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2 hours ago, Fullright said:

I am so sorry Cam. Who cares whether he apologized? I don't see him pulling up before impact. He just has his left leg out from the offensive blue line to the collision at the top of the rings. But hey, why not crash the goalie? Cement head is skating after the puck starting below his own blue line like he's in the speed competition in the All Star game and after all that "effort" he's going to get some. Richard Cranium. Feel better Cam. Please stay in touch while you recover and you will recover.

Thanks Fullright, yeah he was flying and his path at me made no sense if he was trying to knock down the puck. I don’t think the concussion is too serious the Dr said it was mild, I didn’t even have a headache today although all I did was sit on the couch. Stitches come out in 5 days. Dr said give us a few days, try just skating if I don’t have any head ache, dizziness then I could try playing again. He just warned to not come back too early as that could make the recovery process take longer. 

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Happened to catch this posted on GGSU. Brutal hit, and 100% on the player even if he wasn't intending to take you out. It's Beer League, not the big show, as soon as that situation becomes obvious that your going to get to the puck first, the player should veer off. The goalie is the more vulnerable of the two, and the player shouldn't be risking a serious collision just in the hopes of a lucky bounce and they've got a freebie on an empty net. 

I've had players on some of my teams in the past nail goalies like this, and afterwards they are in the room going "Hey not my fault, I'm just trying to play the puck, he shouldn't have come out of his net!" and all I can say is "Dude, that might have been his last game of hockey ever. You nearly killed him, just so you could score a meaningless goal in a meaningless game" 


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On 12/3/2017 at 9:55 PM, Puckducker said:

Happened to catch this posted on GGSU. Brutal hit, and 100% on the player even if he wasn't intending to take you out. It's Beer League, not the big show, as soon as that situation becomes obvious that your going to get to the puck first, the player should veer off. The goalie is the more vulnerable of the two, and the player shouldn't be risking a serious collision just in the hopes of a lucky bounce and they've got a freebie on an empty net. 

I've had players on some of my teams in the past nail goalies like this, and afterwards they are in the room going "Hey not my fault, I'm just trying to play the puck, he shouldn't have come out of his net!" and all I can say is "Dude, that might have been his last game of hockey ever. You nearly killed him, just so you could score a meaningless goal in a meaningless game" 

I didn’t honestly think he was going to hit me. Watching the video back it sure looked like he didn’t take the path towards knocking down my clearing pass. It looked like he was coming at me, it looked like he tried to duck out of trying to hit me shoulder to shoulder(honestly I would’ve preferred that) and leg swept me. Like you said it is beer league a meaningless game and we all have to get up and work in the morning.  

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To me it looks like he sees you getting to the puck first and assumes you're going to shoot it up the center ice, and so he leans over low and to his right to try and block it (and maybe he assumes he's also getting out of your way here) 

But you instead pivot to fire it off the right boards (and you turn to your side, which for whatever reason that dude on GGSU thinks makes you fair game), and as you shoot the puck, you're initial momentum makes you drift to the left a bit and keeps you directly in the players path. 

It also looks to me like he lost his footing slightly (as he went off balance trying to be in a position to block the puck) and didn't turn out of the way as fast as he could have at that point. Still, he should have pulled up well before that. 

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16 minutes ago, Puckducker said:

To me it looks like he sees you getting to the puck first and assumes you're going to shoot it up the center ice, and so he leans over low and to his right to try and block it (and maybe he assumes he's also getting out of your way here) 

But you instead pivot to fire it off the right boards (and you turn to your side, which for whatever reason that dude on GGSU thinks makes you fair game), and as you shoot the puck, you're initial momentum makes you drift to the left a bit and keeps you directly in the players path. 

It also looks to me like he lost his footing slightly (as he went off balance trying to be in a position to block the puck) and didn't turn out of the way as fast as he could have at that point. Still, he should have pulled up well before that. 

Sorry to see that hit on you @Imperative. I hope you're on the mend and nothing lingers.

Agreed with @Puckducker. No need for him to be barreling at you like the scouts are in the stands in the first place... but he does seem to at the last minutes try to avoid a collision. Opens his legs and loses control. Another reason beer league is dangerous for us... guys who can skate fast... but can't control it. 

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well here is the game. I have t played well for this game and the previous one. I really struggled handling rebounds (cost me the 2nd goal). All around I wasn’t sharp and the boys were playing very loose D in front of me, resulted in 7 goals against still a win as it was 9-7 when I was knocked out.


