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Worst Unis in Hockey


NHL Jerseys  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Who has the worst best Unis in hockey?

    • San Jose
    • Anaheim
    • Tampa
    • Ottawa
    • Florida
    • Vancouver
    • Vegas
    • Capitals
    • Winnipeg
    • Carolina
    • Columbus
    • Edmonton
    • New Jersey
    • Arizona
    • Minnesota
    • Colorado
    • Dallas
    • Nashville
    • Calgary
    • LA

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Anaheim Ducks get my vote -- I think they're in need of a rebrand.

The Issues: The logo is bad, plain and simple. Aside from looking entirely generic, I think the whole 'D for duck, and shaped kind of like a duck's footprint' is a pretty uninspired. The swoosh stripes on the arms and under the arm are awful too, especially the vertical ones under the arms. The thin orange piping on the shoulders is weak, and is easily overshadowed by those swooshes. Overall, I also feel the entire color scheme got tired pretty quickly.

The Fix: Personally, I would be in favor of a return to the eggplant jerseys -- maybe a slightly modernized version, without the diagonal stripes on the front of the body. Yes, the colors are very 90's, but I think a lot of people would agree that they worked surprisingly well, and didn't age as badly as we may have suspected. I feel the same way about the Colorado Avalanche or San Jose jerseys... they're all very 90's, but they have unique colors, they look sharp on the ice (when applied to a good design/logo), and they contribute to a strong brand identity. And I don't care if it started from a Disney movie, the dusk mask logo was killer.

If they were determined to keep the color scheme, they should revert to the old duck mask logo with their current colors, like they had on their third jerseys from 2010-2014. The vertical stripes under the arms need to go away entirely, and the stripes on the arms (and waist, if they were to add them) should be straight, instead of that swoosh shape. I think the bright orange needs to be downplayed in the jerseys, as it was in their earlier years. I know it's meant to be a nod to Orange country (and to some degree, it mimics a cartoonish duck's legs and bill), but just because it has a meaning does not mean it's good. 

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1 hour ago, TheGoalNet said:

@stackem30 - love Colorado’s colors. Hate the uni. Their outdoor Unis a couple years ago were gorgeous. Shame those couldn’t become full time 

They need to gas the black protective gear 

I can't say I agree with your take on the outdoor jerseys. I thought the all-white body was boring, and I dislike the whole tank-top effect that comes from how they stacked all the colors on the arms (Arizona has the same issues). I just found them to be too blocky and simplistic, and felt they lack all the richness that comes with their current jerseys and the way the colors are positioned. I've never been a huge fan of their current logo, but it works well enough, and it's still synonymous with those great 90's and early 00's teams they had. The C with the puck in the middle is kinda cool and 70's-looking, but I think it's dull sitting in that sea of white. I won't even get into the oversized numbers... though I get the logic behind them in an outdoor game, and wouldn't imagine they'd carry over to a regular design.

To each their own, though -- jersey talk is great, because the opinions can range so widely, and some people have really specific tastes (I know I am still really disappointed with how they tweaked the Devils uniforms this year, and they're not even that bad). Glad there's a thread for this!



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Is this multiple choice? Because there's a lot of bad ones and boring ones: Bruins, Devils, Sens, Coyotes, Carolina, Columbus, etc...

Anaheim's certainly aren't the best, but at least I know it's them right away when I watch. Same with Vegas, Nashville and Dallas. More teams need to embrace identity with a distinct uniform. Carolina used to have that Hurricane flag markings on their jerseys which I thought was a cool touch.

Tampa Bay needs to change theirs, too. When Vasy wore 1S pads it always took me a second or two to distinguish them from the Leafs since Andersen had the same pads. I've always thought the Devils and Senators were just awfully boring and unmemorable. I love the Bruins bear logo on their black jerseys, but I hate their normal jerseys. Something about them as always looked ugly to me. Coyotes originals were one of my favorites, fitting in with my former thoughts. The "Phoenix Red" were a bit bland, but also easy to remember. The new ones are a hot mess, much like that franchise. Columbus' jerseys just scream "filler expansion team". Their thirds were pretty rad though. 

Decided to go Washington. There's so much red/white/blue as it is, and the piping on the jersey looks bad. Looks so Reebok template/cookie-cutter. I don't like that CapiLals logo, makes the "T" look like an "l". Then again, DC certainly loves their L's. Bring back that unique DC blue/bronze/black days with that eagle logo!!

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20 minutes ago, TheGoalNet said:

@Moose75 - I feel like the Kings have 2 iconic looks. OG purple and gold and Gretzky era. I hate the piping for piping sake on their current Unis, but that’s my only complaint. 

The forum blue as an alternative would be killer 

I say go bold and do forum blue as mains again. Black and silver clashes with Arizona's OG look and Vegas.

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I keep reading "OG" but I have no idea what it means when people say it :/

I selected Columbus for a number of reasons.  Other than them, I must say I think Dallas made a mistake going to that lighter shade of green. Looks awful. The logo is okay though.

