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Communication with Your Team

Punisher Goalie

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I’m about to ask a really dumb/basic question:

What sorts of things do you communicate with your defense/teammates about on the ice?

For example, do you shout out where forecheckers are coming from? Or do you shout where you think they should pass to? I know there is other basic stuff like shouting “screen” or telling the D there is someone alone in the slot or backdoor areas. 

Just looking for suggestions because I like to communicate and be helpful but I don’t want to shout useless crap if its just going to make things worse.

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I like to give my D an indication of how urgent their decision making time is. So "Time" vs "No time" or if it is super urgent and I am in danger if they get the puck stolen I say "UpUpUpUp" and they know that means to get the puck up the ice any way they can right now.

My guys all know these and think it is super helpful.

I also play the puck a lot so I communicate about where I want them to post up and be ready for what I do.

I want to add a version of the dog command "Leave it!" for when I want to cover the puck and my guys are going for it.  Nothing feels more pathetic than dropping down to cover, you're on all 4s, and then your guy takes it, screws up, and it's in the net.

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I say like watch him, you got time, stuff like that and i tend to talk to my hands irl so it comes natural to use my hands too , like if a guys open ill yell for someone to cover him and ill waive/point my glove/blocker at him, not excessively or anything but little stuff

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Just in my last game, I communicated the following:
If I am screened, I yell "Can't see"
How many forecheckers coming in, and how hard were they coming.
Time remaining in penalty kill or power play.
Players sneaking off bench or out of Penalty Box.
Puck popped up in the air in defending zone, my guys lost track of it, I did not, let them know where it was.
Tell them whether to ring it, chip it off the boards, etc if their back is turned to oncoming defender.
If puck has been dumped to our end during other team penalty kill, let the player coming back know if either our team or their team is changing lines.
Yell at the team to "Get the fucking thing out!!!" as we hung on for a 1 goal victory

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Great idea for a thread — I definitely talk to my teammates, but I've always wanted to be better at it, and I'm usually short on ideas. Plus, it's something you can work on without any extra physical exertion, just like gear. No wonder this is so appealing... Anyway, here's what I do.

  • "Time!" = You've got time to grab the puck and look up for options when retrieving a dump-in.
  • "On you!" = There's a player right behind you, skate hard / get the puck away.
  • "Feet!" = The puck is at their feet, usually after a weird bounce (it can be hard for players to locate the puck).
  • "Screen!" = Self explanatory, though I kinda like Naz's "Can't see!" That would save me the annoying extra step of having to reply when my defenseman turns around and says, "Sorry, could you not see?" Sha dude, that's what screen means...
  • "Up!" = Look up the ice, someone's open for a long pass.
  • "Hard!" = Blast it around the boards — usually when my defenseman has the puck in the corner/behind the net, and someone's bearing down on them.
  • "____ Seconds!" = My teammates have the puck, and I want them to know how much time they have to [make one last push if we're down / kill the clock if we're up].
  • "Even!" = Someone on the other team's out of the penalty box (I also clap my stick, but not too hard... those things are expensive!).
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I'll disagree with "screen" or "can't see".  You need a word to mean that that the other team doesn't understand because if you yell screen, that's an invitation for them to shoot.  

Also a code word for when the ringer for the other team is on the ice.  we tend to use "Omaha" for that purpose because we feel like Peyton Manning or something.

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27 minutes ago, jeff da goalie said:

I'll disagree with "screen" or "can't see".  You need a word to mean that that the other team doesn't understand because if you yell screen, that's an invitation for them to shoot.  

Also a code word for when the ringer for the other team is on the ice.  we tend to use "Omaha" for that purpose because we feel like Peyton Manning or something.

Smart thinking — though I seriously doubt many of the shooters in my league are that intelligent.

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2 hours ago, jeff da goalie said:

I'll disagree with "screen" or "can't see".  You need a word to mean that that the other team doesn't understand because if you yell screen, that's an invitation for them to shoot.  

Also a code word for when the ringer for the other team is on the ice.  we tend to use "Omaha" for that purpose because we feel like Peyton Manning or something.

I've been of that mind too - I actually won't say anything if I can't see the puck because it's the equivalent of yelling "for a sure goal, please shoot now". Unfortunately I can't have a code word for screen as I only play shinny and there's never any "regular" D - the players that stay back are just those tripods that couldn't keep up with the last rush up the ice

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20 hours ago, Punisher Goalie said:

I’m about to ask a really dumb/basic question:

What sorts of things do you communicate with your defense/teammates about on the ice?

For example, do you shout out where forecheckers are coming from? Or do you shout where you think they should pass to? I know there is other basic stuff like shouting “screen” or telling the D there is someone alone in the slot or backdoor areas. 

Just looking for suggestions because I like to communicate and be helpful but I don’t want to shout useless crap if its just going to make things worse.

I'll generally tell my D if they have time, how many forecheckers are coming, and if they need to wheel, reverse, or just hard up the boards depending on where the pressures coming from.  If I'm being screened I call out their number...yelling "screen" lets the shooter know your in fact...screened.  

