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Everything posted by johncho

  1. Are you mainly looking for low height? As TRUE Boots should have enough protection as a cowling. If it's a height thing, I know that you can get tall modern blades ground down a fair bit. I know my teammate had his player skates done that way because he could not get used to the new height.
  2. I bought some UHMW tape (https://wrapmypads.com/products/inline-slick-sheet) for my kid's pads but if that doesn't help, I might look into making some slide plates out of Polycarbonate.
  3. I think you'd get a lot of customers from Beer leaguers and youths. I'm certainly thinking about making one for my kid and his friend.
  4. To be fair, it's Halloween soon and it's their busy time of the year.
  5. Hey so I wear an Aegis, and it's quite comfy for me and I feel like it could work for you as well because you can take the 3DO foam out of the neck portion and cut it down to size a bit if you need less height for comfort. Have a read here
  6. No, Floor to Knee vs Ankle to Knee.
  7. Could you do me a kindness and take measurements for me and pics? I wonder if they would sell one JR size, or maybe they don't come with the JR size pads.
  8. My kid has that one, the part that wraps is more against skate cuts, but the raised ridge is nice. He thankfully hasn't gotten any to the throat yet, but I think if he moves up a level I will get him an Aegis for against impacts.
  9. So I went back and forth on this, but it does look like there's a side of puck showing near the boot there? I still would have whistled it down if I was the ref, and I definitely don't like that he was pushed. I feel like Binnington could have challenged this. But
  10. My kid was having trouble sliding during dev camp last night and I came across this this morning during my searches. Probably a bad idea. https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/as-seen-on-tv-flex-tape-strong-rubberized-waterproof-mini-tape-clear-3-in-x-4-in-3995972p.html
  11. I hope they score some nice goals and play some exciting games but ultimately lose out. I absolutely hate the idea of tanking but it seems like it's the best way to rebuild properly and there's too many monsters right now in the division/conference. The young guys seem promising (especially Dmen), and I see a lot of good in Dach.
  12. When he started people looked at him as some kind of a wunderkind, but turns out it's just another old man tied to the Soo.
  13. It says SR & INT, is it one size for both? I'm actually looking for a JR size for my kid (if they fit on the Axis with some dremeling).
  14. Pretty much what I am looking for but in a Large. Nevertheless. GLWS!
  15. When I was young, I saw a news report on a goalie stick that was being developed and was hoping for a legality ruling. It was called Hammerhead sticks if I remember correctly, basically had a small piece that jutted out on the heel (so the stick was like _\__ instead of \___) covering the post a bit better on your blocker side. Kinda made a lot of sense to me when I was young. I can't find anything online, does anyone else remember them?
  16. Uh so I finally got to try the 3X pads on the ice last night and even though I didn't do so well after such a long pause, the pads felt amazing. I highly recommend it. YMMV of course, and I didn't play very high level, nor can I really vocalize what I feel well so take what I say with a grain of salt. Compared to my old SubZero they are miles ahead in every aspect, the weight, the comfort, and others, but they main two things are how well they slide consistently and how confusingly well they felt connected to my legs. With care and work, I could get my SubZero to slide very well (I used to prep by using a hydrophobic spray the night before each time) but I would have a hard time dialling in the amount of push that I needed over the course of the night as the ice conditions changed. It also took me a long while to get the straps just right on my SubZero and added a professor strap. But the 3X felt right from the get go, and felt nice and loose on my legs yet well connected, which is definitely an odd sensation. They are the first pads that I feel connected well enough to strap the knee straps down to the calf. The other comparison I have are Eflex 4.9 and Warrior G4/G5s that I've borrowed for a time. They both felt comfy, and I feel like the G5s might have even felt lighter on my legs, but not enough to say one way or the other. Also something to note is that my legs and my knees don't feel sore this morning like they used to.
  17. I am interested, but I think this is the wrong part of the forum. Are you able to ship to Ottawa?
  18. Hey there, it's been awhile, but would these still be for sale? I would have to move my current chest first, but wanted to see if it was still available and if you cover shipping to Ottawa.
  19. It's finally here and they look almost brand new. I just have to find some ice time now, I'm currently fully booked with life.
  20. So just anecdotally, I purchased some used gloves from the used section here with a bit of a tight lacing, and I had a bit of a hard time closing it or catching with it. Nothing major, but the pocket seemed deformed. Like it started ok and then they ran out lace or it was done properly but over time the slack shifted. Either way, I've cut it out and redid the pocket and it feels much nicer now. Purple is how it was, and white is what it is now
  21. Having an investment property is great, if your tenants are good. Their rent could cover the mortgage, and the eventual rise in the property value of the property is basically a hedge against inflation/property value increase. I've been lucky to have a good tenant, but I've had some terrible ones too. https://canadiancouchpotato.com/model-portfolios/ site is legit, their https token is expired, so just give it some time and it they will prob update it soon. In the meanwhile, https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianInvestor/ is a good resource too. TFSA is basically a fund that grows tax-free, where you can place a set amount per year, that amount adds up so if you haven't placed the limit set that year, you can still use it the next year (it's been like 5k a year with some years being 10k, look at the CRA website for the amount you can contribute). The fund inside it grows tax-free. You can withdraw from that fund at anytime, and whatever you withdraw, you can add back into the TFSA next year. Please read up on it, and how it differs from your RRSP which is also important.
  22. I've been pretty lucky with Crypto before I got out, I had bought just over 1 BTC on a whim when it was about 30$ and another when it was about 200$, I took out about 0.1 every so often to buy a few stuff around the house. But I don't think I would get back into it again. I've also been lucky with learning about Time x Compound Interest at a young age. Please if you are young, learn about it, and stay away from Investment managers that want to sell you on funds that have more than 2~3% MER ("management fees"). @RichMan best thing right now is to fill up your TFSA with funds that match your needs, read https://canadiancouchpotato.com/ and stay away from other fund sites who usually have ulterior motives (Motley Fool used to be an amazing site, but now it seems like it's promoting a lot of pump and dump funds).
  23. Shipping limited to USA I'm located in Ottawa
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