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You weathered some real storms in that game and made some great saves, both positional and in desperation mode. I don’t think the goals were on you – a combination of a number of bad/unlucky bounces and at least one of your D-men being an undercover agent for the other team.

Having seen the whole video, and especially the hack at ~ 3:04, I would say the opposition has a culture of disrespect for the other goalie and based on that I retract my previous statement and now also believe that, a the very least, the hit could have been avoided. That forward decided to take advantage of a vulnerable situation. One can only hope he gets what he gives at some point.

More importantly though, I hope the recuperation is coming along well.

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Odd bounces off you and when the shooter puts one in just off the post...just sometimes happens. Looked good to me esp the sequence with the three stops in a row. You might consider saving your self some aggravation by clearing the puck back around the net rather than up the boards. I am guilty of it all the time and it seems only when I do I see my film that I realize an easy sweep back behind the net up the other boards will avoid potential problems. Willy does this really well.

Hope you feel better.

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Thanks @Fullright @Ghostender I Am feeling better as the week has went on. I worked all week(only took last Friday off, the day after the hit). My shoulder is still sore, going to see a chiropractor tomorrow to hopefully re align some things that are out from the hit and some things that have been out for a while. My head has been fine, no headaches, dizziness or other symptoms my doctor said I may experience. I haven’t skated since (missed my game this last Sunday, they lost 12-4) tonight’s shinny and game tomorrow. I may try skating on the outdoor rink tomorrow evening or Saturday. If I feel ok maybe shinny on Sunday, I kind of want to play in our last game before Christmas on the 14th as we don’t play again until Jan 11. I am still weary of taking a hit to the head which I am sure I will get hit in the face during warm up, haha. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2017-12-17 at 10:47 AM, Fullright said:

How's things Cam?

I am good @Fullright back at it in fact. 

well after 2+ weeks off I got a last minute call to sub and since the Vikings don’t play again until the Jan 11 I wanted to get back at it. My performance was a tale of two separate goalies almost, haha. The first half I was shaking off the rust and getting back into the mental side of the game and I gave up a few softies. I kind of “found” my game in the second half and other than a bad bounce I didn’t give up a single goal. 

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Ok, I laughed my a ss of when I saw THE SAVE on F-book. Very simple: I nominate Imperative for Save of the Year. No one is close in Beer League, haven't seen anything close in any Amateur, and some of the Big Boys might be close but not ahead of you. UN-FRICK-ING-AM-AZING.

Circus stop aside, you played really well after a head and shoulder injury. No puck shyness and the arms obviously work. Did you stop the one timer @ 4:43? The puck blends in with the shooter's colors. Very impressive, Cam. What did you do for rehab?

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Really happy to see you are posting again Cam - great game and don't worry about any rust you felt you had - you polished that off pretty quickly.

BTW - the save at ~0:20 - on a 2:0!?!?! That's what I call the result of someone who doesn't give up - one of the most valuable assets of a great goalie - keep up the awesomeness!!!

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7 hours ago, Fullright said:

Ok, I laughed my a ss of when I saw THE SAVE on F-book. Very simple: I nominate Imperative for Save of the Year. No one is close in Beer League, haven't seen anything close in any Amateur, and some of the Big Boys might be close but not ahead of you. UN-FRICK-ING-AM-AZING.

Circus stop aside, you played really well after a head and shoulder injury. No puck shyness and the arms obviously work. Did you stop the one timer @ 4:43? The puck blends in with the shooter's colors. Very impressive, Cam. What did you do for rehab?

Thanks @Fullright! I did stop that one timer at 4:43, I thought it went off of my pad and in, haha. As far as rehab, I rested For the first 3 Days afterwards, since I have somebody a lot of stretching and active release for the shoulder. I also went to the chiropractor to get everything adjusted back to normal

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6 hours ago, cwarnar said:

Is that guy on the other team wearing red Cooperalls???

And that desperation save at 0:40 shall be forever known at the butt save... may you hope its as famous as the Sanchez butt fumble!

Thought you played awesome Cam... glad to see you back out there

Thanks @cwarnar. That  guy has been wearing those red cooperall forever, haha. 

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2 hours ago, Ghostender said:

Really happy to see you are posting again Cam - great game and don't worry about any rust you felt you had - you polished that off pretty quickly.

BTW - the save at ~0:20 - on a 2:0!?!?! That's what I call the result of someone who doesn't give up - one of the most valuable assets of a great goalie - keep up the awesomeness!!!

@Ghostender thank you sir, it felt great to be back, I may not have a whole Ton  of skill but I need Make up for it with heart, haha

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