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Goalie Camps


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I know SaveByRichter35 posted about the Bob Janosz camp, but there really wasn't any discussion that followed, so I thought I would start a thread that people could talk about camps they went to (or are going to) and everything about it. I'll even start out with my experiences. So please add your camp experiences, what was good/bad, and your recommendation or your stamp of avoidance.

Weekend Warriors Adult Camp


Location: They are all over the US and I believe looking to get one in Canada soon (one I went to was in Atlanta, GA.)

Ice time: 2hrs Thursday, 2hrs Fri morning and 2 more Fri night, 2hrs Sat morning and 2 more Sat night, 2hrs Sun morning (final skate)

Off Ice coaching: Fri and Sat between each session before or after lunch depending on group your in.

Dedicated Goalie Coach: Yes, one

Dedicated Player Coach: Yes, six

Max Size: 40 Players, 6 Goalies

This camp was a lot of fun. The goalie coach knew what he was talking about. The drills that we did made sense and had a clear reason why we were doing it. The off ice chalk talks were based around general knowledge, questions from the goalies, and examining our recorded videos. All coaches were approachable, easy to talk to, willing to help, and went out of their way to make the camp enjoyable as possible while still being instructive. The things I learned at the camp were easily put into my skill set and also the future plan (worked out between you and the coach) were so simple to implement myself in practice when I got home. I'm signed up to go back this April to the Atlanta camp again and really looking forward to it.

CAN/AM Adult Goalie Camp


Location: Las Vegas, NV. Lake Placid, NY. Niagra, ON. (I was at the Las Vegas camp)

Ice time: 2hrs Thursday, 2hrs Fri morning and 2 more Fri night, 2hrs Sat morning and 2 more Sat night, 2hrs Sun morning (final skate)

Off Ice coaching: Fri and Sat between each session before or after lunch depending on group your in.

Dedicated Goalie Coach: Yes, one

Dedicated Player Coach: Yes, six

Max Size: 40 Players, 6 Goalies

I don't want to devolve into bashing a group. But I also want to be fair for anyone thinking of going to a camp so they know what they are getting into. Fact is, by Friday, I felt like I wasted my money. The training was sub par. It felt more like a stick and puck. That I was just out there for the skaters to have something to shoot at. I paid $750 and drove 22hrs (one way) to be at this camp, but it turned out that I was the ONLY goalie who signed up. So they contacted the local area goalies and brought one in. For free. Who got the same "training" I did. That, if I'm being honest, really ticked me off. When I brought it up to the staff, they couldn't have cared less. The chalk talks were centered around the players and the only reason I was (as a goalie) involved was to explain things from a goalies perspective. This is something that the staff should have done while the goalie coach brought the goalies off to the side and had their own chalk talk. The on ice drills that I did do were geared toward a goalie who has never been on the ice. As far as taking anything from the camp and adding it to my skill set or adding a drill that I could practice when I got home, there was nothing. There is no way that I would go back to this camp.


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I did the Jim Stanaway camp (Goalies Inc) this past summer. Lots of kids of course but about 4-5 adults too. 

There wasnt really time for one on one instruction and it was really geared for the kids or beginners. That’s fine because I barely know how to t-push. The problem is that my back gave out quickly. When they put you in your stance and ask you to shuffle back and forth for what felt like an hour back and forth it just destroys my back. 

I ended up not attending the third day. 

Im sure it was useful to some, but with my back pain combined with the large group setting (groups of 4-5 cycling through about 10 stations) my money would have been much better spent on 1-2 private lessons. 

Not saying it was a bad camp, it just wasn’t super useful to me.

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I have been pondering a camp, but it seems like they are:

1) super expensive. 

2) inconvenient

3) not always what they claim to be

4) not always catering to adult goalies

There is one by a man who claims to be a two Cup winner (as in back up or third on two Cup winning teams).  But the scheduling is awful and you could be on the ice with 40 other goalies. I am certain somebody gets something out of it, because the camp is always full. But it is expensive AF, and works a Monday-Friday schedule, so I would have to burn a week of holiday. 

I guess I will continue to hone my skills by watching youtube... 

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@IPv6Freely That's understandable. No matter if it's a camp or private lessons or even stick and puck, an injury will take the fun out of anything. Sorry you had an injury, wish you could have gotten more out of it. As for the GGSU camp, don't think I've heard of that one, will look it up.

@bunnyman666 Expensive part your not going to get around. As far as the adult part, that is all on the camp. Weekend Warriors is an all adult camp so I had no problem there. Think the youngest person was 23. To your other point of not always being what they claim to be, that's the point of this thread. Help the forum find something that check every mark in someones book.

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1 minute ago, loki1416 said:

@IPv6Freely That's understandable. No matter if it's a camp or private lessons or even stick and puck, an injury will take the fun out of anything. Sorry you had an injury, wish you could have gotten more out of it. As for the GGSU camp, don't think I've heard of that one, will look it up.

