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Everything posted by creasecollector

  1. As someone who went back to foam core this season to preserve my 2 comps left, I appreciate how durable these can be. Sure, it loses it's "pop", but no stress of it breaking which is nice.
  2. I know that some players in the NHL do get a "mini" endorsement from companies, where their gear allowance will be $5000-$10,000 grand higher than other players on their team, for example. This helps save the team money and get more brand recognition for the gear manufacturer, plus it keeps the player happy. Win-win. Source: I know someone playing in the NHL
  3. I've always worn bulky knee pads with an open knee cradle, but depending on the type of pads you wear, smaller knee pads work with any pad you have which is a good plus.
  4. This is what I do too. As long as my pants are tight with the internal belt (thanks CCM) and just toss on my C/A and I'm good to go. I've always gone untucked.
  5. Depending on your budget, older, used CCM Premier models can be had for a lot cheaper online. Could get a sweet deal on some pads with a lot of life left in them. Good luck with the chase!
  6. The NHL has to market their talent better. Entice people to get involved in the game, then you'll build passionate fans who can tune into a late game. And those blackouts aren't helping either.
  7. Very nice. Pro players are always fun to play against. Makes you appreciate the pro goalies even more so.
  8. Huge respect for Price. It takes true courage to come clean like that and I wish him all the best in recovery.
  9. Good to hear. It's such a fun sport.
  10. Yeah, this definitely looks like rust to me.
  11. These knee pads are awesome. You'll like them.
  12. Hoping it works out! As for the inner belt loosening problem, I've ran the strap back through the belt buckle after tightening. Does the trick for me.
  13. I think it's a tough skill to master. And don't get me started on their "goalie commentary" haha.
  14. I beleive the owner of this site had a pad slice on his CCM P2's. Not sure what he used to repair it (similar size slice I believe) but from what I recall it turned out really well.
  15. I'm into road cycling and found it to be an awesome hobby to pickup while I was off the ice last year due to covid restrictions.
  16. Hardly ever. Maybe a stick here and there, but my main setup hasn't changed in a few years. And before the switch, I rocked the same set for almost 10 years. I play in my gear until I absolutely need to switch. I'll probably be in my current Premier setup for 8-10 more years or so and reevaluate then. I feel no reason to switch it up (stiffness in pads and protection with C/A is fine) and i'm not made of money haha.
  17. I heard the newest version looks really good with the new engine their using. I haven't played an NHL game since a few years back in 2013. I remember the Ultimate Team game mode being super fun though.
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