???? Bear in mind with your low age, you are going to have to rant at a level that would cause most people to spontaneously combust, so, yeah, bring your game face and bring it on....

Trying to get a bit of activity here! 

Besides- he may out grumpy the grumpiest of grumps! After all- he exhibited the very first trait of old manliness: not understanding why Dave Art is so wonderful and wanting to go back to the simplicity of '90s masque paint schemes! The young whipper snappers think DaveArt is da bomb!!!!

This fiber stuff is not working!!!!

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Yes, those are valuable traits that show promise. 

I'd still like to hear a rant from him. I suggest the topic be why the price of both prune juice and Depends cannot go up at the same time.  Bonus point will be given of use for the following phrases or references:

  • in my day
  • when we were kids
  • depth of snow walked in
  • cost of bread
  • kids on his yard
  • value of elastic waisted jogging pants
  • technology
  • irregularity
  • people are starving in (insert foreign country)


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