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Punisher Goalie

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Everything posted by Punisher Goalie

  1. Just wanted to briefly update my review of the Junk Trunk: I am still very happy with it and stand by my initial review, but just FYI the vinyl graphics/logo are all falling off after about 10 ice times or so. I really could not care less, but wanted to post that in case that matters to others.
  2. I went from stock steel in my Trues to the SAM profile done by No Icing. Absolutely notice an immediate improvement in mobility for turns/T-pushes/quick movements on my feet. Did not really notice much of a change on backside pushes, but that’s probably because my technique is crap.
  3. They did have one called HALO straps. ETA: I realize they weren’t the same as P2 strapping but it did allow you to retrofit elastic cord straps.
  4. Assuming you mean on the back, this is a perfect buckle for that application with its one-handed operation. I will be using it to connect at the front.
  5. My 5-pack of Fidlock buckles came in. I am VERY impressed with the strength and design. Will definitely be using these for future projects, starting with my C/A attachment to my pants.
  6. 14A? Anyone know what the differences are with this model? https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F223220139326
  7. I ordered mine during the initial pre-order. I believe it was 3/9/18.
  8. Just FYI the Fidlock buckles seem to be available on Strapworks, Amazon, and a few other places. Not cheap of course, but very interesting product. I will be picking up a few to experiment with. 5-1 inch Fidlock V-Buckle https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077Y8GWJ7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_sOy3Bb98NA2J6
  9. I pre-ordered my Junk Trunk on day one. My history with delays, unanswered emails, etc. is consistent with everyone else’s posted here so I won’t rehash it. Only thing I’ll say is that the family has shared on Facebook and in emails directly to me about an ongoing traumatic event that has effected their lives and business profoundly. I’m not here to defend everything the company has done but I do think it’s important to put yourself in their shoes and think about what might slip through the cracks in ones own life if you went through the same thing. That said, I really just wanted to post about the product and leave it at that. The product is exceptionally good. I’ve worn it for 5 ice times now. I immediately ditched the Titan cup as it’s extremelt heavy and with the extra pad it’s way overkill. Went with a standard cup in the pocket. Even with the extended belly pad, it feels very slim and does not interfere with any of my other gear. I wear two-sizes-too-big pants with my C/A attached at the front. On the ice it feels form-fitting and not at all bulky. I compare it to my Vaughn unit in that by contrast the Vaughn feels like a cereal box strapped to my crotch. Protective yes but no flex. The strapping allows for a ton of adjustibity. Not a complaint, just a note that the Velcro is plentiful and strong so pulling it apart to make adjustments can be a bit of a pain but that’s not something that you should have to deal with after initial setup. My only real complaint is the attachment for the front pad - to me it would have made more sense to use Velcro pads rather than cord but that’s pretty minor. One overlooked feature is the back pad (yes I know I didn’t post a pic, I’ll try to grab one). I didn’t realize how uncomfortable it was to have a bare elastic strap on my back with my old unit until I tried this one. Part of this is that I have a small waist (29”-30”) so I have to cinch the strap tightly on any unit I wear to keep it up. Overall it’s the best jock I’ve tried. Slim while still being a tank. Happy to answer any questions anyone may have.
  10. Sorry I don’t have the Mage cage any more otherwise I’d test it. That is a Pro stock titanium CCM cage that fits a medium CCM Pro mask on a medium Mage RS.
  11. @CG35 can you do a step-by-step showing how you were able to trace your sling design and separate the leather from the foam to create that shape?
  12. I picked up an “ECO” foam chin sling from goalieparts.com and I’m very happy with it. I believe they sell full padding sets, too.
  13. Very nice. If I can get my hands on a set of junior floaters, I’m going to do the same thing to my AB Pros.
  14. My Frankenchesty: CCM AB Pro body, Brian’s SZ3 arms. The Brians arms are perfect for grafting because they attach with a Velcro tab.
  15. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F332787116364 Oh my. Someone on here buy these!
  16. @Robert Brunet wow if you did that vinyl work yourself that’s amazing. What technique did you use to cut the vinyl?
  17. Haha, ironically, I just bought a set of Velocity Ones (see what I did there) in amazing shape really cheap off eBay. I was planning to put together a 90s style retro set for more relaxed pickup games. Haven’t taken the out on the ice yet as I don’t have a good set of gloves to go with I love the look - not sure how they will slide on that nylon though!
  18. Ultra comfortable, absorb a ton of sweat (my kind of sweat at least), dry very quickly compared to others, hold up well in washer/dryer, relatively inexpensive. For me, the comfort tops everything. Terry was always way too abrasive for me and Sham was just weird feeling. The Bauers are also thin while having good cushioning.
  19. Nice pickup. I’ve had mine for a while now, I guess I got it from the initial batch before they had their production delay. It’s an absolutely outstanding product. Mine is very well constructed and the grippy parts and Velcro work really well. I don’t wear them much now because I’ve stopped wearing socks so I don’t need the Velcro. Just been wearing thin UA leggings, but I will prob switch back to the Oneiric and socks in winter for the colder rinks.
  20. Been wanting to try one of these for a long time. Played one game with it so far and really loved the open feel and sight lines. Might need to add a dangler though...
  21. Haha I was pretty surprised at the difference it makes. Admittedly I think it’s also making it difficult for me to find the puck down on the ice too so it’s a trade off.
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