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Oh and the words "Vancouver" on the front of their sweater is just about one of the silliest ideas ever conjured up. The Canucks organization has changed uniforms something like 10 times in their history.  I actually prefer when they were wearing navy/maroon/silver with the whale.

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2 hours ago, ULTIMA said:

I keep reading "OG" but I have no idea what it means when people say it :/

I selected Columbus for a number of reasons.  Other than them, I must say I think Dallas made a mistake going to that lighter shade of green. Looks awful. The logo is okay though.

I am guessing “original” is part of “OG”.

Maybe someone could care to explain to those of us not in the know.

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I wish St.Louis Blues were in the survey.  They got it RIGHT with the Winter Classic unis, then they went back to the modified ‘70s sweaters. 

In my blunt opinion, the St.Louis sweaters were great two times: 1967-71 or 72 (can’t recall when they did the shouler striping) and last year’s Winter Classic. I have found myself hating most of the sweaters when they started the shoulder yolk or striping, DESPISED the word font “BLUES” curved over a small Blue note, scratched my head at the addition of red, HATED the mid ‘90s (so-called Gretzky era, even though he was on the team for only what- three months?) with the slanted bottom stripes,  thought the late ‘90s through present were okay. Then they do the Winter Classic, then Adidas PULLS THE RUG FROM UNDER US! I am NOT a fan of the Adidas template; the NHL should let the teams have more classic looks. 

The original Blues sweaters were classic, like a Red Wings sweaters only with blue, white and yellow. They looked AWESOME.

Second place is the Crapitals sweaters. They had such a classic design, then they had to RUIN it with the weird colours and the iggle on the front. Was it the Postal Service team? This new HOT MESS they have had is abominable. I like “piping for piping’s sake. In my blunt opinion, piping is for vertical lines on breezers!

The best ones? Rangers, Bruins, Wings, Blackhawks, Habs and Leafs.

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On 2/4/2018 at 2:29 AM, ULTIMA said:

I keep reading "OG" but I have no idea what it means when people say it :/

I selected Columbus for a number of reasons.  Other than them, I must say I think Dallas made a mistake going to that lighter shade of green. Looks awful. The logo is okay though.

Hah, this is why opinions are great. I am a 180 from you! I love the colors, but the logo irks me some reason. 

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13 minutes ago, stackem30 said:

I don't think Carolina has bad jerseys by any means, but that franchise made a mistake going with a red/black/white color scheme. It's been done plenty in this league, and there are plenty of colors that haven't been utilized nearly enough, if at all. 

I know the colour way goes with the nautical flags for wind forces, but yes- that colour way is in general over-used. How ‘bout the old Hartford colours? 

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I accidentally chose the sharks, but i think that the ducks have thew worst overall, bad logo, meh colours, but  a close second are the stars, just dont like the look of the logo.

Also the current Nashville and Carolina jerseys are worse than what they had last year. When it comes to the avalanche i agree with @TheGoalNet their outdoor Jerseys where the best and they should use them as their mains.

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2 hours ago, Znowleopard said:

I accidentally chose the sharks, but i think that the ducks have thew worst overall, bad logo, meh colours, but  a close second are the stars, just dont like the look of the logo.

Also the current Nashville and Carolina jerseys are worse than what they had last year. When it comes to the avalanche i agree with @TheGoalNet their outdoor Jerseys where the best and they should use them as their mains.

Didn't like Nashville when I saw them at first. I have watched a bunch of Nashville games this year and I like them in action. IMO, A team like Nashville needs to look "modern" because they are not original 6 or 12. I think this is a clean look and better than any previous ones. Their logo though :facepalm:

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2 hours ago, coopaloop1234 said:


1. Ew Edmonton
2. Ewwww Edmonton
3. The switch to the orange home jerseys just looks tacky
4. Ewwwwwwwww Edmonton

Valid. Amazing jersey template and logo, but they ruin it every time they ditch the Gretzky era set up. 

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I wrote a giant, expletive-filled response to the new Adidas jersey upon their unveiling. Enjoy.

So...those Adidas NHL jerseys. I posted this as a comment in another thread, but I'm re-posting it here because I'd love to open up a conversation about these (and sports design in general) with people who actually care about this kind of stuff. So, here are my comments, with each team referenced in the order they appear in the picture:

MTL: Didn't change, shouldn't change. One of two perfect jerseys on earth.

OTT: Gigantic missed opportunity. They had the "O" jersey ready and waiting, and there are some top-notch "original logo" concepts out there. Just terrible.

FLA: This military-esque design isn't great. I guess SOMEONE had to buy up all that "vegas gold" material now that Pittsburgh (smartly) returned to sport gold.

TOR: Ehhhhh. I mean, it needs a slight tweak on the stripes, but otherwise not bad.

TBL: Too plain...whereas some teams need LESS black, this jersey needs more. Maybe some silver?

BOS: Sure, why not.

BUF: A big win by removing the piping is soured by not going back to the royal blue, and keeping the numbering on the front.

