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Newer is better? Mini rant


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Im slightly irritated by posts i read about "hey you see the guy with all those straps or toe laces or a boot strap, whats that??" 

It seems to be common thinking that because it is newer it has to be better and a guy is crazy not to wear the latest newest in technology.  If he isnt he's looked at as if he's playing in forward gear.

It makes no sense to me.  If a guy wants 10 leather straps on his pads then so be it.  Just because it isnt 2 velcro straps holding his pad doesnt make him or his pads any worse.  

I didnt grow up with deerhair stuffed pads or Lange skates but more around the Kolzig, Belfour, Roy era.  To me if a guy is at the other end of the rink in a pair of Kenesky original lether pads and Lange skates who is killing it with awesome kick saves then good on him.

Yes i play with a toe cap still and strap through the boot (like Holtby) and yes i use skates that have a cowling.  The thing is it works.  Holtby is pretty decent.....last i checked Hellebuyck isnt that bad and he has a ton of leather straps.

If it works then it works.  And if newer doesnt work then nothing wrong with sticking with what you know.

Just sayin.......

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Great post and your irritation is acknowledged.

As someone guilty of what you're irritated by, I'd say your characterization of it as "newer is better" is in no way what I, personally, meant or said or implied.

Trends are trends and patterns are patterns and let's face it, the days of a half dozen leather straps and toe caps and skate lace toe ties are behind us.  That doesn't mean those features don't work or that anyone who uses them isn't valid or legit, it just means they are contrary to trends.

We can point out trends and the subsequent contrary examples of counter-trend/"old school" set-ups.

I acknowledge current trends.  I have succumb to some of them with recent purchases (minus my new custom V6 glove).  I also think goalies with leather straps and toe ties stand out as contrary to trends.  They are the new "old school" in terms of modern gear trends.   To buy new gear like Holtby's now, you almost certainly have to go custom, more and more with each new generation of gear.

My top favorite goalies in the NHL are Quick, Rask, Rinne, Fleury, and Jones. Many cows have paid the price for this crews' pad straps.......it's all good.

Anyway, I see your irritation and just wanted to give the explanation on my thoughts about the issue because I have definitely been guilty of pointing out leather straps and skate lace ties lately. 


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I was born in the Turco era (as I was taught) and started playing goal right as the butterfly era began to pick up speed. I love my Graf Supra skates and I love my XLT thigh wraps. I still use a boot strap on my skates. My Varsity goalie partner uses a set of custom McKenney pads that are more of a hybrid style pad than my Vaughn LT88s.

I have also had the privilege of playing in a set of Reebok Premier III Pro pads. Those were some of my favorite pads I've ever worn. My only gripe with them was that they weren't too great in the sliding department (I'm a very much a butterfly goalie). I would love to have to opportunity to use gear that was made before I was, just to get that experience.

I also agree with you in the fact that occasionally I'm looked at like I'm insane for not having the latest Bauer 2S pads or cowlingless skates.

I feel I sit in a very interesting generation where half of us are moving on to the latest and greatest while the rest of us are still sitting on what we know works. I have been pushed by my parents and myself into becoming the most universal goalie I can be. Definition: I have learned and am working on perfecting athletic, butterfly, hybrid, and stand-up/pad-stack styles.

Personally, I would love to try all the latest and greatest stuff just to see how it compares. I demand leather straps though. That is why I like my Vaughns over any other newer butterfly pad. I have witnessed those elastic straps snapping in two while the leather straps carry on. Trust me, I would have gone and picked up a set of Bauer 2S pads by now IF they had leather straps on them.

I am also guilty of criticizing those without the latest and greatest. As previously stated, my goalie partner has McKenneys. I occasionally poke fun at his pads because they're not the "new style" of pad. I also criticize the skate lace toe ties due to the length of time it takes to put them on. I use the Toe Clip system on my pads, with no durability issues.

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28 minutes ago, Doobiesnax said:

You being around long enough should know that you shouldnt get uppity over anything on the internet bud lol.  Fuck everyone, as long as you are happy who cares right? As you know, tendies are typically peculiar animals, especially when it comes to gear, so to each their own

The internet is serious business bud, I'll fight you over your opinion.

Surrey as Fuck > Edmonton as Fuck

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10 minutes ago, ThatCarGuy said:

I was born in the Turco era (as I was taught) and started playing goal right as the butterfly era began to pick up speed. I love my Graf Supra skates and I love my XLT thigh wraps. I still use a boot strap on my skates. My Varsity goalie partner uses a set of custom McKenney pads that are more of a hybrid style pad than my Vaughn LT88s.

