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Terrible shoulder pain

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Woke up with terrible shoulder pain. Thought I slept on my shoulder weird so I took Tylenol and it stopped hurting. Few hours later now it’s hurting pretty damn bad again very uncomfortable on and off every few seconds. I don’t think it would still be hurting if it was caused by sleeping awkwardly. I remember a fairly awkward shot to my shoulder at tryouts yesterday but it didn’t hurt, and it wasn’t a very fast shot. Could it be that? Please someone respond I would love to hear everyone’s thoughts this pain is very uncomfortable 

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7 minutes ago, Lucky Pucker said:

If you are legitimately concerned about “terrible pain,” posting here and asking a bunch of guys online is maybe not what you need to do. 

Pshh, you act like we aren't the most knowledgeable base in internet history.

@Jonathon v chances are you're suffering from a mild case of wussitus. I recommend popping 2-4 extra strength tylenols, 2 shots of your favourite liquor, and doing some extensive stretching to get that shoulder acting right.

If that fails, try yelling at it.

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2 hours ago, Lucky Pucker said:

If you are legitimately concerned about “terrible pain,” posting here and asking a bunch of guys online is maybe not what you need to do. 


Asking us isn't the worst option, however, If the pain is too much and you're really worried about it, see a doctor in situations like these when you can.

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This is a dumb thread. Nobody here can tell you about the pain you're feeling in your shoulder, or whether you should be worried about it. Only you can feel it and assess. We don't know how you slept on it, or whether the shot hurt, or how your shoulder feels now, or any of that stuff. If you are truly concerned about your body, you ask a healthcare professional, not strangers on the internet.

And the real joke is that you're complaining that nobody is sympathetic about your "health concerns" (sore shoulders... they happen) when there's a raging pandemic that is killing people and shutting down the world.

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 @stackem30 While I agree that this isn't really the place for him to ask medical questions, as has been advised by others in this thread, for all the things I've seen on this forum, that is for lack of a better term "flippant", I think we can extend the OP a bit of slack.

I appreciate your concern about the pandemic and wish all seeing this the best of health in these unusual times.

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