@bunnyman666 Expensive part your not going to get around. As far as the adult part, that is all on the camp. Weekend Warriors is an all adult camp so I had no problem there. Think the youngest person was 23. To your other point of not always being what they claim to be, that's the point of this thread. Help the forum find something that check every mark in someones book.

All I was really saying was validating what you were saying; between what I have heard from the streets and what you had posted, everything sounds congruent, which is SAD. 

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As mentioned in the OP, earlier this year I attended the Bob Janosz Adult Camp.  Here is some info on that camp.  https://bobjanosz.com/program/amherst-adult-goalie-camp-3/

This year will be held June 1-2, 2018

  • Cost: $150 - 175
  • Location: Northtown Center in Amherst, NY just outside of Buffalo.  Its right next to the University of Buffalo.
  • Ice time: 1 hour Friday night, 1 hour 20 minutes Saturday morning.
    When I attended last year I had more ice time than this year's camp looks to be having.  If I remember correctly, we had a longer ice slot on Friday night and Saturday had a morning skate and an afternoon skate.  This years seems to just have one morning skate on Saturday.
  • Off Ice coaching: Classroom instruction with video review and demonstrations for 1 hour Friday night and 30 minutes Saturday morning.
  • Dedicated Goalie Coach: Yes, several
  • Dedicated Player Coach: None, this camp is only for goalies.
  • Max Size: Not sure

This camp is catered towards us, beer leaguers.  Its only for goalies 21+ but all skill levels are welcome.  I first attended this camp its initial year in 2010 or 2011, forgot which.  I hadn't even been playing ice hockey at the time, just roller.  Up until this past summer of 2017 I had not been able to make it back.  Whether it was a money thing or a scheduling thing but never because I didn't want to.  The first year I went was a lot more fun than the last, I have to admit.  There were probably close to 20-25 goalies.  This past summer there were maybe 10-12.  The camp used to be Friday Saturday and Sunday but its now down to just Friday and Saturday.  Not sure I would make the 8 hour drive from Long Island to Buffalo for 2 hours of ice time but I would not deter anyone else from doing so, especially if you live closer.  It was a great time with very good instruction.


The other camp I attended, and this one I would recommend to everyone is the old GSBB Rochester camp.

Watch The Puck Goalie Camp
There are two camps.  The Canadian camp is in Brampton, Ontario and this year it will be held April 14-15.  The main event is in Rochester, NY in July.  Dates for the July camp have not been set yet.

  • Cost: $225 CAD for the Brampton camp.  No refunds.  If you buy and then can't make it you have to sell your spot to someone else.  **There are still spots available**
    I'll update this post when the Rochester information is confirmed.  It does have the same no refund policy.
  • Locations: 
    Brampton, ON, Canada - South Fletcher's Arena
    Rochester, NY - Bill Grey's Iceplex
  • Ice Time: IIRC Friday night had an hour free for all warm up skate and then everyone met up for dinner afterwards.  Saturday had two 3 hour ice sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, each had an ice cut half way.  Sunday had one 3 hour skate in the morning followed by a shootout competition. 
  • Off Ice Coaching: None, just drinking and eating
  • Dedicated Goalie Coach: Yes, many
  • Dedicated Player Coach: None, this camp is only for goalies
  • Max Size:
    Rochester: 30 goalies
    Brampton: Not sure, less than 30 though.

This camp is also geared towards beer leaguers and accepts any skill level.  Now this camp is special.  This group has a lot of mainstays that go every year.  Its a very very tight knit group, like a big family.  Don't take that the wrong way, they're very accepting of new joins.  I was welcomed with open arms...me, this fucking guy lol.  If they accepted me then you'd really have to be a piece of work to not be welcomed haha.  I'm not going to lie I contemplated not writing about this camp because there are so many goalies who line up for it that I didn't wanna add more to the list and make it harder to get in.  However, the coaches and the goalies involved are just too awesome to not spread the word and give more people the opportunity to experience it for themselves.  I missed this past summer because my son was only a few weeks old but I hope to make it this summer and beyond.  


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@SaveByRichter35 I sometimes wish I lived in Canada. So many hockey opportunities up there. Granted, I live in the "hockey capital of the south", but it's not the same. When I lived in North Dakota I played against a few canadian teams every season and that was a lot of fun. Wish I would have thought about camps back then so I could have taken advantage of being so close to the border.

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On 1/4/2018 at 1:09 PM, loki1416 said:

@SaveByRichter35 I sometimes wish I lived in Canada. So many hockey opportunities up there. Granted, I live in the "hockey capital of the south", but it's not the same. When I lived in North Dakota I played against a few canadian teams every season and that was a lot of fun. Wish I would have thought about camps back then so I could have taken advantage of being so close to the border.