DET: Much like Boston and Toronto...sure. Don't change it. It's fine.

PIT: They won big last season by ditching the vegas gold. Good work.

CBJ: These aren't good. At all. They look like a practice jersey. The striping is too small, and they have a better logo/concept in the cannon jerseys. I mean...at least they didn't use that stupid bee mascot, right?

CAR: They brought back the warning flag squares, which I'm OK with. Maybe Scott Darling gets a bangin' Kidd-esque set of gear. Passable, I guess, but could be way better. I mostly don't care about this design because I don't care about the franchise.

NYR: In the original 6 squad. The red on the collar kind of irks me.

WAS: I hate these. It's the worst part of the Reebok template carried over...which is just a glorified practice jersey. The refined retro kit they've been wearing over the past few seasons are pretty great, and that Winter Classic set-up had potential. Barf.

NYI: Pretty good, guys. But then again, you've traded in your notable past jersey fuck-up for a current arena design/ice quality fuck-up, so....yeah. Also, I'm probably in the minority of people who actually LIKED the black thirds from last year.

NJD: GIGANTIC missed opportunity to bring back the green. Argh. Seeing Adidas' "inspiration board" for this jersey is frustrating...I know the Rockies were moved to NJ, but do the mono-width sleeve stripes HAVE TO reference the old Rockies jersey? Especially when there's a team who could really take some inspiration from those old jerseys...but more on that later.

PHI: It got...blockier? I dunno. Neither love nor hate it. Could maybe benefit from a more radical approach.

VGK: The "golden" knights are in no way, shape, or form, golden. I'm iffy on the colour scheme, especially in the inane details Adidas put into the gold, which you'll never see in motion. It appears they might be wearing white gloves?

LAK: This team hasn't had a strong visual identity since like...1998. It's been one meh-to-bad jersey after another, each one using that awful typeface. I know the Lakers are pure garbage, but just go back to the purple/yellow, and use a crown for your logo. It's SO SIMPLE. Stop insisting on type and a half-assed "coat of arms" motif.

VAN: Look, guys. I know you want to be the Habs of the west...but there's a surprisingly deep history of decent jerseys to dig into, here. The "rink" design is likely the front-runner, but the "plate-of-spaghetti" flying skate look also works (it looked GREAT when they wore it last season)...hell, I'd even take a refined "Flying V" look.

PHX...err, ARZ: Another pretty boring jersey that gets a baffling amount of "praise". That Picasso-coyote was GREAT (there may be some personal bias here). This...is just forgettable.

ANA: This is a team that really has never been able to execute a good jersey. I know they want to distance themselves from Disney, but those original jerseys (ESPECIALLY the logo) were so much better than whatever current mess they're wearing. Another team that relies on a half-baked typographic concept at times. Blow it up.

EDM: Another team where the work is already done. I...appreciate the retro throwback...but it needs more work. Go back to royal blue.

SJS: Like Arizona....just kind of boring? I do like the orange as a contrasting colour...I dunno. Likely could benefit from fresh eyes looking at it.

CGY: Holy shit. Ya dun goofed. Those retro kits they had last season were straight fire (pun intended), and yet we have to put up with this 90's "MOAR BLACK" garbage. The away jerseys are even worse. I can't believe just how badly they messed up here. It's mind-boggling.

NSH: Unforgivably boring, but pretty easy to fix. A few stripes, perhaps at an angle...make it a bit more dynamic. Likely the harbinger for ads-on-jersey.

COL: I guess all those kids who loved this team in the late-90's are going to eat this up. Their logo is probably one of the last "good" logos (compare to newer teams like NSH, CBJ, ANA, now-defunct ATL)... It's a big "A" with an avalanche and a puck. Compositionally simple and pleasing. BUT...this team identity is one that could've absolutely benefitted from being completely blown up. They "stadium/outdoor" jerseys they introduced last season made reference to the classic Colorado Rockies uniforms, and were a HUGE step in the right direction (though not without issues). Why not just go full-on retro? Great colour-scheme, good logo...seems like a win to me.

CHI: The other perfect jersey. Don't touch it.

MIN: The other team what could really use a complete identity redo. I'm fine with the colour scheme, but their logo/mascot is a mystery, probably stemming from the fact that their franchise is named after a concept rather than an easily identifiable thing/character. Look...this jersey IS a step in the right direction, but the whole foundation is shaky. Maybe a team that could benefit from a type-based approach, but their previous efforts at that have been awful. My confidence is low.

STL: These are inoffensive, but saying that doesn't mean they're good. Those Winter Classic jerseys from last season were PERFECT, though. Jake Allen's gear made them even better.

DAL: These aren't bad, but I think I say that because their previous jerseys have been a big garbage pile, which makes these look better than they actually are in contrast. Passable, I guess.

WPG: Another blown opportunity to capitalize on nostalgia and SUPERIOR design. Those refined retro uniforms from last season were fantastic. Much better than these, which still reek of Harper-era conservatism.

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