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These are all really helpful. The “screen” thing is interesting. I can’t tell if @jeff da goalie is joking lol but the code word idea is a good one. 

I’m not sure where I picked this up but I realized I also yell “Puck” when I don’t know where the puck is (like after a rebound and I didn’t track it). Some people seem to know that means tell me where it is. 

I guess the key is to make sure your team knows what you mean when you say it. 

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6 hours ago, Punisher Goalie said:

These are all really helpful. The “screen” thing is interesting. I can’t tell if @jeff da goalie is joking lol but the code word idea is a good one. 

I’m not sure where I picked this up but I realized I also yell “Puck” when I don’t know where the puck is (like after a rebound and I didn’t track it). Some people seem to know that means tell me where it is. 

I guess the key is to make sure your team knows what you mean when you say it. 

Yeah, just be proactive about communicating in the locker room what your words mean on the ice. I tend to befriend Defensemen easier and better than Forwards , so it's pretty easy to talk about communication.

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On 1/19/2019 at 7:40 AM, Punisher Goalie said:

These are all really helpful. The “screen” thing is interesting. I can’t tell if @jeff da goalie is joking lol but the code word idea is a good one. 

I’m not sure where I picked this up but I realized I also yell “Puck” when I don’t know where the puck is (like after a rebound and I didn’t track it). Some people seem to know that means tell me where it is. 

I guess the key is to make sure your team knows what you mean when you say it. 

nope, not joking.  "Screen" is understood by the other team to mean "shoot now".  

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On 1/19/2019 at 11:13 AM, seagoal said:

Yeah, just be proactive about communicating in the locker room what your words mean on the ice. I tend to befriend Defensemen easier and better than Forwards , so it's pretty easy to talk about communication.

Isn't that the norm though? I've always found it easier to bond with my D men than most forwards.

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Also keep in mind it can be hard to understand anything you say because of the mask. I also play out, often defense and many times I have no idea what the goalie is saying because his voice is muffled by the mask or I’m moving or the direction he’s facing or the direction I’m facing. So sometimes it’s a lost cause, similar to how a shouting coach often gets tuned out. Visual instruction can be helpful if your player is looking at you. 

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In addition to the ones above.....

"Low", "Reverse", "Same Side" to help out d with where to move the puck...

"Shoot" ..... I am constantly yelling shoot from the other end lol.... figure the less players think the more likely they are to do what the shit i say lol

"In Front" or "Can't See" when im screened by the other team...

"MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE" when im screened by my own team.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jeez, I talk a lot during games but at the moment can't think of many that I say.  Here are some off the top of my head ...

Man on - there's an offender near by
2 on - 2 offenders near by
Left/right open - that side of the ice is open for a pass or dump
Around - send the puck around the boards
Even - our powerplay ended
Hanger - someone is being a cheap cunt and goal hanging
In front - offender open in front of the net
Time -  no one in the vicinity, there is time to look and make a play
Screen - being screened....though I like Jeff's idea about saying something else as to not let the other team know you in fact cannot see. 

I'm sure there are more but I am about to be relieved at work so I am shutting down my computer.

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Pretty much everything above is what I do and consider good advice. One thing I want to point out though, is don't over do it. As I type this, I'm thinking of a specific goalie in my area. This guy feels/acts like he's the on ice coach. It's a never ending stream of comments no matter what zone the puck is (or even if the play is stopped), the guy just doesn't shut the #$%@ up! There is nothing wrong with giving your teammates a heads-up, so don't get me wrong. I just don't feel there is a need for a goalie to "narrate" the entire game.

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8 hours ago, kedjlng3 said:

"Yeah well maybe if you picked up the trailer the puck wouldn't have gone in"

"I can't stop everything"

"Ah sorry man I lost an edge and couldn't slide over, won't happen again"

I've been finding I say these to the team pretty frequently...


This is more along the lines of my communication too and I will add:

"Get that fu@#er out of my way!"

"Shouldn't defence be close to the front of the net at least?!?"

"I got the first 5 shots but after that its anybody's puck."

These would be more chirps so back onto the topic:

"got time" or "man on" for the d if they have pressure on when chasing down the puck.

"Same side" or " middle"  to let them know where there is an opening and a possible pass opportunity.

one more of the most common thing i say: "what do you mean its not in the net!"

I am also loving this thread, gives me some more ideas and things to think about how to communicate better.

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16 hours ago, SaveByRichter35 said:

I'm sure there are more but I am about to be relieved at work so I am shutting down my computer.

Hahaha, this is me as well!  I have this site up on my computer at work all day long.

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4 hours ago, Naz said:

Hahaha, this is me as well!  I have this site up on my computer at work all day long.

4 hours ago, stackem30 said:

Same — I've also gotten rid of all my social media over the last 6 years or so, and I've found that I'm coming here a lot more to get my fix.

We're professional posters :fyea:

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