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Everything posted by coopaloop1234

  1. Why do you think I chose the candid close ups?
  2. Like shifty said, whenever necessary. I'm probably replacing them once a year. Ill usually order a new cage after I recognize a dent. Then it's about a week or two before it shows up on my porch. That's usually another 2-4 games on a dented cage.
  3. Cages are usually ready to go. I just pay a premium to get them from Goalieparts.com or Coaliecages.com. @mr_shifty1982 https://www.hockeymonkey.ca/goalie/masks/cages.html All I see are certified cages. Except for the Warrior non-cert cat eye
  4. Illegal to sell IN Canada. Not illegal to use, or to sell to Canadians. Stupid HCAA @Flyers27 main eye opening is about the same as a typical cat eye. You just trade better vision in tight for the bars to slightly come in on the sides. First game with it went well. It's slightly better than a typical cat eye. Though I took a shot off the cage and it popped a screw loose...
  5. I'm going to take this super wild guess and chalk up this blue/grey colour being a manufacturing issue and not their typical colour. Exhibit A:
  6. Nah, a proper silver would look better.
  7. @TheGoalNet those don't look like spilled beans to me.
  8. Pretty sure that due to the angle chosen by CCM for these accented knee rolls, it can only be concluded that these are designed to add extra torsional flex in the thigh rise area so that the hybrid goalie can move through the crease better and serve up them tasty pad stacks with more gusto
  9. @Telfo New set overall looks a lot better. Though I don't mind the colour of the original.
  10. What was wrong with your first set? And what's changed?
  11. Sounds like "fastglide" is suffering from the same issues as "Speedskin"
  12. Time to interject some west coast beers in here.
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