Save up and make a trip out of it.  There are goalies who come from all over the country to attend the Rochester clinic.  Texas, California, Colorado, Virgina, Maryland, Michigan just to name a few.

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  • 3 months later...

Man, I'm having a hell of a time finding a weekend goalie camp here in Vancouver, BC.

It's been years since I've had any coaching, and god knows I need it. But every single camp that's being offered is going at Mon-Fri during the day (10:30-2:30). I'm also a cheap bugger and don't want to shell out for private lessons.

Anyone have any insight? Should I just buck up and do the private sessions?

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I have to admit I dropped the ball on this one.  I totally forgot to post that the Rochester camp opened up.  Its going to be held Friday July 27 - Sunday July 29 2018.  Unfortunately it sold out in about 4 hours so if you weren't part of the Facebook group then there was no way you were getting in.  There is a waiting list so if you still want to have a shot then search for the group Watch the Puck Clinic and ask to be added to the list.

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  • 7 months later...

Canadian edition of the Watch The Puck Goalie Camp is now accepting registration.  

When: Saturday April 13th and Sunday April 14th, 2019
Where: South Fletcher's Arena(rink 4)
             Brampton, ON
Times:  Saturday 9am-12pm and 3pm-6pm
              Sunday 10am-12pm
Cost:  $250 CAD
Attendance:  24 goalies max

To register send payment, via paypal or email transfer, to Jana Emond at janaemond@gmail.com

Additional Info:

  • No refunds - if you unable to make the camp, you must sell your spot
  • No Liability - Skate at your own risk.  You will have to sign a waiver before getting on the ice.
  • First come, first served.

For more information on the camp you can contact:
Three Bollinger - averagejoegoaltending@gmail.com
Jana Emond - janaemond@gmail.com

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Just now, SaveByRichter35 said:

Canadian edition of the Watch The Puck Goalie Camp is now accepting registration.  

When: Saturday April 13th and Sunday April 14th, 2019
Where: South Fletcher's Arena(rink 4)
             Brampton, ON
Times:  Saturday 9am-12pm and 3pm-6pm
              Sunday 10am-12pm
Cost:  $250 CAD
Attendance:  24 goalies max

To register send payment, via paypal or email transfer, to Jana Emond at janaemond@gmail.com

Additional Info:

  • No refunds - if you unable to make the camp, you must sell your spot
  • No Liability - Skate at your own risk.  You will have to sign a waiver before getting on the ice.
  • First come, first served.

For more information on the camp you can contact:
Three Bollinger - averagejoegoaltending@gmail.com
Jana Emond - janaemond@gmail.com


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On 4/20/2018 at 2:03 PM, coopaloop1234 said:

Man, I'm having a hell of a time finding a weekend goalie camp here in Vancouver, BC.

It's been years since I've had any coaching, and god knows I need it. But every single camp that's being offered is going at Mon-Fri during the day (10:30-2:30). I'm also a cheap bugger and don't want to shell out for private lessons.

Anyone have any insight? Should I just buck up and do the private sessions?

Did you ever find anything good in the LMD? I could definitely use some coaching, and would be willing to do private.

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6 hours ago, SaveByRichter35 said:

Canadian edition of the Watch The Puck Goalie Camp is now accepting registration.  

When: Saturday April 13th and Sunday April 14th, 2019
Where: South Fletcher's Arena(rink 4)
             Brampton, ON
Times:  Saturday 9am-12pm and 3pm-6pm
              Sunday 10am-12pm
Cost:  $250 CAD
Attendance:  24 goalies max

To register send payment, via paypal or email transfer, to Jana Emond at janaemond@gmail.com

Additional Info:

  • No refunds - if you unable to make the camp, you must sell your spot
  • No Liability - Skate at your own risk.  You will have to sign a waiver before getting on the ice.
  • First come, first served.

For more information on the camp you can contact:
Three Bollinger - averagejoegoaltending@gmail.com
Jana Emond - janaemond@gmail.com

Thanks for posting this! I live in Brampton and was looking for an adult camp to attend. If I can make the days work with my job I'll be sure to sign up.

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5 hours ago, coopaloop1234 said:

There's plenty of private lessons and lessons during the week. 

I've been looking for just the weekend courses with no luck so far. 

Yea weekends mostly work better for me too, but I could make certain weekdays work. Interesting, I'll have to look around.

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23 minutes ago, aircanuck said:

Short drive from Niagara, I could use another set of eyes on me. If they try to take my two pad stack away though, they'll make an enemy for life 😝

I haven't been to the Brampton camp myself but I have attended the one in Rochester.  Great group of guys.  I don't think you'll be disappointed.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/7/2018 at 1:26 PM, SaveByRichter35 said:

I haven't been to the Brampton camp myself but I have attended the one in Rochester.  Great group of guys.  I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Wife was snooping my posts and signed me up for this as a Christmas present. I have a good wife!

 Hope to meet some of you in Brampton!

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  • 3 weeks later...

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