I have also had the privilege of playing in a set of Reebok Premier III Pro pads. Those were some of my favorite pads I've ever worn. My only gripe with them was that they weren't too great in the sliding department (I'm a very much a butterfly goalie). I would love to have to opportunity to use gear that was made before I was, just to get that experience.

I also agree with you in the fact that occasionally I'm looked at like I'm insane for not having the latest Bauer 2S pads or cowlingless skates.

I feel I sit in a very interesting generation where half of us are moving on to the latest and greatest while the rest of us are still sitting on what we know works. I have been pushed by my parents and myself into becoming the most universal goalie I can be. Definition: I have learned and am working on perfecting athletic, butterfly, hybrid, and stand-up/pad-stack styles.

Personally, I would love to try all the latest and greatest stuff just to see how it compares. I demand leather straps though. That is why I like my Vaughns over any other newer butterfly pad. I have witnessed those elastic straps snapping in two while the leather straps carry on. Trust me, I would have gone and picked up a set of Bauer 2S pads by now IF they had leather straps on them.

I am also guilty of criticizing those without the latest and greatest. As previously stated, my goalie partner has McKenneys. I occasionally poke fun at his pads because they're not the "new style" of pad. I also criticize the skate lace toe ties due to the length of time it takes to put them on. I use the Toe Clip system on my pads, with no durability issues.

Nice post.

For me, anyone concerned that I'm a fanboy for the latest and greatest should rest assured and be reminded that I wear VAUGHN and regularly advocate for them on here.  No company gets criticized for being stuck in the stone age more than they do on this website (somewhat justifiably) and I'm totally okay with that.

I may have magnetic elastic straps and not an ounce of leather on my pads, but they're sewn to a heap of stuff with the word VAUGHN on it ;)

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29 minutes ago, seagoal said:

Nice post.

For me, anyone concerned that I'm a fanboy for the latest and greatest should rest assured and be reminded that I wear VAUGHN and regularly advocate for them on here.  No company gets criticized for being stuck in the stone age more than they do on this website (somewhat justifiably) and I'm totally okay with that.

I may have magnetic elastic straps and not an ounce of leather on my pads, but they're sewn to a heap of stuff with the word VAUGHN on it ;)

Thank you,

Supposedly Vaughn will goImage result for back to the futurenext year and I for one, am interested to see a more in depth look at how those pads perform. 

If you want to see a video of me using all the styles I listed in my post in one save(and rebounds) just ask and I'll send you the LiveBarn.

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4 hours ago, daffy said:

Im slightly irritated by posts i read about "hey you see the guy with all those straps or toe laces or a boot strap, whats that??" 

It seems to be common thinking that because it is newer it has to be better and a guy is crazy not to wear the latest newest in technology.  If he isnt he's looked at as if he's playing in forward gear.

It makes no sense to me.  If a guy wants 10 leather straps on his pads then so be it.  Just because it isnt 2 velcro straps holding his pad doesnt make him or his pads any worse.  

I didnt grow up with deerhair stuffed pads or Lange skates but more around the Kolzig, Belfour, Roy era.  To me if a guy is at the other end of the rink in a pair of Kenesky original lether pads and Lange skates who is killing it with awesome kick saves then good on him.

Yes i play with a toe cap still and strap through the boot (like Holtby) and yes i use skates that have a cowling.  The thing is it works.  Holtby is pretty decent.....last i checked Hellebuyck isnt that bad and he has a ton of leather straps.

If it works then it works.  And if newer doesnt work then nothing wrong with sticking with what you know.

Just sayin.......

I just had a similar discussion with @jayluv54 in the 2X thread. Spoiler alert... I love new!

But I understand that some people don't like fresh gear, don't care care, or don't play hockey enough as an adult to justify to it.

Unless your mask is rotted out and is unsafe or you're complaining about 5 sole with old Helite 3 pads, I would never try to steer people into new gear. Do I think most new products are better? Yes I do. Do I think they are required to stop a puck or to love playing goalie? Nope.

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I think we've seen the peak of sweeping changes to gear.  Elastic strapping, light weight and sliding materials.  Some minor innovations are likely to follow but I don't see a major breakthrough on the horizon.

That being said I've never been much a traditional gear guy.  My previous Smith 5000 set was nylon strapping, sliding toe and as thin and flexible as Pete could make on a solid outer roll pad.

Hence the easy transition into the GT Pro line.  I'll likely be in those until I stop playing but always want to demo new stuff (2X, IV l, SLR2 and the new Passau pad) but am not much of a "gear whore" when it comes to sets

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