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Help My Family in Ukraine


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Hi All,

My wife is from Ukraine, and her family is currently trapped there and are living a nightmare. Their city has been shelled for more than 10 days now, and may be soon over-run. They have no income, and no idea what will happen to their home, if they will stay, or what the future holds. I'm doing everything possible to help them, especially as they have a 7-year old daughter to take care of. I have set up a GoFundMe and PayPal donation if anyone wants to help. All funds go directly to them. GoFundMe takes 8% in Switzerland (way to profit on people in need 🤬), so PayPal would be preferred as they take only 3%.

PayPal: olesia-ukr@protonmail.com



PS- Just as a footnote, always be wary of who you donate to, as there are always scammers looking to profit on tragedy. I've been around here since the GSBB days, all the mods/regulars can vouch for me, in case anyone doesn't know me or doubts my credibility. It's no scam, and if you do make a donation, I thank you very much on their behalf.


PPS- My sister-in-law is a professional photographer, you can also view/purchase her photos here:



PPPS- I'm half Ukrainian myself, but don't have any family left there that I know of. Not that that's relevant, just throwing it out there.


PPPPS- Political discussions aren't allowed on this forum, so please don't let this thread devolve into that. Anyway, I think we all know who is to blame.

Edited by estogoalie
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13 minutes ago, SaveByRichter35 said:

Oh man that is awful.  Sorry to hear about this, Esto.  I hope for the best for you and your family.

Hey man, I still got my BDU's in the closet, if you wanna suit up and go over there... nah, as much as I'd like to, I got my family depending on me over here... but there are alot of volunteers going... I read some top Canadian sniper just went there today. I think the "foreign legion" is up to 16,000, plus another 150k Ukrainians living abroad who returned to fight.

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21 minutes ago, estogoalie said:

Hey man, I still got my BDU's in the closet, if you wanna suit up and go over there... nah, as much as I'd like to, I got my family depending on me over here... but there are alot of volunteers going... I read some top Canadian sniper just went there today. I think the "foreign legion" is up to 16,000, plus another 150k Ukrainians living abroad who returned to fight.

I still have a few sets of both my Marine desert cammies and green cammies.  Not sure I would be able to fit into the blouses very well anymore though lol.

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