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Everything posted by creasecollector

  1. I think there have been studies on this with colours but it doesn't matter. At the end of the day, the goalies skill matters the most. Order whichever pad colour you like and have fun with your custom set.
  2. It can be both. Usually with big retail brands, you deal with the retail store and they place the order for you.
  3. Make sure the setup isn't strapped too tight. By strapping them looser, you can let the pads rotate and do their thing on their own.
  4. I too enjoyed those little patches. Glad it's not just me haha
  5. Those older RBK P1's are sweet. The newer CCM version of this is nice, too.
  6. Hope MAF does awesome in Minny!
  7. I've never minded the retro theme, but that's me. I definitely see how people can find it played out by now.
  8. Since covid shutdowns. etc I still haven't gotten my skates sharpened in a while. When I finally do it's going to feel extra weird. I already don't skarpen my skates to begin with, maybe 1-2 times a season at most.
  9. Hope you're feeling alright after this hit man. Always hate it when that happens.
  10. Just feed them through. See the thread I posted above. I believe some other users showed how they set their's up.
  11. I also use Pro Laces. I used the versions with the knot on them so it still feels like I have some slack (like I had with skate laces). I don't even know they are there until they need to be used. The version I use also doesn't need any metal or screws which is nice. They are the 'TGN' Spec.
  12. I just wear the cut resistant socks. Though my base layer has ankle cut resistant material as well, the upper areas is something to think about.
  13. One of the best! Gonna miss The King.
  14. Has anyone ever loosened the laces on their CCM glove successfully? I heard that small tweak makes it close way better but i'd be hesitant to try it on my own glove. I have a old Lefevre RBK Premier 2 glove I can test loosening the laces on if anyone has any tips for me?
  15. This looks like an awesome idea. Bookmarked this thread.
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